Share one ofyour top 5Strengths &why youchose itWhat are"Goals ata Glance"Why isobtainingLEADimportant?What is theprogramssocial/emotionalpractice called?An unusualfact aboutyou that wemay notknowName 2 ofthe 7 powersin ConsciousDisciplineWhatdoesERSEAstand for?Name oneperson in thisroom who ispart of theGuidingCoalition?What is thefull name (3words) of ourDirector?Pick oneperson in thisroom whoinspires youand why?What doyou loveaboutyourself?Dance for 15seconds tosong ofSara'schoiceWhy did youchoose acareer infamilyservices?Share afamilyengagementactivity youdidPick a photoon yourphone &share whyit's specialA placeyou'd moveto in aheartbeatShare 3places youwent forrecruitmentSpell theword ?? (youmay pickone friend tohelp you)Name apediatricdentist......What doyou do tomanagestress?Share achallengeyou workedthrough thisyear (work)Share afamilysuccessstory!Share afunny, quick,home visitstory...DARE(sara will askyou to dosomething)Share one ofyour top 5Strengths &why youchose itWhat are"Goals ata Glance"Why isobtainingLEADimportant?What is theprogramssocial/emotionalpractice called?An unusualfact aboutyou that wemay notknowName 2 ofthe 7 powersin ConsciousDisciplineWhatdoesERSEAstand for?Name oneperson in thisroom who ispart of theGuidingCoalition?What is thefull name (3words) of ourDirector?Pick oneperson in thisroom whoinspires youand why?What doyou loveaboutyourself?Dance for 15seconds tosong ofSara'schoiceWhy did youchoose acareer infamilyservices?Share afamilyengagementactivity youdidPick a photoon yourphone &share whyit's specialA placeyou'd moveto in aheartbeatShare 3places youwent forrecruitmentSpell theword ?? (youmay pickone friend tohelp you)Name apediatricdentist......What doyou do tomanagestress?Share achallengeyou workedthrough thisyear (work)Share afamilysuccessstory!Share afunny, quick,home visitstory...DARE(sara will askyou to dosomething)

Take one for the Team.... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Share one of your top 5 Strengths & why you chose it
  2. What are "Goals at a Glance"
  3. Why is obtaining LEAD important?
  4. What is the programs social/emotional practice called?
  5. An unusual fact about you that we may not know
  6. Name 2 of the 7 powers in Conscious Discipline
  7. What does ERSEA stand for?
  8. Name one person in this room who is part of the Guiding Coalition?
  9. What is the full name (3 words) of our Director?
  10. Pick one person in this room who inspires you and why?
  11. What do you love about yourself?
  12. Dance for 15 seconds to song of Sara's choice
  13. Why did you choose a career in family services?
  14. Share a family engagement activity you did
  15. Pick a photo on your phone & share why it's special
  16. A place you'd move to in a heartbeat
  17. Share 3 places you went for recruitment
  18. Spell the word ?? (you may pick one friend to help you)
  19. Name a pediatric dentist......
  20. What do you do to manage stress?
  21. Share a challenge you worked through this year (work)
  22. Share a family success story!
  23. Share a funny, quick, home visit story...
  24. DARE (sara will ask you to do something)