*Add on amatchinghand bag toa shoe sale*sign up 6customersto themailing list*Add on 1tube ofleatherconditioner*add on apair of saleshoes to afull pricepurchase*Use 5 differentgreeting linesthroughout theday 2 timeseach*sign up 7customersto themailing list* Sell thesame pair ofshoes you arewearing towork today* Try to sell themost outlandish, colourfulshoes in stockto a customer*Have a$350 saleto oncecustomer*Find out 2customersnames andoccupations*Arrange andprocess 2customerdirects forcustomers*sign up 3customersto themailing list*Find outwhat 2customersdid lastweekend?*sign up 4customersto themailing list* Find outwhat 4customersplans are forthe weekend* Add on 2tubes ofleatherconditioner*Sell anitem fromthe frontwindow*Tell 3customers itwas lovely tomeet them* Upsell 3foot comfortoptions egsore spots,heel grips*Add on 1shoe careleatherbrush*Sell 2 pairsof shoes in alayby to onecustomer*Find andopen a salewith a ladywearing redshoes*Arrange andprocess 3customerdirect orders*sign up 10customersto themailing list*Add on amatchinghand bag toa shoe sale*sign up 6customersto themailing list*Add on 1tube ofleatherconditioner*add on apair of saleshoes to afull pricepurchase*Use 5 differentgreeting linesthroughout theday 2 timeseach*sign up 7customersto themailing list* Sell thesame pair ofshoes you arewearing towork today* Try to sell themost outlandish, colourfulshoes in stockto a customer*Have a$350 saleto oncecustomer*Find out 2customersnames andoccupations*Arrange andprocess 2customerdirects forcustomers*sign up 3customersto themailing list*Find outwhat 2customersdid lastweekend?*sign up 4customersto themailing list* Find outwhat 4customersplans are forthe weekend* Add on 2tubes ofleatherconditioner*Sell anitem fromthe frontwindow*Tell 3customers itwas lovely tomeet them* Upsell 3foot comfortoptions egsore spots,heel grips*Add on 1shoe careleatherbrush*Sell 2 pairsof shoes in alayby to onecustomer*Find andopen a salewith a ladywearing redshoes*Arrange andprocess 3customerdirect orders*sign up 10customersto themailing list

5 Days of Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. *Add on a matching hand bag to a shoe sale
  2. *sign up 6 customers to the mailing list
  3. *Add on 1 tube of leather conditioner
  4. *add on a pair of sale shoes to a full price purchase
  5. *Use 5 different greeting lines throughout the day 2 times each
  6. *sign up 7 customers to the mailing list
  7. * Sell the same pair of shoes you are wearing to work today
  8. * Try to sell the most outlandish , colourful shoes in stock to a customer
  9. *Have a $350 sale to once customer
  10. *Find out 2 customers names and occupations
  11. *Arrange and process 2 customer directs for customers
  12. *sign up 3 customers to the mailing list
  13. *Find out what 2 customers did last weekend?
  14. *sign up 4 customers to the mailing list
  15. * Find out what 4 customers plans are for the weekend
  16. * Add on 2 tubes of leather conditioner
  17. *Sell an item from the front window
  18. *Tell 3 customers it was lovely to meet them
  19. * Upsell 3 foot comfort options eg sore spots, heel grips
  20. *Add on 1 shoe care leather brush
  21. *Sell 2 pairs of shoes in a layby to one customer
  22. *Find and open a sale with a lady wearing red shoes
  23. *Arrange and process 3 customer direct orders
  24. *sign up 10 customers to the mailing list