Student comesinto class late,making lots ofnoise, andcompletelyinterruptingCopier/printeris broken orjams whenyou havezero timeArrived asthe studentswere cominginto theschoolSomeonecurses inBersh's room(not Bersh)You used dryshampootwo or moredays in arowYou called astudent bythe wrongname5 or morestudents comeup to Bersh'sdesk in oneclass periodSomeoneunnecessarilyreplies all toat least oneemailParent emailsasking aboutimproving astudent's gradewho has done littleto nothing thissemesterStudent withmultiple missingassignments askshow they can raisetheir grade"Miss, myChromebookis dead."You get agreat end ofyear gift froma student5 or morestudents comeup to Lyons'desk in oneclass periodSomeonecries inLyons' room(not Lyons)Receive anall staff emailthat does notneed to be anall staff emailStudent withmultiplemissingassignmentsasks for extracreditSaid "no,thank you" toa studentmaking badchoicesLyons andBersh worenearlymatchingoutfitsA studentthanksyou forthis yearStudent askssomevariation of"can we havea free day?!"A coworkerdoessomethingnice for youYouoverreactedto a situationwith astudentStudentshows up toclass withabsolutelyno materialsSomeone criesin Lyons' orBersh's room(and it is eitherLyons or Bersh)Student comesinto class late,making lots ofnoise, andcompletelyinterruptingCopier/printeris broken orjams whenyou havezero timeArrived asthe studentswere cominginto theschoolSomeonecurses inBersh's room(not Bersh)You used dryshampootwo or moredays in arowYou called astudent bythe wrongname5 or morestudents comeup to Bersh'sdesk in oneclass periodSomeoneunnecessarilyreplies all toat least oneemailParent emailsasking aboutimproving astudent's gradewho has done littleto nothing thissemesterStudent withmultiple missingassignments askshow they can raisetheir grade"Miss, myChromebookis dead."You get agreat end ofyear gift froma student5 or morestudents comeup to Lyons'desk in oneclass periodSomeonecries inLyons' room(not Lyons)Receive anall staff emailthat does notneed to be anall staff emailStudent withmultiplemissingassignmentsasks for extracreditSaid "no,thank you" toa studentmaking badchoicesLyons andBersh worenearlymatchingoutfitsA studentthanksyou forthis yearStudent askssomevariation of"can we havea free day?!"A coworkerdoessomethingnice for youYouoverreactedto a situationwith astudentStudentshows up toclass withabsolutelyno materialsSomeone criesin Lyons' orBersh's room(and it is eitherLyons or Bersh)

Last Week of School - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Student comes into class late, making lots of noise, and completely interrupting
  2. Copier/printer is broken or jams when you have zero time
  3. Arrived as the students were coming into the school
  4. Someone curses in Bersh's room (not Bersh)
  5. You used dry shampoo two or more days in a row
  6. You called a student by the wrong name
  7. 5 or more students come up to Bersh's desk in one class period
  8. Someone unnecessarily replies all to at least one email
  9. Parent emails asking about improving a student's grade who has done little to nothing this semester
  10. Student with multiple missing assignments asks how they can raise their grade
  11. "Miss, my Chromebook is dead."
  12. You get a great end of year gift from a student
  13. 5 or more students come up to Lyons' desk in one class period
  14. Someone cries in Lyons' room (not Lyons)
  15. Receive an all staff email that does not need to be an all staff email
  16. Student with multiple missing assignments asks for extra credit
  17. Said "no, thank you" to a student making bad choices
  18. Lyons and Bersh wore nearly matching outfits
  19. A student thanks you for this year
  20. Student asks some variation of "can we have a free day?!"
  21. A coworker does something nice for you
  22. You overreacted to a situation with a student
  23. Student shows up to class with absolutely no materials
  24. Someone cries in Lyons' or Bersh's room (and it is either Lyons or Bersh)