Record a shortvideo sharingone strength oftwo members ofanother team.Find and takea photo ofyou holdingtape. Anytape will do.Take apicture with abook with thenumber 13 inthe title.Create yourown viralTikTok dancevideoTake a photo ofsomebody striking aprofessional pose infront an office wallfeaturing fancy-looking degrees andprofessionalcertifications.Find your own epiclocation and take aphoto of groupmembers reenactingthe famous Jack andRose scene at thefront of the Titanic.Abbey Road -Take a photo inschool of yourgroup recreatingthe Beatles’ AbbeyRoad album cover.Take a groupphoto whereeveryone ismaking adifferent emojiface.Take a photoof a bill orcoin of anydenomination.Create your ownawkward familyphoto. Includepeople that arenot in yourgroup.Create a memeor video of 2things allmiddleschoolers doTake a photoof mentor &menteewearinghats.Take a photoof yourgroup with adevil.Take a photoof somethingthat rhymeswith blue.Ask an adult whatDisney movie says"I was hiding underyour porch becauseI love you." Recordtheir response.Take a photoof a classiclunch roomscenarioRecord a videolike you are newsbroadcastersintroducing MMCSto the world.Take a pictureof a food itemthat no groupmember haseaten before. Take photostogether with 3room numbersall beginningwith a differentnumber.Take a photoin front of 3differentdrinkingfountains.Take a photo ofsomething thatpeople use all ofthe time withoutthinking about it.Bonus points forcreativityTake a photoof your teamin yourfavorite cornerof the school.I’ll Be There For You- Take a video of yourgroup on a countersinging Friendstheme song. Clapsmust be included!Take aphoto withMr.HamiltonRecord a shortvideo sharingone strength oftwo members ofanother team.Find and takea photo ofyou holdingtape. Anytape will do.Take apicture with abook with thenumber 13 inthe title.Create yourown viralTikTok dancevideoTake a photo ofsomebody striking aprofessional pose infront an office wallfeaturing fancy-looking degrees andprofessionalcertifications.Find your own epiclocation and take aphoto of groupmembers reenactingthe famous Jack andRose scene at thefront of the Titanic.Abbey Road -Take a photo inschool of yourgroup recreatingthe Beatles’ AbbeyRoad album cover.Take a groupphoto whereeveryone ismaking adifferent emojiface.Take a photoof a bill orcoin of anydenomination.Create your ownawkward familyphoto. Includepeople that arenot in yourgroup.Create a memeor video of 2things allmiddleschoolers doTake a photoof mentor &menteewearinghats.Take a photoof yourgroup with adevil.Take a photoof somethingthat rhymeswith blue.Ask an adult whatDisney movie says"I was hiding underyour porch becauseI love you." Recordtheir response.Take a photoof a classiclunch roomscenarioRecord a videolike you are newsbroadcastersintroducing MMCSto the world.Take a pictureof a food itemthat no groupmember haseaten before. Take photostogether with 3room numbersall beginningwith a differentnumber.Take a photoin front of 3differentdrinkingfountains.Take a photo ofsomething thatpeople use all ofthe time withoutthinking about it.Bonus points forcreativityTake a photoof your teamin yourfavorite cornerof the school.I’ll Be There For You- Take a video of yourgroup on a countersinging Friendstheme song. Clapsmust be included!Take aphoto withMr.Hamilton

ILT Scavenger Hunt Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.