Mugbefriendsa strangerJojo says"Sharon says..."to somethingoverwhelminglybasicMug touchessomeoneinappropriatelyMug dozesoff at a timenotdesignatedfor sleepJojo says "let meask Jack"something sheprobably knows theanswer to and hemost definitely doesnotJojo fightsa battlefor justiceJojo asks"where'sJack?!" in apanickyvoiceMichal magicallyknows the waysomewhere nobodyelse can figure outbecause she onlyhas a sense ofdirection abroadJohnnyusesIsraeliaccentJojo incorporatesHebrew intoregular speechwhere she neverwould otherwiseJojo asks "areyou sure?" tosomeone whois definitelysureMugcrossesbird legsSomeoneorders ameal forElijahJojo sends atext longerthan 4 linesin lengthMichal orGaby losesomethingveryimportantJohnnyunsolicitedlysharesgeorgraphy/archaeologyfactJohnnyspeaksin memeJojo OR Mugmention orallude to Mug'sskin cancer inrelation to thehot Israel sunKids thankJojo forsomethingand she adds"and Bah!"Jojo declinesdoing somethingfun just becauseSharon advisedagainst itGaby orMichal islate forsomethingMug makes Jojotest his soda toensure it doesn'tcontainPOISONOUSARTIFICIALSWEETENERMugclosetalksJojomentions Rajand/oroverthrowingthe HOAJojo sharesunsolicitedphotos ofLemon 2.0SomeonecriesMug rushessomeone alongwhen we'realready movingin designateddirectionJojo orderssomethingwithmushroomsin itJojo tellssomeone whodidn't ask thatshe used tolive thereJojomentionsStuart and/orB'nai TzedekJojo rushes usfor somethingthat absolutelydoesn't requirerushingDanisnaps atJohnnyMug claims toknow somethingthat is actuallywrong once fact-checkedJojo OR Mugstate orallude to howmuch moneythey haveJohnnyreads a bookduring amealMugbefriendsa strangerJojo says"Sharon says..."to somethingoverwhelminglybasicMug touchessomeoneinappropriatelyMug dozesoff at a timenotdesignatedfor sleepJojo says "let meask Jack"something sheprobably knows theanswer to and hemost definitely doesnotJojo fightsa battlefor justiceJojo asks"where'sJack?!" in apanickyvoiceMichal magicallyknows the waysomewhere nobodyelse can figure outbecause she onlyhas a sense ofdirection abroadJohnnyusesIsraeliaccentJojo incorporatesHebrew intoregular speechwhere she neverwould otherwiseJojo asks "areyou sure?" tosomeone whois definitelysureMugcrossesbird legsSomeoneorders ameal forElijahJojo sends atext longerthan 4 linesin lengthMichal orGaby losesomethingveryimportantJohnnyunsolicitedlysharesgeorgraphy/archaeologyfactJohnnyspeaksin memeJojo OR Mugmention orallude to Mug'sskin cancer inrelation to thehot Israel sunKids thankJojo forsomethingand she adds"and Bah!"Jojo declinesdoing somethingfun just becauseSharon advisedagainst itGaby orMichal islate forsomethingMug makes Jojotest his soda toensure it doesn'tcontainPOISONOUSARTIFICIALSWEETENERMugclosetalksJojomentions Rajand/oroverthrowingthe HOAJojo sharesunsolicitedphotos ofLemon 2.0SomeonecriesMug rushessomeone alongwhen we'realready movingin designateddirectionJojo orderssomethingwithmushroomsin itJojo tellssomeone whodidn't ask thatshe used tolive thereJojomentionsStuart and/orB'nai TzedekJojo rushes usfor somethingthat absolutelydoesn't requirerushingDanisnaps atJohnnyMug claims toknow somethingthat is actuallywrong once fact-checkedJojo OR Mugstate orallude to howmuch moneythey haveJohnnyreads a bookduring ameal

Holy Land Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mug befriends a stranger
  2. Jojo says "Sharon says..." to something overwhelmingly basic
  3. Mug touches someone inappropriately
  4. Mug dozes off at a time not designated for sleep
  5. Jojo says "let me ask Jack" something she probably knows the answer to and he most definitely does not
  6. Jojo fights a battle for justice
  7. Jojo asks "where's Jack?!" in a panicky voice
  8. Michal magically knows the way somewhere nobody else can figure out because she only has a sense of direction abroad
  9. Johnny uses Israeli accent
  10. Jojo incorporates Hebrew into regular speech where she never would otherwise
  11. Jojo asks "are you sure?" to someone who is definitely sure
  12. Mug crosses bird legs
  13. Someone orders a meal for Elijah
  14. Jojo sends a text longer than 4 lines in length
  15. Michal or Gaby lose something very important
  16. Johnny unsolicitedly shares georgraphy/ archaeology fact
  17. Johnny speaks in meme
  18. Jojo OR Mug mention or allude to Mug's skin cancer in relation to the hot Israel sun
  19. Kids thank Jojo for something and she adds "and Bah!"
  20. Jojo declines doing something fun just because Sharon advised against it
  21. Gaby or Michal is late for something
  22. Mug makes Jojo test his soda to ensure it doesn't contain POISONOUS ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER
  23. Mug close talks
  24. Jojo mentions Raj and/or overthrowing the HOA
  25. Jojo shares unsolicited photos of Lemon 2.0
  26. Someone cries
  27. Mug rushes someone along when we're already moving in designated direction
  28. Jojo orders something with mushrooms in it
  29. Jojo tells someone who didn't ask that she used to live there
  30. Jojo mentions Stuart and/or B'nai Tzedek
  31. Jojo rushes us for something that absolutely doesn't require rushing
  32. Dani snaps at Johnny
  33. Mug claims to know something that is actually wrong once fact-checked
  34. Jojo OR Mug state or allude to how much money they have
  35. Johnny reads a book during a meal