Find a speech-languagepathologist and ask her thefollowing question withoutlaughing: “Can you can acanned can into anuncanned can like a cannercan can a canned can intoan uncanned can?”
Find aphysiotherapist and sharea strategy you use tAsk a teammate totell you a silly joke,then laugh loudlyenough to get atleast 2 otherpeople to turn theirheadsFind anotherperson whosechart youaudited andprovide positivefeedbackFind someonewhose chart youaudited andprovide positivefeedbackFind someonewho has seen thesame movie morethan 5 times andwould watch itagainFind a care teamcoordinator andshare a story thatsounds like it couldbe made up but it’s100% real.Findsomeonewho has ablack belt inmartial artsFind adietitian andshare arecipe youenjoy.Find someonewho drive morethan 150km toget to theSPRING BASHFind an occupationaltherapist and share astory about a timeyou adapted to a newsituation orenvironmentLearn somethingnew about ateammate youdon’t know as wellas you couldFindsomeonewho has runa marathonFind a teammatewho has had aninnovative ideathat inspired you,then thank themfor itFind a socialworker andshare yourfavourite self-care techniqueFind a therapyassistant and sharea strategy for howyou incorporatemovement into yourdaily routine.Find someonewho travelledoutsideCanada in thepast 6 monthsFind a teammate whoyou shared a funmemory with in thepast 3 months.Reminisce togetherfor a few minutes.You just heardMelissa say theword "tell”. Writedown the currenttime in thissquare.You spottedan animal inHarrisonPark that isnot a dogFind a teammate whohelped you withsomething in the pastmonth. Give thatteammate a high fiveand/or a hugethanks.Find a friend, grabsome PPE and fillin some IPAC &hand hygienechecklist cardstogetherFind someone whoenjoys gardening,then memorize thenames of 5interesting plants intheir gardenFind someonewho can dothe moonwalkreasonablywellFindsomeonewho speaksat least 3languagesFind a speech-languagepathologist and ask her thefollowing question withoutlaughing: “Can you can acanned can into anuncanned can like a cannercan can a canned can intoan uncanned can?”
Find aphysiotherapist and sharea strategy you use tAsk a teammate totell you a silly joke,then laugh loudlyenough to get atleast 2 otherpeople to turn theirheadsFind anotherperson whosechart youaudited andprovide positivefeedbackFind someonewhose chart youaudited andprovide positivefeedbackFind someonewho has seen thesame movie morethan 5 times andwould watch itagainFind a care teamcoordinator andshare a story thatsounds like it couldbe made up but it’s100% real.Findsomeonewho has ablack belt inmartial artsFind adietitian andshare arecipe youenjoy.Find someonewho drive morethan 150km toget to theSPRING BASHFind an occupationaltherapist and share astory about a timeyou adapted to a newsituation orenvironmentLearn somethingnew about ateammate youdon’t know as wellas you couldFindsomeonewho has runa marathonFind a teammatewho has had aninnovative ideathat inspired you,then thank themfor itFind a socialworker andshare yourfavourite self-care techniqueFind a therapyassistant and sharea strategy for howyou incorporatemovement into yourdaily routine.Find someonewho travelledoutsideCanada in thepast 6 monthsFind a teammate whoyou shared a funmemory with in thepast 3 months.Reminisce togetherfor a few minutes.You just heardMelissa say theword "tell”. Writedown the currenttime in thissquare.You spottedan animal inHarrisonPark that isnot a dogFind a teammate whohelped you withsomething in the pastmonth. Give thatteammate a high fiveand/or a hugethanks.Find a friend, grabsome PPE and fillin some IPAC &hand hygienechecklist cardstogetherFind someone whoenjoys gardening,then memorize thenames of 5interesting plants intheir gardenFind someonewho can dothe moonwalkreasonablywellFindsomeonewho speaksat least 3languages

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a speech-language pathologist and ask her the following question without laughing: “Can you can a canned can into an uncanned can like a canner can can a canned can into an uncanned can?”
Find a physiotherapist and share a strategy you use t
  2. Ask a teammate to tell you a silly joke, then laugh loudly enough to get at least 2 other people to turn their heads
  3. Find another person whose chart you audited and provide positive feedback
  4. Find someone whose chart you audited and provide positive feedback
  5. Find someone who has seen the same movie more than 5 times and would watch it again
  6. Find a care team coordinator and share a story that sounds like it could be made up but it’s 100% real.
  7. Find someone who has a black belt in martial arts
  8. Find a dietitian and share a recipe you enjoy.
  9. Find someone who drive more than 150km to get to the SPRING BASH
  10. Find an occupational therapist and share a story about a time you adapted to a new situation or environment
  11. Learn something new about a teammate you don’t know as well as you could
  12. Find someone who has run a marathon
  13. Find a teammate who has had an innovative idea that inspired you, then thank them for it
  14. Find a social worker and share your favourite self-care technique
  15. Find a therapy assistant and share a strategy for how you incorporate movement into your daily routine.
  16. Find someone who travelled outside Canada in the past 6 months
  17. Find a teammate who you shared a fun memory with in the past 3 months. Reminisce together for a few minutes.
  18. You just heard Melissa say the word "tell”. Write down the current time in this square.
  19. You spotted an animal in Harrison Park that is not a dog
  20. Find a teammate who helped you with something in the past month. Give that teammate a high five and/or a huge thanks.
  21. Find a friend, grab some PPE and fill in some IPAC & hand hygiene checklist cards together
  22. Find someone who enjoys gardening, then memorize the names of 5 interesting plants in their garden
  23. Find someone who can do the moonwalk reasonably well
  24. Find someone who speaks at least 3 languages