Who has tried totake the busonly to realizethat their passwasn’t working?Goes tobedbefore9pm?Who goes toStarbucks orTim Hortonsbefore theircommute?Who has apet that isn’ta cat, a dog,or a fish?Who herehasoverslept analarm forwork?Who hereregularlycarpools tothe office?Who’ssomebody whohas alwaysfound a parkingspace sinceApril?Who hasonly broughtone shoe tothe office?Who’s somebodywho preps theirlunches on theweekend to savetime for the rest ofthe week?Who’ssomeone whobrings morethan one pairsof shoes to theoffice?Who hasmet aworkplaceco-ordinator?Who’ssomebody whohas a shortercommute nowthan they did in2020?Growsfood intheirgarden?Has met theirco-workers inperson for thefirst time in thepast 6 months?Qui ici a étésur placedurant unealarmeincendie?Always takestheir lunch breakbefore noon toavoid the linesat the foodcourt?Who’ssomebodywho likes theirpicture ontheir ID pass?Whopreferswinter oversummer?Who’ssomebody whomade their ownchecklist of whatto bring to theoffice?Has seated next tosomeone whohappened to forgettheir earphones onthat day?Hasgotten lostin theoffice?Has takentheir biketo work?Who hasforgottentheirnotebookcharger?Who’s someonewho accidentallysat at someoneelse’sworkstation?Who has tried totake the busonly to realizethat their passwasn’t working?Goes tobedbefore9pm?Who goes toStarbucks orTim Hortonsbefore theircommute?Who has apet that isn’ta cat, a dog,or a fish?Who herehasoverslept analarm forwork?Who hereregularlycarpools tothe office?Who’ssomebody whohas alwaysfound a parkingspace sinceApril?Who hasonly broughtone shoe tothe office?Who’s somebodywho preps theirlunches on theweekend to savetime for the rest ofthe week?Who’ssomeone whobrings morethan one pairsof shoes to theoffice?Who hasmet aworkplaceco-ordinator?Who’ssomebody whohas a shortercommute nowthan they did in2020?Growsfood intheirgarden?Has met theirco-workers inperson for thefirst time in thepast 6 months?Qui ici a étésur placedurant unealarmeincendie?Always takestheir lunch breakbefore noon toavoid the linesat the foodcourt?Who’ssomebodywho likes theirpicture ontheir ID pass?Whopreferswinter oversummer?Who’ssomebody whomade their ownchecklist of whatto bring to theoffice?Has seated next tosomeone whohappened to forgettheir earphones onthat day?Hasgotten lostin theoffice?Has takentheir biketo work?Who hasforgottentheirnotebookcharger?Who’s someonewho accidentallysat at someoneelse’sworkstation?

Return to the office - BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Who has tried to take the bus only to realize that their pass wasn’t working?
  2. Goes to bed before 9pm?
  3. Who goes to Starbucks or Tim Hortons before their commute?
  4. Who has a pet that isn’t a cat, a dog, or a fish?
  5. Who here has overslept an alarm for work?
  6. Who here regularly carpools to the office?
  7. Who’s somebody who has always found a parking space since April?
  8. Who has only brought one shoe to the office?
  9. Who’s somebody who preps their lunches on the weekend to save time for the rest of the week?
  10. Who’s someone who brings more than one pairs of shoes to the office?
  11. Who has met a workplace co-ordinator?
  12. Who’s somebody who has a shorter commute now than they did in 2020?
  13. Grows food in their garden?
  14. Has met their co-workers in person for the first time in the past 6 months?
  15. Qui ici a été sur place durant une alarme incendie?
  16. Always takes their lunch break before noon to avoid the lines at the food court?
  17. Who’s somebody who likes their picture on their ID pass?
  18. Who prefers winter over summer?
  19. Who’s somebody who made their own checklist of what to bring to the office?
  20. Has seated next to someone who happened to forget their earphones on that day?
  21. Has gotten lost in the office?
  22. Has taken their bike to work?
  23. Who has forgotten their notebook charger?
  24. Who’s someone who accidentally sat at someone else’s workstation?