US supreme courtdecision that decidedsegregation in schoolswas unconstitutionalwhich then PresidentEisenhower sentfederal troops toenforce that decision.Brown vs.Board ofEducationA discriminatory actagainst Chineseimmigrants in the US,which preventedChinese immigrantsfrom entering the US,and saw discriminationin the US.ChineseexclusionactThe right given to18 year olds tovote in allelections, federal,state and countywide.26thamendmentA loose confederationcontaining the 13colonies in the postwarera of the revolutionarywar, that could not taxthe colonies or have astanding army. Thefederal power wasweaker than the states.Articles ofConfederationAn ideology thatemphasized a lack ofgovernmentintervention in theeconomy, regardlessof the health of theeconomy.laissezfaireeconomicsEstablished theprecedent thatstate governmentscannot tax federalagencies.Mccullochvs.MarylandProhibition thatbanned theproduction andtransportation ofalcoholic beveragesaround the UnitedStates18thAmendmentAn agreement by congressto implement Missouri intothe US as a slave state inexchange for Mainebecoming an independentstate and that no slavestate can be north of the 36'30'’ line. It was later provento be unconstitutional.MissouricompromiseEstablished the powerof judicial review forthe US supreme courtallowing the highestcourt of the nation todeclare if an act by thelegislative or executivebranch isconstitutional.Marburyvs.MadisonAct that loanedsupplies to theallies in WW2exchange formilitary basesfor the US.LendleaseactA time of significant socialchange that was led by thefederal government toimprove the nation. Themain leaders would beTheodore Roosevelt,William Taft and WoodrowWilson. Other reformersinclude Jane Addams andUpton Sinclair.ProgressiveeraAbolished theinstitution ofslavery in theUnited States,marked the start ofreconstruction.13thAmendmentA period following afterthe Civil War that sawNorthern troops in thesouth that enforced thenew rights of AfricanAmericans passed byRadical Republicans inthe North.ReconstructionSet up by a federalgovernment to explorethe universe and apolitical victory overthe USSR. Supportedheavily by JFK. Theprogram succeeded inreaching space andcontinues today.NASAThe only major success ofthe Articles ofConfederation, whichorganized the territoriesthat could later apply forstatehood into the Union.The ordinance establishedcivil liberties and publiceducation within the newterritories, but did not aNorthwestOrdinance1787A nationwideinfrastructure projectto build a network ofhighways to allow theUS government tomove federal troopsaround in the eventof war.Federal-AidHighway Actof 1956Created by AlexanderHamilton itconsolidated thenational debt,established tariffs,and supportednorthern commerce.FederalBankAn emergency billpassed by Congressthat allowed PresidentLyndon Johnson tosend US troops. Thebill was prompted bythe attack of a USwarship in the TonkinGulf in Vietnam.TonkinGulfresolutionWomen’ssuffrage,gave womenthe right tovote.19thAmendmentAlso known as the secondred scare, led by Sen.Joseph McCarthy, itemphasized spreading fearof alleged communist andaccusations of suchcommunists. It was apolitical move to gain fameby McCarthy under theguise of rooting outcommunists.MccarthyismGave the federalgovernment thepower to wiretap andlisten to US citizenswith the purpose ofpreventing terrorismacts in the US.PatriotactA US economic plan tosend US monetary aidto Europe to prevent aturn of countries tocommunism. Twocountries thatbenefited from this areGreece and Turkey.MarshallplanThe first 10amendments of theConstitution werewritten to protect theliberties and rights ofcitizens of the UnitedStates.Bill ofrightsThe global effort wasmainly fought by the US tocombat the growing drugabuse in the US. Thecombat strategies werethrough military aid andintervention in othernations while also creatingthe DEA (drug enforcementagency).War onDrugsA new legal documentthat was written toreplace the Articles ofConfederation with amore powerful federalgovernment that couldmaintain stability.ConstitutionUS supreme courtdecision that decidedsegregation in schoolswas unconstitutionalwhich then PresidentEisenhower sentfederal troops toenforce that decision.Brown vs.Board ofEducationA discriminatory actagainst Chineseimmigrants in the US,which preventedChinese immigrantsfrom entering the US,and saw discriminationin the US.ChineseexclusionactThe right given to18 year olds tovote in allelections, federal,state and countywide.26thamendmentA loose confederationcontaining the 13colonies in the postwarera of the revolutionarywar, that could not taxthe colonies or have astanding army. Thefederal power wasweaker than the states.Articles ofConfederationAn ideology thatemphasized a lack ofgovernmentintervention in theeconomy, regardlessof the health of theeconomy.laissezfaireeconomicsEstablished theprecedent thatstate governmentscannot tax federalagencies.Mccullochvs.MarylandProhibition thatbanned theproduction andtransportation ofalcoholic beveragesaround the UnitedStates18thAmendmentAn agreement by congressto implement Missouri intothe US as a slave state inexchange for Mainebecoming an independentstate and that no slavestate can be north of the 36'30'’ line. It was later provento be unconstitutional.MissouricompromiseEstablished the powerof judicial review forthe US supreme courtallowing the highestcourt of the nation todeclare if an act by thelegislative or executivebranch isconstitutional.Marburyvs.MadisonAct that loanedsupplies to theallies in WW2exchange formilitary basesfor the US.LendleaseactA time of significant socialchange that was led by thefederal government toimprove the nation. Themain leaders would beTheodore Roosevelt,William Taft and WoodrowWilson. Other reformersinclude Jane Addams andUpton Sinclair.ProgressiveeraAbolished theinstitution ofslavery in theUnited States,marked the start ofreconstruction.13thAmendmentA period following afterthe Civil War that sawNorthern troops in thesouth that enforced thenew rights of AfricanAmericans passed byRadical Republicans inthe North.ReconstructionSet up by a federalgovernment to explorethe universe and apolitical victory overthe USSR. Supportedheavily by JFK. Theprogram succeeded inreaching space andcontinues today.NASAThe only major success ofthe Articles ofConfederation, whichorganized the territoriesthat could later apply forstatehood into the Union.The ordinance establishedcivil liberties and publiceducation within the newterritories, but did not aNorthwestOrdinance1787A nationwideinfrastructure projectto build a network ofhighways to allow theUS government tomove federal troopsaround in the eventof war.Federal-AidHighway Actof 1956Created by AlexanderHamilton itconsolidated thenational debt,established tariffs,and supportednorthern commerce.FederalBankAn emergency billpassed by Congressthat allowed PresidentLyndon Johnson tosend US troops. Thebill was prompted bythe attack of a USwarship in the TonkinGulf in Vietnam.TonkinGulfresolutionWomen’ssuffrage,gave womenthe right tovote.19thAmendmentAlso known as the secondred scare, led by Sen.Joseph McCarthy, itemphasized spreading fearof alleged communist andaccusations of suchcommunists. It was apolitical move to gain fameby McCarthy under theguise of rooting outcommunists.MccarthyismGave the federalgovernment thepower to wiretap andlisten to US citizenswith the purpose ofpreventing terrorismacts in the US.PatriotactA US economic plan tosend US monetary aidto Europe to prevent aturn of countries tocommunism. Twocountries thatbenefited from this areGreece and Turkey.MarshallplanThe first 10amendments of theConstitution werewritten to protect theliberties and rights ofcitizens of the UnitedStates.Bill ofrightsThe global effort wasmainly fought by the US tocombat the growing drugabuse in the US. Thecombat strategies werethrough military aid andintervention in othernations while also creatingthe DEA (drug enforcementagency).War onDrugsA new legal documentthat was written toreplace the Articles ofConfederation with amore powerful federalgovernment that couldmaintain stability.Constitution

Changes in the roles of the Fed Gov. 1790-2001 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Brown vs. Board of Education
    US supreme court decision that decided segregation in schools was unconstitutional which then President Eisenhower sent federal troops to enforce that decision.
  2. Chinese exclusion act
    A discriminatory act against Chinese immigrants in the US, which prevented Chinese immigrants from entering the US, and saw discrimination in the US.
  3. 26th amendment
    The right given to 18 year olds to vote in all elections, federal, state and county wide.
  4. Articles of Confederation
    A loose confederation containing the 13 colonies in the postwar era of the revolutionary war, that could not tax the colonies or have a standing army. The federal power was weaker than the states.
  5. laissez faire economics
    An ideology that emphasized a lack of government intervention in the economy, regardless of the health of the economy.
  6. Mcculloch vs. Maryland
    Established the precedent that state governments cannot tax federal agencies.
  7. 18th Amendment
    Prohibition that banned the production and transportation of alcoholic beverages around the United States
  8. Missouri compromise
    An agreement by congress to implement Missouri into the US as a slave state in exchange for Maine becoming an independent state and that no slave state can be north of the 36 '30'’ line. It was later proven to be unconstitutional.
  9. Marbury vs. Madison
    Established the power of judicial review for the US supreme court allowing the highest court of the nation to declare if an act by the legislative or executive branch is constitutional.
  10. Lend lease act
    Act that loaned supplies to the allies in WW2 exchange for military bases for the US.
  11. Progressive era
    A time of significant social change that was led by the federal government to improve the nation. The main leaders would be Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Other reformers include Jane Addams and Upton Sinclair.
  12. 13th Amendment
    Abolished the institution of slavery in the United States, marked the start of reconstruction.
  13. Reconstruction
    A period following after the Civil War that saw Northern troops in the south that enforced the new rights of African Americans passed by Radical Republicans in the North.
  14. NASA
    Set up by a federal government to explore the universe and a political victory over the USSR. Supported heavily by JFK. The program succeeded in reaching space and continues today.
  15. Northwest Ordinance 1787
    The only major success of the Articles of Confederation, which organized the territories that could later apply for statehood into the Union. The ordinance established civil liberties and public education within the new territories, but did not a
  16. Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
    A nationwide infrastructure project to build a network of highways to allow the US government to move federal troops around in the event of war.
  17. Federal Bank
    Created by Alexander Hamilton it consolidated the national debt, established tariffs, and supported northern commerce.
  18. Tonkin Gulf resolution
    An emergency bill passed by Congress that allowed President Lyndon Johnson to send US troops. The bill was prompted by the attack of a US warship in the Tonkin Gulf in Vietnam.
  19. 19th Amendment
    Women’s suffrage, gave women the right to vote.
  20. Mccarthyism
    Also known as the second red scare, led by Sen. Joseph McCarthy, it emphasized spreading fear of alleged communist and accusations of such communists. It was a political move to gain fame by McCarthy under the guise of rooting out communists.
  21. Patriot act
    Gave the federal government the power to wiretap and listen to US citizens with the purpose of preventing terrorism acts in the US.
  22. Marshall plan
    A US economic plan to send US monetary aid to Europe to prevent a turn of countries to communism. Two countries that benefited from this are Greece and Turkey.
  23. Bill of rights
    The first 10 amendments of the Constitution were written to protect the liberties and rights of citizens of the United States.
  24. War on Drugs
    The global effort was mainly fought by the US to combat the growing drug abuse in the US. The combat strategies were through military aid and intervention in other nations while also creating the DEA (drug enforcement agency).
  25. Constitution
    A new legal document that was written to replace the Articles of Confederation with a more powerful federal government that could maintain stability.