The practice ofmaking accusationsof communist withoutproper evidence,often associated withSenator JosephMcCarthy McCarthyismA metaphorical termused by WinstonChurchill to describethe division betweencommunist EasternEurope and thedemocratic WesternEurope.  IronCurtainCommunismvs.Democracy,One countrynowVietnamWarThe first artificialsatellite launched intospace by the SovietUnion in 1957,marking thebeginning of theSpace Age.  SputnikCommunisthad missilesin Cuba,causing fearfor America.CubanMissileCrisisfailedinvasioninCuba. Bay ofPigsProvided aid towestern Europeso they wouldntfall undercommunism aswell MarshallPlanShots werefired atAmericannavy ships.  TonkinGulfResolutionA massive airliftoperation by theUnited States and itsallies to provide food,fuel, and supplies toWest Berlin duringthe Soviet blockade BerlinAirliftLeader andadvocatedfor blackrightsMartinLutherKing Jr.A military allianceformed in 1955 bythe Soviet Union andits Eastern Europeansatellite states as aresponse to NATO.  WarsawPacta series ofpolicies, withthe goal ofendingpoverty. GreatSocietyThe belief that if onecountry in a regionfell to communism,neighboring countrieswould follow suit,leading to the rapidspread ofcommunism. DominoTheoryA physical barrier builtby East Germany in1961 to separate WestBerlin from East Berlin,symbolizing the dividebetween Western andEastern blocs.  BerlinWallknown as theaverage man'spresident; presidentduring the cold war,and called for theattack on japan Harry STrumanAmerican spyplane shot down,and wassuspected of beinga spy but lied andgot away U-2IncidentConflicts during theCold War in whichthe United States andthe Soviet Unionsupported opposingsides, such as theKorean War and theVietnam War. ProxyWarsProtestingstudents werekilled due totheir viewsagainst thevietnam war KentStateKillingsThe developmentof the atomicbomb that wouldlater be droppedon Japan ManhattanProjectCommunismvs. Democracy,1950s,countries splitapart KoreanWarSoviet andAmerica try toget to spacebefore theother.  SpaceRaceProvided aid forgreece andturkey so theywouldnt fallvictim tocommunism TrumanDoctrineSoviet andAmerica wanted tobe better thaneach other in thearms; missiles andmilitary. ArmsRaceA military allianceformed in 1949 bythe United States,Canada, and severalWestern Europeancountries to counterthe Soviet threat. NATOThe U.S. policy ofpreventing the spreadof communism, bothmilitarily and politically,particularly through theTruman Doctrine andthe Marshall Plan.ContainmentThe practice ofmaking accusationsof communist withoutproper evidence,often associated withSenator JosephMcCarthy McCarthyismA metaphorical termused by WinstonChurchill to describethe division betweencommunist EasternEurope and thedemocratic WesternEurope.  IronCurtainCommunismvs.Democracy,One countrynowVietnamWarThe first artificialsatellite launched intospace by the SovietUnion in 1957,marking thebeginning of theSpace Age.  SputnikCommunisthad missilesin Cuba,causing fearfor America.CubanMissileCrisisfailedinvasioninCuba. Bay ofPigsProvided aid towestern Europeso they wouldntfall undercommunism aswell MarshallPlanShots werefired atAmericannavy ships.  TonkinGulfResolutionA massive airliftoperation by theUnited States and itsallies to provide food,fuel, and supplies toWest Berlin duringthe Soviet blockade BerlinAirliftLeader andadvocatedfor blackrightsMartinLutherKing Jr.A military allianceformed in 1955 bythe Soviet Union andits Eastern Europeansatellite states as aresponse to NATO.  WarsawPacta series ofpolicies, withthe goal ofendingpoverty. GreatSocietyThe belief that if onecountry in a regionfell to communism,neighboring countrieswould follow suit,leading to the rapidspread ofcommunism. DominoTheoryA physical barrier builtby East Germany in1961 to separate WestBerlin from East Berlin,symbolizing the dividebetween Western andEastern blocs.  BerlinWallknown as theaverage man'spresident; presidentduring the cold war,and called for theattack on japan Harry STrumanAmerican spyplane shot down,and wassuspected of beinga spy but lied andgot away U-2IncidentConflicts during theCold War in whichthe United States andthe Soviet Unionsupported opposingsides, such as theKorean War and theVietnam War. ProxyWarsProtestingstudents werekilled due totheir viewsagainst thevietnam war KentStateKillingsThe developmentof the atomicbomb that wouldlater be droppedon Japan ManhattanProjectCommunismvs. Democracy,1950s,countries splitapart KoreanWarSoviet andAmerica try toget to spacebefore theother.  SpaceRaceProvided aid forgreece andturkey so theywouldnt fallvictim tocommunism TrumanDoctrineSoviet andAmerica wanted tobe better thaneach other in thearms; missiles andmilitary. ArmsRaceA military allianceformed in 1949 bythe United States,Canada, and severalWestern Europeancountries to counterthe Soviet threat. NATOThe U.S. policy ofpreventing the spreadof communism, bothmilitarily and politically,particularly through theTruman Doctrine andthe Marshall Plan.Containment

Cold War - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. McCarthyism
    The practice of making accusations of communist without proper evidence, often associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy
  2. Iron Curtain
    A metaphorical term used by Winston Churchill to describe the division between communist Eastern Europe and the democratic Western Europe.
  3. Vietnam War
    Communism vs. Democracy, One country now
  4. Sputnik
    The first artificial satellite launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957, marking the beginning of the Space Age.
  5. Cuban Missile Crisis
    Communist had missiles in Cuba, causing fear for America.
  6. Bay of Pigs
    failed invasion in Cuba.
  7. Marshall Plan
    Provided aid to western Europe so they wouldnt fall under communism as well
  8. Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Shots were fired at American navy ships.
  9. Berlin Airlift
    A massive airlift operation by the United States and its allies to provide food, fuel, and supplies to West Berlin during the Soviet blockade
  10. Martin Luther King Jr.
    Leader and advocated for black rights
  11. Warsaw Pact
    A military alliance formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellite states as a response to NATO.
  12. Great Society
    a series of policies, with the goal of ending poverty.
  13. Domino Theory
    The belief that if one country in a region fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow suit, leading to the rapid spread of communism.
  14. Berlin Wall
    A physical barrier built by East Germany in 1961 to separate West Berlin from East Berlin, symbolizing the divide between Western and Eastern blocs.
  15. Harry S Truman
    known as the average man's president; president during the cold war, and called for the attack on japan
  16. U-2 Incident
    American spy plane shot down, and was suspected of being a spy but lied and got away
  17. Proxy Wars
    Conflicts during the Cold War in which the United States and the Soviet Union supported opposing sides, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
  18. Kent State Killings
    Protesting students were killed due to their views against the vietnam war
  19. Manhattan Project
    The development of the atomic bomb that would later be dropped on Japan
  20. Korean War
    Communism vs. Democracy, 1950s, countries split apart
  21. Space Race
    Soviet and America try to get to space before the other.
  22. Truman Doctrine
    Provided aid for greece and turkey so they wouldnt fall victim to communism
  23. Arms Race
    Soviet and America wanted to be better than each other in the arms; missiles and military.
  24. NATO
    A military alliance formed in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European countries to counter the Soviet threat.
  25. Containment
    The U.S. policy of preventing the spread of communism, both militarily and politically, particularly through the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.