Internmentcamps thatjapaneseamericans weresent to duringww2Roosevelt’s foreignpolicy to improverelationships withcountries in westernhemisphere by notimposing so muchAmerican power onSouth AmericancountriesKey pacific navalbattle that crippledjapan carrier fleetand gave US keyvictory in pacifictheatreact passed in1941 givingpresidentpowers ofcongress intime of warCIty in japanhit with 1stever nuclearbomb attackmigration of5 millionblacks tonorth andwestUS lending andleasing of US ownedmaterials and warmaterials to the alliesof ww2 before USinvolvement ofneutrality.U.S. imposedan oil embargoon Japan todiscouragemilitarismAmerican generalwho commandedallied troops in thepacific theaterduring WWII Donation orfunding ofthegovernmentwar efforts2nd city toever be hitwith anuclearbombSide of ww2involvingEurope andafrica withgermany anditalya series of violentattacks againstMexican Americanyouth in downtownLos Angeles byservicemensurpriseattack byjapan thatbrought usinto ww2Civil rights leaderwho led the marchon Washington toprotest workplacediscriminationlast biggermanattack on USforces ofww2Carpoolingwith othersto savegasActs thatbanned US sellof war items toother countriesto stay out ofww2victory at home andabroad; led byAfrican Americanssupporting victoryagainst facism anddiscriminationargued that theJapanese internmentcamps were notracist becausedesperate times callfor desperatemeasure in times ofwarUS citizensgrowing of theirown crops inyards andschools andchurchesOther sideof ww2with japanPolicy implemented bythe U.S., replacing theNeutrality Acts; allowedthe U.S. to sell militarysupplies to belligerentnations if and only ifthey paid in cash andpicked up supplies ontheir own shipsWork program tobring Mexicans to theU.S. to fill laborshortages asseasonal agriculturalworker during the warthe strategy againstJapan of skippingover heavily fortifiedislands in order toseize lightly defendedlocations that couldsupport the nextadvanceInternmentcamps thatjapaneseamericans weresent to duringww2Roosevelt’s foreignpolicy to improverelationships withcountries in westernhemisphere by notimposing so muchAmerican power onSouth AmericancountriesKey pacific navalbattle that crippledjapan carrier fleetand gave US keyvictory in pacifictheatreact passed in1941 givingpresidentpowers ofcongress intime of warCIty in japanhit with 1stever nuclearbomb attackmigration of5 millionblacks tonorth andwestUS lending andleasing of US ownedmaterials and warmaterials to the alliesof ww2 before USinvolvement ofneutrality.U.S. imposedan oil embargoon Japan todiscouragemilitarismAmerican generalwho commandedallied troops in thepacific theaterduring WWII Donation orfunding ofthegovernmentwar efforts2nd city toever be hitwith anuclearbombSide of ww2involvingEurope andafrica withgermany anditalya series of violentattacks againstMexican Americanyouth in downtownLos Angeles byservicemensurpriseattack byjapan thatbrought usinto ww2Civil rights leaderwho led the marchon Washington toprotest workplacediscriminationlast biggermanattack on USforces ofww2Carpoolingwith othersto savegasActs thatbanned US sellof war items toother countriesto stay out ofww2victory at home andabroad; led byAfrican Americanssupporting victoryagainst facism anddiscriminationargued that theJapanese internmentcamps were notracist becausedesperate times callfor desperatemeasure in times ofwarUS citizensgrowing of theirown crops inyards andschools andchurchesOther sideof ww2with japanPolicy implemented bythe U.S., replacing theNeutrality Acts; allowedthe U.S. to sell militarysupplies to belligerentnations if and only ifthey paid in cash andpicked up supplies ontheir own shipsWork program tobring Mexicans to theU.S. to fill laborshortages asseasonal agriculturalworker during the warthe strategy againstJapan of skippingover heavily fortifiedislands in order toseize lightly defendedlocations that couldsupport the nextadvance

World War 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Internment camps that japanese americans were sent to during ww2
  2. Roosevelt’s foreign policy to improve relationships with countries in western hemisphere by not imposing so much American power on South American countries
  3. Key pacific naval battle that crippled japan carrier fleet and gave US key victory in pacific theatre
  4. act passed in 1941 giving president powers of congress in time of war
  5. CIty in japan hit with 1st ever nuclear bomb attack
  6. migration of 5 million blacks to north and west
  7. US lending and leasing of US owned materials and war materials to the allies of ww2 before US involvement of neutrality.
  8. U.S. imposed an oil embargo on Japan to discourage militarism
  9. American general who commanded allied troops in the pacific theater during WWII
  10. Donation or funding of the government war efforts
  11. 2nd city to ever be hit with a nuclear bomb
  12. Side of ww2 involving Europe and africa with germany and italy
  13. a series of violent attacks against Mexican American youth in downtown Los Angeles by servicemen
  14. surprise attack by japan that brought us into ww2
  15. Civil rights leader who led the march on Washington to protest workplace discrimination
  16. last big german attack on US forces of ww2
  17. Carpooling with others to save gas
  18. Acts that banned US sell of war items to other countries to stay out of ww2
  19. victory at home and abroad; led by African Americans supporting victory against facism and discrimination
  20. argued that the Japanese internment camps were not racist because desperate times call for desperate measure in times of war
  21. US citizens growing of their own crops in yards and schools and churches
  22. Other side of ww2 with japan
  23. Policy implemented by the U.S., replacing the Neutrality Acts; allowed the U.S. to sell military supplies to belligerent nations if and only if they paid in cash and picked up supplies on their own ships
  24. Work program to bring Mexicans to the U.S. to fill labor shortages as seasonal agricultural worker during the war
  25. the strategy against Japan of skipping over heavily fortified islands in order to seize lightly defended locations that could support the next advance