Practice 6days in 1week for 10min eachGo to aconcertlearn a newplayingpattern orChordRecordyourself with aphone playinga song, thenrewatch itPlay allsongs inyour bookJamwith afriendText Kristiwhat youthought ofthe video byJohn CageGive yourGrandparentsa concert(use zoom ifnecessary)Write a songusing chordsfrom anothersong. Sharewith a parentPlay outsideso theneighbors ordeer canlistenPractice foran extendedsession of40 min!Have your parentsfind a YouTube videowith your instrument;"how to play churchmusic on akeyboard"?Learn a newsong. Tammyand I can sendyou a specialsong if not oninternetRecord yourselfplaying yourfavorite worshipsong. Send toTammy andKristiWatchYouTube:JohnCage: 4'33'' /Petrenko · BerlinerPhilharmoniker(It's only 3.5 min)Give yourparents ahomeconcert with2 songsPractice 6days in 1week for 10min eachGo to aconcertlearn a newplayingpattern orChordRecordyourself with aphone playinga song, thenrewatch itPlay allsongs inyour bookJamwith afriendText Kristiwhat youthought ofthe video byJohn CageGive yourGrandparentsa concert(use zoom ifnecessary)Write a songusing chordsfrom anothersong. Sharewith a parentPlay outsideso theneighbors ordeer canlistenPractice foran extendedsession of40 min!Have your parentsfind a YouTube videowith your instrument;"how to play churchmusic on akeyboard"?Learn a newsong. Tammyand I can sendyou a specialsong if not oninternetRecord yourselfplaying yourfavorite worshipsong. Send toTammy andKristiWatchYouTube:JohnCage: 4'33'' /Petrenko · BerlinerPhilharmoniker(It's only 3.5 min)Give yourparents ahomeconcert with2 songs

GROW Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Practice 6 days in 1 week for 10 min each
  2. Go to a concert
  3. learn a new playing pattern or Chord
  4. Record yourself with a phone playing a song, then rewatch it
  5. Play all songs in your book
  6. Jam with a friend
  7. Text Kristi what you thought of the video by John Cage
  8. Give your Grandparents a concert (use zoom if necessary)
  9. Write a song using chords from another song. Share with a parent
  10. Play outside so the neighbors or deer can listen
  11. Practice for an extended session of 40 min!
  12. Have your parents find a YouTube video with your instrument; "how to play church music on a keyboard"?
  13. Learn a new song. Tammy and I can send you a special song if not on internet
  14. Record yourself playing your favorite worship song. Send to Tammy and Kristi
  15. Watch YouTube:John Cage: 4'33'' / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker (It's only 3.5 min)
  16. Give your parents a home concert with 2 songs