Kisssomeone ofthe samegender onthe lipsListen to anew albumby a queerartistVisit a queerownedbusiness (andpreferably buysomething)Wear arainbow/pridethemed outfitout in publicCall your locallegislator and tellthem you don'tsupport any of thetrans bills goingthrough congressReach out to allyour queer friendsand tell them howmuch youappreciate themand theirqueernessAttenda dragshowCook/eat 3new mealsthat arecompletelyplant basedWear cuffedjeans and astripedbutton up outin publicWatch a famousyoutuber "comingout" video(preferably 2013-2015)Take a selfie withbisexual lightingand caption it "ask me how tohelp#erasebierasure"Take my gayslang quizand passwith 80% ormoreWatch amusical(notHamilton)Take an "amI gay?" quizand showme theresultsPost an article tofacebook aboutthe importance ofqueer/trans rightsfor your family toseeDonate to anonprofit thatsupportstrans/queeryouthBecome aplant parent toa new plantand keep italive until JulyRead aqueerbookGet adrink at agay barOrder an icedcoffee withalternative milkand hold it fromthe lid while youdrink itRead an articleabout Stonewalland be able toname 3 impacts ithad on the gayrights movementAttend aprideevent thismonthPost anInsta/Snapstory showingsupport for thequeercommunityFind out yoursun, moon,and rising andknow whatthey meanWatch aqueermovieKisssomeone ofthe samegender onthe lipsListen to anew albumby a queerartistVisit a queerownedbusiness (andpreferably buysomething)Wear arainbow/pridethemed outfitout in publicCall your locallegislator and tellthem you don'tsupport any of thetrans bills goingthrough congressReach out to allyour queer friendsand tell them howmuch youappreciate themand theirqueernessAttenda dragshowCook/eat 3new mealsthat arecompletelyplant basedWear cuffedjeans and astripedbutton up outin publicWatch a famousyoutuber "comingout" video(preferably 2013-2015)Take a selfie withbisexual lightingand caption it "ask me how tohelp#erasebierasure"Take my gayslang quizand passwith 80% ormoreWatch amusical(notHamilton)Take an "amI gay?" quizand showme theresultsPost an article tofacebook aboutthe importance ofqueer/trans rightsfor your family toseeDonate to anonprofit thatsupportstrans/queeryouthBecome aplant parent toa new plantand keep italive until JulyRead aqueerbookGet adrink at agay barOrder an icedcoffee withalternative milkand hold it fromthe lid while youdrink itRead an articleabout Stonewalland be able toname 3 impacts ithad on the gayrights movementAttend aprideevent thismonthPost anInsta/Snapstory showingsupport for thequeercommunityFind out yoursun, moon,and rising andknow whatthey meanWatch aqueermovie

Quingo!!! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Kiss someone of the same gender on the lips
  2. Listen to a new album by a queer artist
  3. Visit a queer owned business (and preferably buy something)
  4. Wear a rainbow/pride themed outfit out in public
  5. Call your local legislator and tell them you don't support any of the trans bills going through congress
  6. Reach out to all your queer friends and tell them how much you appreciate them and their queerness
  7. Attend a drag show
  8. Cook/eat 3 new meals that are completely plant based
  9. Wear cuffed jeans and a striped button up out in public
  10. Watch a famous youtuber "coming out" video (preferably 2013-2015)
  11. Take a selfie with bisexual lighting and caption it " ask me how to help #erasebierasure"
  12. Take my gay slang quiz and pass with 80% or more
  13. Watch a musical (not Hamilton)
  14. Take an "am I gay?" quiz and show me the results
  15. Post an article to facebook about the importance of queer/trans rights for your family to see
  16. Donate to a nonprofit that supports trans/queer youth
  17. Become a plant parent to a new plant and keep it alive until July
  18. Read a queer book
  19. Get a drink at a gay bar
  20. Order an iced coffee with alternative milk and hold it from the lid while you drink it
  21. Read an article about Stonewall and be able to name 3 impacts it had on the gay rights movement
  22. Attend a pride event this month
  23. Post an Insta/Snap story showing support for the queer community
  24. Find out your sun, moon, and rising and know what they mean
  25. Watch a queer movie