EmailEssentialsProduct in which acustomer can receivea Microsoft 365 emailaddress withouthaving to purchasethe Microsoft AppsMarketplaceThe official name forstores such as,Amazon, eBay, etsy,Walmart, that allowyou to sell yourproducts on theirsites.-W+MCommercePlusW+M tier required foran online store tocalculate automatedsales tax usinggeolocation and haveunlimited productslistings (per productlisted)WebsiteMigrationOur white gloveservice that bringswebsite content fromone hostingenvironment toGoDaddy withminimal downtimeA GoDaddy ownedcompany thatprovides pluginsand extensions forWordpressPriceSyncProcess that ensures thecustomers marketplacelisting prices matches thecustomers Online Storeprices. This product willcheck for updated productprices every 12 hours withthe free version, or every15 minutes on the paidversionManagedWooCommerceThe most popularopensource ecommercesolutions for webstores. Itallows on-line or in-personsales, integrated marking,shipping inventory,marketplaces and socialplatforms sales, and allowsfor a fully customizablewebsite Website+Marketing The easiest andfasted way for anon-tech personto create awebsiteW+MCommerce/EcommerceLXThese twoproducts areexactly the same,just have differentnames due to a2020 promotions.WordPressPremiumSupportProduct in which ourcustomer purchases creditsper month to haveGoDaddy assist in itemssuch as WP theme errors,plug in errors, contact formerrors, image errors, mediaupload errors, 404 errors,and many morePlug-inA softwarecomponent thatadds a specificfeature to anexisting computerprogramPlug in availablethat allowscustomers to callthe businessowner right fromthe websiteWebsiteDiscoveryBranchTool in the Kioskthat will help usdecide what webproduct is best forthe customerCashParkingService that allows ourcustomer to earn money byplacing your domain on ouradvertising partner sites.Each time a visitor clickson a displayedadvertisement ourcustomer receives a shareof the generated click-through revenue. GoDaddyStudioContentcreationproductincluded inW+MManagedWordPressI need more capabilitythat W+M, but wouldlike someone to helpme out with thebackup, management,and security of the site.Is there a product forme?EmailBackupProvides a backup ofyour Microsoft 365email, folders,calendar, contacts,notes, tasks journalsby taking a snapshot ofthe exchange onlinemailbox every fourhoursmarketingservicesProduct that allows foron-demand websiteupdates for both W+Mor MWP but alsoincludes a built-insocial ad spend, SEO,and social websiteReputationManagement.Locationof thebusinessThe two factorsthat will affectthe pricing forSEO servicesare industry and19.99I want aManagedWooCommerceStore. Howmuch is that amonth?EmailEssentialsProduct in which acustomer can receivea Microsoft 365 emailaddress withouthaving to purchasethe Microsoft AppsMarketplaceThe official name forstores such as,Amazon, eBay, etsy,Walmart, that allowyou to sell yourproducts on theirsites.-W+MCommercePlusW+M tier required foran online store tocalculate automatedsales tax usinggeolocation and haveunlimited productslistings (per productlisted)WebsiteMigrationOur white gloveservice that bringswebsite content fromone hostingenvironment toGoDaddy withminimal downtimeA GoDaddy ownedcompany thatprovides pluginsand extensions forWordpressPriceSyncProcess that ensures thecustomers marketplacelisting prices matches thecustomers Online Storeprices. This product willcheck for updated productprices every 12 hours withthe free version, or every15 minutes on the paidversionManagedWooCommerceThe most popularopensource ecommercesolutions for webstores. Itallows on-line or in-personsales, integrated marking,shipping inventory,marketplaces and socialplatforms sales, and allowsfor a fully customizablewebsite Website+Marketing The easiest andfasted way for anon-tech personto create awebsiteW+MCommerce/EcommerceLXThese twoproducts areexactly the same,just have differentnames due to a2020 promotions.WordPressPremiumSupportProduct in which ourcustomer purchases creditsper month to haveGoDaddy assist in itemssuch as WP theme errors,plug in errors, contact formerrors, image errors, mediaupload errors, 404 errors,and many morePlug-inA softwarecomponent thatadds a specificfeature to anexisting computerprogramPlug in availablethat allowscustomers to callthe businessowner right fromthe websiteWebsiteDiscoveryBranchTool in the Kioskthat will help usdecide what webproduct is best forthe customerCashParkingService that allows ourcustomer to earn money byplacing your domain on ouradvertising partner sites.Each time a visitor clickson a displayedadvertisement ourcustomer receives a shareof the generated click-through revenue. GoDaddyStudioContentcreationproductincluded inW+MManagedWordPressI need more capabilitythat W+M, but wouldlike someone to helpme out with thebackup, management,and security of the site.Is there a product forme?EmailBackupProvides a backup ofyour Microsoft 365email, folders,calendar, contacts,notes, tasks journalsby taking a snapshot ofthe exchange onlinemailbox every fourhoursmarketingservicesProduct that allows foron-demand websiteupdates for both W+Mor MWP but alsoincludes a built-insocial ad spend, SEO,and social websiteReputationManagement.Locationof thebusinessThe two factorsthat will affectthe pricing forSEO servicesare industry and19.99I want aManagedWooCommerceStore. Howmuch is that amonth?

GoDaddy Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Product in which a customer can receive a Microsoft 365 email address without having to purchase the Microsoft Apps
    Email Essentials
  2. The official name for stores such as, Amazon, eBay, etsy, Walmart, that allow you to sell your products on their sites.-
  3. W+M tier required for an online store to calculate automated sales tax using geolocation and have unlimited products listings (per product listed)
    W+M Commerce Plus
  4. Our white glove service that brings website content from one hosting environment to GoDaddy with minimal downtime
    Website Migration
  5. A GoDaddy owned company that provides plugins and extensions for Wordpress
  6. Process that ensures the customers marketplace listing prices matches the customers Online Store prices. This product will check for updated product prices every 12 hours with the free version, or every 15 minutes on the paid version
    Price Sync
  7. The most popular opensource ecommerce solutions for webstores. It allows on-line or in-person sales, integrated marking, shipping inventory, marketplaces and social platforms sales, and allows for a fully customizable website
    Managed WooCommerce
  8. The easiest and fasted way for a non-tech person to create a website
    Website+ Marketing
  9. These two products are exactly the same, just have different names due to a 2020 promotions.
    W+M Commerce/ Ecommerce LX
  10. Product in which our customer purchases credits per month to have GoDaddy assist in items such as WP theme errors, plug in errors, contact form errors, image errors, media upload errors, 404 errors, and many more
    WordPress Premium Support
  11. A software component that adds a specific feature to an existing computer program
  12. Plug in available that allows customers to call the business owner right from the website
  13. Tool in the Kiosk that will help us decide what web product is best for the customer
    Website Discovery Branch
  14. Service that allows our customer to earn money by placing your domain on our advertising partner sites. Each time a visitor clicks on a displayed advertisement our customer receives a share of the generated click-through revenue.
  15. Content creation product included in W+M
    GoDaddy Studio
  16. I need more capability that W+M, but would like someone to help me out with the backup, management, and security of the site. Is there a product for me?
    Managed WordPress
  17. Provides a backup of your Microsoft 365 email, folders, calendar, contacts, notes, tasks journals by taking a snapshot of the exchange online mailbox every four hours
    Email Backup
  18. Product that allows for on-demand website updates for both W+M or MWP but also includes a built-in social ad spend, SEO, and social website Reputation Management.
    marketing services
  19. The two factors that will affect the pricing for SEO services are industry and
    Location of the business
  20. I want a Managed WooCommerce Store. How much is that a month?