Your food stampswere cut and you arehaving troublebudgeting yourmoney. Who couldyou call for help? You are moving to anew apartment andneed cable. Listprograms that offerreducedcable/internet. You are interested inapplying for a job andneed help writing aresume. Who couldyou reach out to forhelp? Who would youcontact fortransportation toan upcomingdoctor'sappointment? How can youget a freephone from thegovernment?  You have receiveda bill that is muchhigher than usual.Who can youcontact for help?  You move into anew apartmentand realize theoven is broken.Who would youcall to fix it? You moved into yournew apartment to findthat your neighborsare very loud at night.Who could you talkto? You are living on yourown and you findyourself isolatingyourself more oftenand you start feelingdepressed. Who canyou reach out to forsupport?  You have recently left PennVilla for your ownapartment. Things have notbeen going that well andyou are having troublemanaging your medicationsand maintaining your dailyschedule. Who can you goto for help?  What is Careand Share'sbirthdaypolicy? You are in your newapartment and needthe smoke detectorbattery changed.Who can you call tohelp? You are looking to moveinto a new apartment andare worried about the risingcosts of rent and how youwill afford it. Who can youcontact to help you findaffordable housing?  Your doctor startedyou on a medicationthat you do not likethe side effects of.What would you do? You realize that thedeadline to file yourtaxes is approachingand you have no ideawhere to start. Whocan you contact forhelp to file your taxes?  You are interested inbecoming a contractorbut you need tools tocomplete the training.You will need helppurchasing the tools.Who can you reach outto for help? Where in thegroup home canyou find thecirculars withcoupons?  What is thecheapest priceyou can get atablet for? What is one thingthat you want tolearn during ourfuture groupsessions? You are feelingstressed after movinginto your newapartment. What aresome things you cando to de-stress? What is onestrategy youlearned to try andbudget your foodstamps?  It is winter time andyou have just movedinto a new home. Afterliving there for a fewweeks your heaterbroke. Who can youcontact for assistancein fixing your heater?  Your new apartmentrequires you to mowyour own lawn. Youhave never used alawnmower before.Who can you call forhelp? Who could you call ifyou needed to get toa doctor'sappointment that islocated outside ofBucks County? Your food stampswere cut and you arehaving troublebudgeting yourmoney. Who couldyou call for help? You are moving to anew apartment andneed cable. Listprograms that offerreducedcable/internet. You are interested inapplying for a job andneed help writing aresume. Who couldyou reach out to forhelp? Who would youcontact fortransportation toan upcomingdoctor'sappointment? How can youget a freephone from thegovernment?  You have receiveda bill that is muchhigher than usual.Who can youcontact for help?  You move into anew apartmentand realize theoven is broken.Who would youcall to fix it? You moved into yournew apartment to findthat your neighborsare very loud at night.Who could you talkto? You are living on yourown and you findyourself isolatingyourself more oftenand you start feelingdepressed. Who canyou reach out to forsupport?  You have recently left PennVilla for your ownapartment. Things have notbeen going that well andyou are having troublemanaging your medicationsand maintaining your dailyschedule. Who can you goto for help?  What is Careand Share'sbirthdaypolicy? You are in your newapartment and needthe smoke detectorbattery changed.Who can you call tohelp? You are looking to moveinto a new apartment andare worried about the risingcosts of rent and how youwill afford it. Who can youcontact to help you findaffordable housing?  Your doctor startedyou on a medicationthat you do not likethe side effects of.What would you do? You realize that thedeadline to file yourtaxes is approachingand you have no ideawhere to start. Whocan you contact forhelp to file your taxes?  You are interested inbecoming a contractorbut you need tools tocomplete the training.You will need helppurchasing the tools.Who can you reach outto for help? Where in thegroup home canyou find thecirculars withcoupons?  What is thecheapest priceyou can get atablet for? What is one thingthat you want tolearn during ourfuture groupsessions? You are feelingstressed after movinginto your newapartment. What aresome things you cando to de-stress? What is onestrategy youlearned to try andbudget your foodstamps?  It is winter time andyou have just movedinto a new home. Afterliving there for a fewweeks your heaterbroke. Who can youcontact for assistancein fixing your heater?  Your new apartmentrequires you to mowyour own lawn. Youhave never used alawnmower before.Who can you call forhelp? Who could you call ifyou needed to get toa doctor'sappointment that islocated outside ofBucks County?

Independent Living BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I- Your food stamps were cut and you are having trouble budgeting your money. Who could you call for help?
  2. G- You are moving to a new apartment and need cable. List programs that offer reduced cable/internet.
  3. N- You are interested in applying for a job and need help writing a resume. Who could you reach out to for help?
  4. B- Who would you contact for transportation to an upcoming doctor's appointment?
  5. N- How can you get a free phone from the government?
  6. B- You have received a bill that is much higher than usual. Who can you contact for help?
  7. N- You move into a new apartment and realize the oven is broken. Who would you call to fix it?
  8. B- You moved into your new apartment to find that your neighbors are very loud at night. Who could you talk to?
  9. B- You are living on your own and you find yourself isolating yourself more often and you start feeling depressed. Who can you reach out to for support?
  10. N- You have recently left Penn Villa for your own apartment. Things have not been going that well and you are having trouble managing your medications and maintaining your daily schedule. Who can you go to for help?
  11. G- What is Care and Share's birthday policy?
  12. G- You are in your new apartment and need the smoke detector battery changed. Who can you call to help?
  13. I- You are looking to move into a new apartment and are worried about the rising costs of rent and how you will afford it. Who can you contact to help you find affordable housing?
  14. O- Your doctor started you on a medication that you do not like the side effects of. What would you do?
  15. I- You realize that the deadline to file your taxes is approaching and you have no idea where to start. Who can you contact for help to file your taxes?
  16. I- You are interested in becoming a contractor but you need tools to complete the training. You will need help purchasing the tools. Who can you reach out to for help?
  17. O- Where in the group home can you find the circulars with coupons?
  18. G- What is the cheapest price you can get a tablet for?
  19. O- What is one thing that you want to learn during our future group sessions?
  20. O- You are feeling stressed after moving into your new apartment. What are some things you can do to de-stress?
  21. O- What is one strategy you learned to try and budget your food stamps?
  22. I- It is winter time and you have just moved into a new home. After living there for a few weeks your heater broke. Who can you contact for assistance in fixing your heater?
  23. G- Your new apartment requires you to mow your own lawn. You have never used a lawnmower before. Who can you call for help?
  24. B- Who could you call if you needed to get to a doctor's appointment that is located outside of Bucks County?