StrategicPolicyWe coordinatepolicy planningprocesses forthe Department.MenstrualEquityFundI will help makecertain productsavailable tovulnerable womenacross the country.CorrespondenceUnitWe manageincoming andoutgoing lettersto Canadiansandstakeholders."FreshVoices"memoI propose an approachto engaging withorganizations andadvocates on mattersof public policy relatingto women and genderequality and youth.IndigenousWomen'sCircleI bring together agroup of womenwho advise WAGEon issues faced bytheir communitiesand sharedpriorities.DMOWe supportthe highestnon-electedofficial atWAGE.ProgramPolicyBased on theofficial plan, wego to the officeon Mondaysand Thursdays.ADMOWe supportNatalie’s boss bymanaging herapprovals andcalendar andproviding advice.TranslationServicesWe ensurethat productscan be readin both officiallanguages.GBVNAPI set a framework foranyone facing GBVto have reliable andtimely access toprotection andservices, no matterwhere they live.Women'sProgramI supportorganizations inCanada that servewomen andequity-deservinggroups.DLOWe arethegatewayto MINO.NatI used to be theDirector of theInternational andIntergovernmentalRelations team.2SLGBTQI+Action PlanI advance rights andequality for Two-Spirit,lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender, queer,intersex and additionalsexually and genderdiverse people inCanadaTannisI am thenewestaddition toPER’s teamof Directors.QPBookI support theMinister whileother electedofficials askher questions.TriciaI ensure Natalie’scalendar isupdated and shehas what sheneeds at everymeetingIntergovernmentaland InternationalRelationsWe are thebiggestdirectorate.AbbyI ensure taskingsflow to teams and toNatalie for approval,then onwards forfurther approvalsWinonaI am the onlyDirector whodoes not livein the NCR.UNCommissionon theStatus ofWomenI bring togetherpeople from aroundthe world to promotegender equality andthe empowerment ofwomen.AliaI oversaw theactivities leading tothe installation of astained-glass windowin Parliament tocommemorate thelegacy of IndianResidential Schools.IndigenousPartnershipsandReconciliationTwo of our teammembers go to theoffice on Tuesdaysand Fridays; the restof our team lives inother parts of thecountry.MarjorieMy team leads on allcorrespondence toprovinces andterritories for thedepartment,regardless of thetopic.FPTMinisterialI bring togetherMinisters from acrossthe country toinfluence change oncurrent and emergingissues in Canadarelated to women andgender equality.G7I bringtogether worldleaders todiscuss globalpolicy issues.JennMy teamleads onbudgetanalysisUNDeclarationon the Rightsof IndigenousPeoples ActI provide a roadmap for theGovernment of Canadaand First Nations, Inuit andMetis peoples to worktogether to implement theUN Declaration based onlasting reconciliation,healing, and cooperativerelations.GBA+I am an analyticalprocess that providesa rigorous method forthe assessment ofsystemic inequalities.StrategicPolicyWe coordinatepolicy planningprocesses forthe Department.MenstrualEquityFundI will help makecertain productsavailable tovulnerable womenacross the country.CorrespondenceUnitWe manageincoming andoutgoing lettersto Canadiansandstakeholders."FreshVoices"memoI propose an approachto engaging withorganizations andadvocates on mattersof public policy relatingto women and genderequality and youth.IndigenousWomen'sCircleI bring together agroup of womenwho advise WAGEon issues faced bytheir communitiesand sharedpriorities.DMOWe supportthe highestnon-electedofficial atWAGE.ProgramPolicyBased on theofficial plan, wego to the officeon Mondaysand Thursdays.ADMOWe supportNatalie’s boss bymanaging herapprovals andcalendar andproviding advice.TranslationServicesWe ensurethat productscan be readin both officiallanguages.GBVNAPI set a framework foranyone facing GBVto have reliable andtimely access toprotection andservices, no matterwhere they live.Women'sProgramI supportorganizations inCanada that servewomen andequity-deservinggroups.DLOWe arethegatewayto MINO.NatI used to be theDirector of theInternational andIntergovernmentalRelations team.2SLGBTQI+Action PlanI advance rights andequality for Two-Spirit,lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender, queer,intersex and additionalsexually and genderdiverse people inCanadaTannisI am thenewestaddition toPER’s teamof Directors.QPBookI support theMinister whileother electedofficials askher questions.TriciaI ensure Natalie’scalendar isupdated and shehas what sheneeds at everymeetingIntergovernmentaland InternationalRelationsWe are thebiggestdirectorate.AbbyI ensure taskingsflow to teams and toNatalie for approval,then onwards forfurther approvalsWinonaI am the onlyDirector whodoes not livein the NCR.UNCommissionon theStatus ofWomenI bring togetherpeople from aroundthe world to promotegender equality andthe empowerment ofwomen.AliaI oversaw theactivities leading tothe installation of astained-glass windowin Parliament tocommemorate thelegacy of IndianResidential Schools.IndigenousPartnershipsandReconciliationTwo of our teammembers go to theoffice on Tuesdaysand Fridays; the restof our team lives inother parts of thecountry.MarjorieMy team leads on allcorrespondence toprovinces andterritories for thedepartment,regardless of thetopic.FPTMinisterialI bring togetherMinisters from acrossthe country toinfluence change oncurrent and emergingissues in Canadarelated to women andgender equality.G7I bringtogether worldleaders todiscuss globalpolicy issues.JennMy teamleads onbudgetanalysisUNDeclarationon the Rightsof IndigenousPeoples ActI provide a roadmap for theGovernment of Canadaand First Nations, Inuit andMetis peoples to worktogether to implement theUN Declaration based onlasting reconciliation,healing, and cooperativerelations.GBA+I am an analyticalprocess that providesa rigorous method forthe assessment ofsystemic inequalities.

PERB Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. We coordinate policy planning processes for the Department.
    Strategic Policy
  2. I will help make certain products available to vulnerable women across the country.
    Menstrual Equity Fund
  3. We manage incoming and outgoing letters to Canadians and stakeholders.
    Correspondence Unit
  4. I propose an approach to engaging with organizations and advocates on matters of public policy relating to women and gender equality and youth.
    "Fresh Voices" memo
  5. I bring together a group of women who advise WAGE on issues faced by their communities and shared priorities.
    Indigenous Women's Circle
  6. We support the highest non-elected official at WAGE.
  7. Based on the official plan, we go to the office on Mondays and Thursdays.
    Program Policy
  8. We support Natalie’s boss by managing her approvals and calendar and providing advice.
  9. We ensure that products can be read in both official languages.
    Translation Services
  10. I set a framework for anyone facing GBV to have reliable and timely access to protection and services, no matter where they live.
  11. I support organizations in Canada that serve women and equity-deserving groups.
    Women's Program
  12. We are the gateway to MINO.
  13. I used to be the Director of the International and Intergovernmental Relations team.
  14. I advance rights and equality for Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and additional sexually and gender diverse people in Canada
    2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan
  15. I am the newest addition to PER’s team of Directors.
  16. I support the Minister while other elected officials ask her questions.
    QP Book
  17. I ensure Natalie’s calendar is updated and she has what she needs at every meeting
  18. We are the biggest directorate.
    Intergovernmental and International Relations
  19. I ensure taskings flow to teams and to Natalie for approval, then onwards for further approvals
  20. I am the only Director who does not live in the NCR.
  21. I bring together people from around the world to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.
    UN Commission on the Status of Women
  22. I oversaw the activities leading to the installation of a stained-glass window in Parliament to commemorate the legacy of Indian Residential Schools.
  23. Two of our team members go to the office on Tuesdays and Fridays; the rest of our team lives in other parts of the country.
    Indigenous Partnerships and Reconciliation
  24. My team leads on all correspondence to provinces and territories for the department, regardless of the topic.
  25. I bring together Ministers from across the country to influence change on current and emerging issues in Canada related to women and gender equality.
    FPT Ministerial
  26. I bring together world leaders to discuss global policy issues.
  27. My team leads on budget analysis
  28. I provide a roadmap for the Government of Canada and First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples to work together to implement the UN Declaration based on lasting reconciliation, healing, and cooperative relations.
    UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
  29. I am an analytical process that provides a rigorous method for the assessment of systemic inequalities.