In an ANIMALCELL. Containchemicals thatbreak downcertain materials.Breaks down deadcells.In BOTH types ofcells. Receivesmaterials fromendoplasmicreticulum,distributesmaterials.In BOTHtypes ofcells.Producesproteins.In BOTH typesof cells. Carriessubstances, likeproteins, tovarious parts ofthe cell.In BOTH typesof cells. Directsall cell actions,includingreproduction.anactivevolcanoThediffusionof watermoleculesthe manwho firstused theword CellIn an ANIMALCELL. Transportand storesmaterials,including waste.In BOTH types ofcells. Protects theNucleus. Letsthings in and outof the Nucleus.In a PLANTCELL. Storeswater, food,waste and morefor a plant cell.In a PLANTcell. Helpsprotect andsupport the cell.Gives a plantcell a shape.In BOTH typesof cells. Housesgel-like fluidsthat support cellorganelles.In BOTHtypes ofcells. MakesRibosomes.In a PLANT CELL.Captures energyfrom sunlight. Usesenergy to producecell food, which issugar. Processcalledphotosynthesis.In BOTHtypes of cells.Controls whatgoes in andout of the cell.aHappyfamilyIn BOTH types ofcells. Organellethat produce mostof the cells energy,which is ATP.lets waterpass backand forthIn an ANIMALCELL. Containchemicals thatbreak downcertain materials.Breaks down deadcells.In BOTH types ofcells. Receivesmaterials fromendoplasmicreticulum,distributesmaterials.In BOTHtypes ofcells.Producesproteins.In BOTH typesof cells. Carriessubstances, likeproteins, tovarious parts ofthe cell.In BOTH typesof cells. Directsall cell actions,includingreproduction.anactivevolcanoThediffusionof watermoleculesthe manwho firstused theword CellIn an ANIMALCELL. Transportand storesmaterials,including waste.In BOTH types ofcells. Protects theNucleus. Letsthings in and outof the Nucleus.In a PLANTCELL. Storeswater, food,waste and morefor a plant cell.In a PLANTcell. Helpsprotect andsupport the cell.Gives a plantcell a shape.In BOTH typesof cells. Housesgel-like fluidsthat support cellorganelles.In BOTHtypes ofcells. MakesRibosomes.In a PLANT CELL.Captures energyfrom sunlight. Usesenergy to producecell food, which issugar. Processcalledphotosynthesis.In BOTHtypes of cells.Controls whatgoes in andout of the cell.aHappyfamilyIn BOTH types ofcells. Organellethat produce mostof the cells energy,which is ATP.lets waterpass backand forth

Cells and Organelles - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In an ANIMAL CELL. Contain chemicals that break down certain materials. Breaks down dead cells.
  2. In BOTH types of cells. Receives materials from endoplasmic reticulum, distributes materials.
  3. In BOTH types of cells. Produces proteins.
  4. In BOTH types of cells. Carries substances, like proteins, to various parts of the cell.
  5. In BOTH types of cells. Directs all cell actions, including reproduction.
  6. an active volcano
  7. The diffusion of water molecules
  8. the man who first used the word Cell
  9. In an ANIMAL CELL. Transport and stores materials, including waste.
  10. In BOTH types of cells. Protects the Nucleus. Lets things in and out of the Nucleus.
  11. In a PLANT CELL. Stores water, food, waste and more for a plant cell.
  12. In a PLANT cell. Helps protect and support the cell. Gives a plant cell a shape.
  13. In BOTH types of cells. Houses gel-like fluids that support cell organelles.
  14. In BOTH types of cells. Makes Ribosomes.
  15. In a PLANT CELL. Captures energy from sunlight. Uses energy to produce cell food, which is sugar. Process called photosynthesis.
  16. In BOTH types of cells. Controls what goes in and out of the cell.
  17. a Happy family
  18. In BOTH types of cells. Organelle that produce most of the cells energy, which is ATP.
  19. lets water pass back and forth