Mobility First real jobwas cleaninghelicoptorsEarner UXR Eats with theirleft hand butwrites with theirright handGDP Gambled withJames Valentine(lead guitarist ofMaroon 5)Canada Rides Was one of thefirst writers forthe BeavertonTrip Experience Lived in 3continents andspeaks 6languagesRecruiting -NAMER tech TA Favourite movie isA League of TheirOwnMobility Has been toevery provincebut only twoterritoriesNew Verticals Am the shortest of allof their friends backhome, and theyoungest of 3 boysMobility First real jobwas cleaninghelicoptorsEarner UXR Eats with theirleft hand butwrites with theirright handGDP Gambled withJames Valentine(lead guitarist ofMaroon 5)Canada Rides Was one of thefirst writers forthe BeavertonTrip Experience Lived in 3continents andspeaks 6languagesRecruiting -NAMER tech TA Favourite movie isA League of TheirOwnMobility Has been toevery provincebut only twoterritoriesNew Verticals Am the shortest of allof their friends backhome, and theyoungest of 3 boys

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mobility First real job was cleaning helicoptors
  2. Earner UXR Eats with their left hand but writes with their right hand
  3. GDP Gambled with James Valentine (lead guitarist of Maroon 5)
  4. Canada Rides Was one of the first writers for the Beaverton
  5. Trip Experience Lived in 3 continents and speaks 6 languages
  6. Recruiting - NAMER tech TA Favourite movie is A League of Their Own
  7. Mobility Has been to every province but only two territories
  8. New Verticals Am the shortest of all of their friends back home, and the youngest of 3 boys