29-Drive-byratings onlyaffect my fictionand therefore it'san unequalcontest16-Ratingsaffectvisibility onall lists11-You cangive idealpersonalisedsuggestions4-okay, but once it'simplemented, it'd bea fool-proof way toprevent drive-byratings. Users wouldabsolutely not dotheir best to bypass it24-okay, but authorswould never abuse itto create an unequalsituation by usingvarying levels ofaggressive tactics tocoerce feedback30-Using medianinstead of mean ina system with abias factor of 20xmakes perfectsense13-Having a lowaverage ratingmeans readersdismiss my novelthen they go dosomething else otherthan reading12-It is a badthing thathigher rankedfictions getmore views25-Everyonehaving lessnegative ratingswould improveeveryone'srankings"3-okay, but it'dbe trivial toweigh ratingsbased on atleast the first 10chapter reads2-The number ofchapters read islinearlyproportional withhow well-formed areaders opinion is28-Removingsome toppercentile ofratings totallymakes sense"6-The ratingsystem behavesdifferently from abinary ratingsystemmathematically27-What do you meanreaders would justraise the bar? That'sabsolutely not how itworks, that's why usersdraw the line at theneutral unbiased meanof 2.75 stars20-okay, butthere is onlybias whentalking aboutratings lessthan 3 stars8-Removingratingscompletely isbeneficial toauthors22-You canevaluatesubjectivequality/suitabilitybased only onpositive feedback26-okay, buthaving lessnegative ratingswould make it sousers give morestories a chance9-Removingratingscompletely isbeneficial toreaders1-Ratings under 4stars mean deathbecause that'swhat the usersdecided to drawthe line at14-Giving readersreading suggestionsirrespective of otherreaders opinionsdoes not result in aworse experience10-You cangive idealpersonalisedsuggestionswithout ratings5-Remindingreaders to rate orreview would leadto an objectivelybetter ratingsystem19-There isonly biaswhen talkingabout 0.5star ratings18-A 0.5star ratingis neverjustifiable17-Okay, butRR doesn'tactually try toprovide lists notbased onratings15-It's RR'sfault thatgetting tractionas a newauthor is hard21-Negativefeedback isinherentlybad23-okay, but you canobjectively evaluate itbased on thepercentage ofreaders willing to givepositive feedback7-We needmore fivestar ratings29-Drive-byratings onlyaffect my fictionand therefore it'san unequalcontest16-Ratingsaffectvisibility onall lists11-You cangive idealpersonalisedsuggestions4-okay, but once it'simplemented, it'd bea fool-proof way toprevent drive-byratings. Users wouldabsolutely not dotheir best to bypass it24-okay, but authorswould never abuse itto create an unequalsituation by usingvarying levels ofaggressive tactics tocoerce feedback30-Using medianinstead of mean ina system with abias factor of 20xmakes perfectsense13-Having a lowaverage ratingmeans readersdismiss my novelthen they go dosomething else otherthan reading12-It is a badthing thathigher rankedfictions getmore views25-Everyonehaving lessnegative ratingswould improveeveryone'srankings"3-okay, but it'dbe trivial toweigh ratingsbased on atleast the first 10chapter reads2-The number ofchapters read islinearlyproportional withhow well-formed areaders opinion is28-Removingsome toppercentile ofratings totallymakes sense"6-The ratingsystem behavesdifferently from abinary ratingsystemmathematically27-What do you meanreaders would justraise the bar? That'sabsolutely not how itworks, that's why usersdraw the line at theneutral unbiased meanof 2.75 stars20-okay, butthere is onlybias whentalking aboutratings lessthan 3 stars8-Removingratingscompletely isbeneficial toauthors22-You canevaluatesubjectivequality/suitabilitybased only onpositive feedback26-okay, buthaving lessnegative ratingswould make it sousers give morestories a chance9-Removingratingscompletely isbeneficial toreaders1-Ratings under 4stars mean deathbecause that'swhat the usersdecided to drawthe line at14-Giving readersreading suggestionsirrespective of otherreaders opinionsdoes not result in aworse experience10-You cangive idealpersonalisedsuggestionswithout ratings5-Remindingreaders to rate orreview would leadto an objectivelybetter ratingsystem19-There isonly biaswhen talkingabout 0.5star ratings18-A 0.5star ratingis neverjustifiable17-Okay, butRR doesn'tactually try toprovide lists notbased onratings15-It's RR'sfault thatgetting tractionas a newauthor is hard21-Negativefeedback isinherentlybad23-okay, but you canobjectively evaluate itbased on thepercentage ofreaders willing to givepositive feedback7-We needmore fivestar ratings

Royal Road Review Rationales v2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 29-Drive-by ratings only affect my fiction and therefore it's an unequal contest
  2. 16-Ratings affect visibility on all lists
  3. 11-You can give ideal personalised suggestions
  4. 4-okay, but once it's implemented, it'd be a fool-proof way to prevent drive-by ratings. Users would absolutely not do their best to bypass it
  5. 24-okay, but authors would never abuse it to create an unequal situation by using varying levels of aggressive tactics to coerce feedback
  6. 30-Using median instead of mean in a system with a bias factor of 20x makes perfect sense
  7. 13-Having a low average rating means readers dismiss my novel then they go do something else other than reading
  8. 12-It is a bad thing that higher ranked fictions get more views
  9. 25-Everyone having less negative ratings would improve everyone's rankings"
  10. 3-okay, but it'd be trivial to weigh ratings based on at least the first 10 chapter reads
  11. 2-The number of chapters read is linearly proportional with how well-formed a readers opinion is
  12. 28-Removing some top percentile of ratings totally makes sense"
  13. 6-The rating system behaves differently from a binary rating system mathematically
  14. 27-What do you mean readers would just raise the bar? That's absolutely not how it works, that's why users draw the line at the neutral unbiased mean of 2.75 stars
  15. 20-okay, but there is only bias when talking about ratings less than 3 stars
  16. 8-Removing ratings completely is beneficial to authors
  17. 22-You can evaluate subjective quality/suitability based only on positive feedback
  18. 26-okay, but having less negative ratings would make it so users give more stories a chance
  19. 9-Removing ratings completely is beneficial to readers
  20. 1-Ratings under 4 stars mean death because that's what the users decided to draw the line at
  21. 14-Giving readers reading suggestions irrespective of other readers opinions does not result in a worse experience
  22. 10-You can give ideal personalised suggestions without ratings
  23. 5-Reminding readers to rate or review would lead to an objectively better rating system
  24. 19-There is only bias when talking about 0.5 star ratings
  25. 18-A 0.5 star rating is never justifiable
  26. 17-Okay, but RR doesn't actually try to provide lists not based on ratings
  27. 15-It's RR's fault that getting traction as a new author is hard
  28. 21-Negative feedback is inherently bad
  29. 23-okay, but you can objectively evaluate it based on the percentage of readers willing to give positive feedback
  30. 7-We need more five star ratings