Have a coffeeor lunch withsomeoneoutside ourpracticeJoin anEmployeeResourceGroupactivityReach out to aprevious teammember and findout what they areworking on todayGo intotheofficePost a SFmeme, pet picor celebrate ateammate inthe CampfireChatSign up forthe CentralRegionSpotlightActivitySendsomeone acomplimentabout theirworkSubmit anidea for aLunchand LearnReach out toClaudia or Hilaryabout presenting atopic at themonthly All HandsStart or join acert studygroup (canmeet one ormultiple times)LeaveWorkdayfeedbackfor a peerHave coffee orlunch withsomeoneyou've nevertalked to in ourpracticeReach out to aprofessionalcontact onLinkedInoutside thecompanyAttend aSalesforceTown HallAttend all3 summerAll HandsMeetingsAttend asecond AllHandsMeetingJoin theSalesforceCertificationsTeamsChannelIntroduce yourself tosomeone who iswhere you want to be(career-wise -internal or external tothe company)Attend alocalSalesforceevent (virtualor in person)Attendone AllHandsMeetingReach out toBusinessDevelopment orOperation Initiativesteam to support(internal initiatives,pre-sales activities,whitepapers, etc.)Attend aSalesforceCommunityMeetingUpdateyourSalesforceBio profileUpdate yourWorkdayprofile androlesHave a coffeeor lunch withsomeoneoutside ourpracticeJoin anEmployeeResourceGroupactivityReach out to aprevious teammember and findout what they areworking on todayGo intotheofficePost a SFmeme, pet picor celebrate ateammate inthe CampfireChatSign up forthe CentralRegionSpotlightActivitySendsomeone acomplimentabout theirworkSubmit anidea for aLunchand LearnReach out toClaudia or Hilaryabout presenting atopic at themonthly All HandsStart or join acert studygroup (canmeet one ormultiple times)LeaveWorkdayfeedbackfor a peerHave coffee orlunch withsomeoneyou've nevertalked to in ourpracticeReach out to aprofessionalcontact onLinkedInoutside thecompanyAttend aSalesforceTown HallAttend all3 summerAll HandsMeetingsAttend asecond AllHandsMeetingJoin theSalesforceCertificationsTeamsChannelIntroduce yourself tosomeone who iswhere you want to be(career-wise -internal or external tothe company)Attend alocalSalesforceevent (virtualor in person)Attendone AllHandsMeetingReach out toBusinessDevelopment orOperation Initiativesteam to support(internal initiatives,pre-sales activities,whitepapers, etc.)Attend aSalesforceCommunityMeetingUpdateyourSalesforceBio profileUpdate yourWorkdayprofile androles

Summer of Connection - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Have a coffee or lunch with someone outside our practice
  2. Join an Employee Resource Group activity
  3. Reach out to a previous team member and find out what they are working on today
  4. Go into the office
  5. Post a SF meme, pet pic or celebrate a teammate in the Campfire Chat
  6. Sign up for the Central Region Spotlight Activity
  7. Send someone a compliment about their work
  8. Submit an idea for a Lunch and Learn
  9. Reach out to Claudia or Hilary about presenting a topic at the monthly All Hands
  10. Start or join a cert study group (can meet one or multiple times)
  11. Leave Workday feedback for a peer
  12. Have coffee or lunch with someone you've never talked to in our practice
  13. Reach out to a professional contact on LinkedIn outside the company
  14. Attend a Salesforce Town Hall
  15. Attend all 3 summer All Hands Meetings
  16. Attend a second All Hands Meeting
  17. Join the Salesforce Certifications Teams Channel
  18. Introduce yourself to someone who is where you want to be (career-wise - internal or external to the company)
  19. Attend a local Salesforce event (virtual or in person)
  20. Attend one All Hands Meeting
  21. Reach out to Business Development or Operation Initiatives team to support (internal initiatives, pre-sales activities, whitepapers, etc.)
  22. Attend a Salesforce Community Meeting
  23. Update your Salesforce Bio profile
  24. Update your Workday profile and roles