constitutionprinciple that giveseach brach ofgovernmentthe power to limitpower of otherbranchesa militaryblockadeof a city orfortressa person whobuys land withthe hope ofselling it for alarge profitlocal groupsformed to sharepolitical andmilitaryinformation withothercommunities.a formalagreementbetween 2nationsa minorfightTemporaryfor thetime beingsoldiers killedwounded,capturedor missing1 nationalgovernmentundividedfootsoldiersThe overthrowof agovernmentby those whoare governedapprovedformallyopen organizedand armedresistance toonesgoovernment orrulerconstitutionalprincaple thatdivides poweramong differentbranchesan organizedpull back oftroops from anenemy in orderto gain anadvantagea brief napor rest takenafter thenoon mealnationaland stategovernmenta personnot in thearmedforces.a document thatestablishes, orcreates agovernment andoutlines laws andprinceples ofgovernmentextra soldierssent to placetomake theforcesstrongermadeup of 2housestheright tovotesoldierson horsebackThe killing of alarge amountof people oranimals at 1timeconstitutionprinciple that giveseach brach ofgovernmentthe power to limitpower of otherbranchesa militaryblockadeof a city orfortressa person whobuys land withthe hope ofselling it for alarge profitlocal groupsformed to sharepolitical andmilitaryinformation withothercommunities.a formalagreementbetween 2nationsa minorfightTemporaryfor thetime beingsoldiers killedwounded,capturedor missing1 nationalgovernmentundividedfootsoldiersThe overthrowof agovernmentby those whoare governedapprovedformallyopen organizedand armedresistance toonesgoovernment orrulerconstitutionalprincaple thatdivides poweramong differentbranchesan organizedpull back oftroops from anenemy in orderto gain anadvantagea brief napor rest takenafter thenoon mealnationaland stategovernmenta personnot in thearmedforces.a document thatestablishes, orcreates agovernment andoutlines laws andprinceples ofgovernmentextra soldierssent to placetomake theforcesstrongermadeup of 2housestheright tovotesoldierson horsebackThe killing of alarge amountof people oranimals at 1time

Tx History Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. constitution principle that gives each brach of government the power to limit power of other branches
  2. a military blockade of a city or fortress
  3. a person who buys land with the hope of selling it for a large profit
  4. local groups formed to share political and military information with other communities.
  5. a formal agreement between 2 nations
  6. a minor fight
  7. Temporary for the time being
  8. soldiers killed wounded,captured or missing
  9. 1 national government undivided
  10. foot soldiers
  11. The overthrow of a government by those who are governed
  12. approved formally
  13. open organized and armed resistance to ones goovernment or ruler
  14. constitutional princaple that divides power among different branches
  15. an organized pull back of troops from an enemy in order to gain an advantage
  16. a brief nap or rest taken after the noon meal
  17. national and state government
  18. a person not in the armed forces.
  19. a document that establishes, or creates a government and outlines laws and princeples of government
  20. extra soldiers sent to placeto make the forces stronger
  21. made up of 2 houses
  22. the right to vote
  23. soldiers on horse back
  24. The killing of a large amount of people or animals at 1 time