Look up Mozart 12Variations onTwinkle Twinkle(piano tutorial) onYouTube. Whichvariation did youlike best?Watch 3 PianoGuys videos onYouTube & writethe songs on theflip side Teach a familymember or frienda song from yourLesson Bk (orearlier Level Bk)Play Note NameMemory onMusicPlayOnlineMemorize asong youalready knowfrom Lesson orPerformance BkChoose a songfrom your LessonBk. Circle each ofthe notes a differentcolor (ex all C's red,all D's green)Find outDad'sfavorite song-write it onthe flip sideLook up yourfavorite songperformed as apiano solo.Write it on theback.Play 2 levels ofWhat Rhythmdid you Hear?onMusicPlayOnlinePractice for10consecutivedays (writedays on back)Attend anoutdoor (orindoor) concert!Write what itwas on the flipsidePlay 2 levels ofMatch theMelody onMusicPlayOnlinePlay one of theStaff readinggames on theDoctorMusicwebsite 5 daysin a rowPlay one of theRhythm readinggames on theDoctorMusikwebsite 5 daysin a row Look aheadin yourLesson Bkand learn anew song.Play one of theComposition Toolgames on theDoctorMusikwebsite 3 times ina rowFind out whatMom'sfavorite songis - write it onthe flip sideLearn a newsong in yourPerformanceBk on yourownPerform for thecommunity(church,synagogue,nursing home,etc)Go toFromthetop.org -watch 3 videos ofkids performing(doesn't have tobe piano)Have a familymember orfriend video youplaying a songand email it tomePractice for 5consecutivedays (writethe days onback)Perform atleast 4 songsfor your familyor friends as amini-recital Figure outa songyou know,by earLook up Mozart 12Variations onTwinkle Twinkle(piano tutorial) onYouTube. Whichvariation did youlike best?Watch 3 PianoGuys videos onYouTube & writethe songs on theflip side Teach a familymember or frienda song from yourLesson Bk (orearlier Level Bk)Play Note NameMemory onMusicPlayOnlineMemorize asong youalready knowfrom Lesson orPerformance BkChoose a songfrom your LessonBk. Circle each ofthe notes a differentcolor (ex all C's red,all D's green)Find outDad'sfavorite song-write it onthe flip sideLook up yourfavorite songperformed as apiano solo.Write it on theback.Play 2 levels ofWhat Rhythmdid you Hear?onMusicPlayOnlinePractice for10consecutivedays (writedays on back)Attend anoutdoor (orindoor) concert!Write what itwas on the flipsidePlay 2 levels ofMatch theMelody onMusicPlayOnlinePlay one of theStaff readinggames on theDoctorMusicwebsite 5 daysin a rowPlay one of theRhythm readinggames on theDoctorMusikwebsite 5 daysin a row Look aheadin yourLesson Bkand learn anew song.Play one of theComposition Toolgames on theDoctorMusikwebsite 3 times ina rowFind out whatMom'sfavorite songis - write it onthe flip sideLearn a newsong in yourPerformanceBk on yourownPerform for thecommunity(church,synagogue,nursing home,etc)Go toFromthetop.org -watch 3 videos ofkids performing(doesn't have tobe piano)Have a familymember orfriend video youplaying a songand email it tomePractice for 5consecutivedays (writethe days onback)Perform atleast 4 songsfor your familyor friends as amini-recital Figure outa songyou know,by ear

Summer Piano BINGO 2023 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Look up Mozart 12 Variations on Twinkle Twinkle (piano tutorial) on YouTube. Which variation did you like best?
  2. Watch 3 Piano Guys videos on YouTube & write the songs on the flip side
  3. Teach a family member or friend a song from your Lesson Bk (or earlier Level Bk)
  4. Play Note Name Memory on MusicPlayOnline
  5. Memorize a song you already know from Lesson or Performance Bk
  6. Choose a song from your Lesson Bk. Circle each of the notes a different color (ex all C's red, all D's green)
  7. Find out Dad's favorite song -write it on the flip side
  8. Look up your favorite song performed as a piano solo. Write it on the back.
  9. Play 2 levels of What Rhythm did you Hear? on MusicPlayOnline
  10. Practice for 10 consecutive days (write days on back)
  11. Attend an outdoor (or indoor) concert! Write what it was on the flip side
  12. Play 2 levels of Match the Melody on MusicPlayOnline
  13. Play one of the Staff reading games on the DoctorMusic website 5 days in a row
  14. Play one of the Rhythm reading games on the DoctorMusik website 5 days in a row
  15. Look ahead in your Lesson Bk and learn a new song.
  16. Play one of the Composition Tool games on the DoctorMusik website 3 times in a row
  17. Find out what Mom's favorite song is - write it on the flip side
  18. Learn a new song in your Performance Bk on your own
  19. Perform for the community (church, synagogue, nursing home, etc)
  20. Go to Fromthetop.org -watch 3 videos of kids performing (doesn't have to be piano)
  21. Have a family member or friend video you playing a song and email it to me
  22. Practice for 5 consecutive days (write the days on back)
  23. Perform at least 4 songs for your family or friends as a mini-recital
  24. Figure out a song you know, by ear