TeruahOne of the shofarsounds. It is awavering orweeping soundconsisting of nineshort brokennotes.5784The Hebrewyear that weare enteringBeesThis iswhere honeycomes from.  JonahThe storyabout awhale thatwe read onYom Kippur.ShofarThe sound fromthis instrumentwakes us toask forforgiveness.A RoshHaShanahgreetingmeaning “Havea Good Year.”This word literallymeans “turning”. Itmeans changing ouractions and doing theright thing instead ofthe wrong thing.The Hebrewmonth whenthe High HolyDays arecelebrated.A traditional greetingused between RoshHaShanah and YomKippur, it means “BeSealed in the Book ofLife for Good”.MachzorThe Hebrewname for theHigh Holidayprayer book.KolNidreLiterally means“All Vows” it is aprayer chantedon the Eveningof Yom Kippur.  TashlichThe custom ofcasting awayour sins bythrowing breadcrumbs intomoving water.Literally means“Head of theYear”. It falls onthe 1st and 2ndday of Tishrei.   TekiahGedolahOne of theshofar sounds. Itis a very longnote that is atthe end of eachshofar blowing.ApplesinhoneyWe dip oneinto the otherto celebratea sweet newyear.  SlichaThe wordSorry inHebrewT’shuvah,Tefilah,TzedakahRepentance, Prayerand Righteousbehavior. The threemajor Jewish valueswe think about duringthe high holidays.ChallahThis food isbaked into around shape tosignify that theyear is a cycle.Hebrew for “Day ofAtonement”, thistenth day of themonth of Tishrei isa day for fastingand introspection.   Ram's HornWhat ashofar ismade outofHello,goodbye,peaceThemeaningsof the wordShalom.  ShevarimOne of theshofar sounds.It is made up ofthree briefnotes.The amount ofdays betweenRosh Hashanahand Yom KippurT'kiahOne of theshofarsounds. It isa note thatends quicklyTeruahOne of the shofarsounds. It is awavering orweeping soundconsisting of nineshort brokennotes.5784The Hebrewyear that weare enteringBeesThis iswhere honeycomes from. JonahThe storyabout awhale thatwe read onYom Kippur.ShofarThe sound fromthis instrumentwakes us toask forforgiveness.A RoshHaShanahgreetingmeaning “Havea Good Year.”This word literallymeans “turning”. Itmeans changing ouractions and doing theright thing instead ofthe wrong thing.The Hebrewmonth whenthe High HolyDays arecelebrated.A traditional greetingused between RoshHaShanah and YomKippur, it means “BeSealed in the Book ofLife for Good”.MachzorThe Hebrewname for theHigh Holidayprayer book.KolNidreLiterally means“All Vows” it is aprayer chantedon the Eveningof Yom Kippur.  TashlichThe custom ofcasting awayour sins bythrowing breadcrumbs intomoving water.Literally means“Head of theYear”. It falls onthe 1st and 2ndday of Tishrei.   TekiahGedolahOne of theshofar sounds. Itis a very longnote that is atthe end of eachshofar blowing.ApplesinhoneyWe dip oneinto the otherto celebratea sweet newyear.  SlichaThe wordSorry inHebrewT’shuvah,Tefilah,TzedakahRepentance, Prayerand Righteousbehavior. The threemajor Jewish valueswe think about duringthe high holidays.ChallahThis food isbaked into around shape tosignify that theyear is a cycle.Hebrew for “Day ofAtonement”, thistenth day of themonth of Tishrei isa day for fastingand introspection.   Ram's HornWhat ashofar ismade outofHello,goodbye,peaceThemeaningsof the wordShalom.  ShevarimOne of theshofar sounds.It is made up ofthree briefnotes.The amount ofdays betweenRosh Hashanahand Yom KippurT'kiahOne of theshofarsounds. It isa note thatends quickly

COA HHD 2023 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. One of the shofar sounds. It is a wavering or weeping sound consisting of nine short broken notes.
  2. The Hebrew year that we are entering
  3. This is where honey comes from.
  4. The story about a whale that we read on Yom Kippur.
  5. The sound from this instrument wakes us to ask for forgiveness.
  6. A Rosh HaShanah greeting meaning “Have a Good Year.”
  7. This word literally means “turning”. It means changing our actions and doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing.
  8. The Hebrew month when the High Holy Days are celebrated.
  9. A traditional greeting used between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, it means “Be Sealed in the Book of Life for Good”.
  10. The Hebrew name for the High Holiday prayer book.
  11. Literally means “All Vows” it is a prayer chanted on the Evening of Yom Kippur.
    Kol Nidre
  12. The custom of casting away our sins by throwing bread crumbs into moving water.
  13. Literally means “Head of the Year”. It falls on the 1st and 2nd day of Tishrei.
  14. One of the shofar sounds. It is a very long note that is at the end of each shofar blowing.
    Tekiah Gedolah
  15. We dip one into the other to celebrate a sweet new year.
    Apples in honey
  16. The word Sorry in Hebrew
  17. Repentance, Prayer and Righteous behavior. The three major Jewish values we think about during the high holidays.
    T’shuvah, Tefilah, Tzedakah
  18. This food is baked into a round shape to signify that the year is a cycle.
  19. Hebrew for “Day of Atonement”, this tenth day of the month of Tishrei is a day for fasting and introspection.
  20. What a shofar is made out of
    Ram's Horn
  21. The meanings of the word Shalom.
    Hello, goodbye, peace
  22. One of the shofar sounds. It is made up of three brief notes.
  23. The amount of days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
  24. One of the shofar sounds. It is a note that ends quickly