someonewho hasdone a drivefor a localcausesomeone whohas children indaycare fulltime whileworking fulltimesomeone whohas supportedsomeone toexercise theirreproductiverightssomeone whoserves/ed asprimary caretakerfor someone otherthan their ownchildrensomeone whohas donatedtoys and gifts toa local charityfor the holidayssomeonewho playedin a maledominatedsportsomeone whohas movedacross thecountry topursue theirdreamssomeonewho hasbeenremarriedsomeone whohas dealt withsubstanceabuse in theirfamily orbusinesssomeone who hasexperienced theloss of the primarybreadwinner oftheir householdsomeonewho hasfostered oradopted kidsor petssomeone orknowssomeone whohas run out ofdiapers orformulasomeone whohasspoken/presentedfor a local nonprofitsomeone who hasor knows someonewho has lostaccess to theirvehicle for dailytransportationsomeonewho hasdonated to alocal nonprofitsomeonewho hasvolunteeredfor a localnon profitsomeone whois or knowssomeone whois seeking asobercommunitysomeone whowas firstwoman infamily toattend collegesomeone whoworks/hasworked in amaledominatedindustrysomeone whowas raised by agrandparent orfamily membernot mom anddadsomeonewho hasmotheredsomeonesomeone whois interested ingetting moreinvolved withlocal non profitssomeone who hasexperienced or knowsomeone who has haddisplacement/disruptionof abodesomeone who hasor knows someonewho has a chroniccondition thatrequires daily caresomeonewho hasdone a drivefor a localcausesomeone whohas children indaycare fulltime whileworking fulltimesomeone whohas supportedsomeone toexercise theirreproductiverightssomeone whoserves/ed asprimary caretakerfor someone otherthan their ownchildrensomeone whohas donatedtoys and gifts toa local charityfor the holidayssomeonewho playedin a maledominatedsportsomeone whohas movedacross thecountry topursue theirdreamssomeonewho hasbeenremarriedsomeone whohas dealt withsubstanceabuse in theirfamily orbusinesssomeone who hasexperienced theloss of the primarybreadwinner oftheir householdsomeonewho hasfostered oradopted kidsor petssomeone orknowssomeone whohas run out ofdiapers orformulasomeone whohasspoken/presentedfor a local nonprofitsomeone who hasor knows someonewho has lostaccess to theirvehicle for dailytransportationsomeonewho hasdonated to alocal nonprofitsomeonewho hasvolunteeredfor a localnon profitsomeone whois or knowssomeone whois seeking asobercommunitysomeone whowas firstwoman infamily toattend collegesomeone whoworks/hasworked in amaledominatedindustrysomeone whowas raised by agrandparent orfamily membernot mom anddadsomeonewho hasmotheredsomeonesomeone whois interested ingetting moreinvolved withlocal non profitssomeone who hasexperienced or knowsomeone who has haddisplacement/disruptionof abodesomeone who hasor knows someonewho has a chroniccondition thatrequires daily care

Icebreaker Bingo Find a person who is - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. someone who has done a drive for a local cause
  2. someone who has children in daycare full time while working full time
  3. someone who has supported someone to exercise their reproductive rights
  4. someone who serves/ed as primary caretaker for someone other than their own children
  5. someone who has donated toys and gifts to a local charity for the holidays
  6. someone who played in a male dominated sport
  7. someone who has moved across the country to pursue their dreams
  8. someone who has been remarried
  9. someone who has dealt with substance abuse in their family or business
  10. someone who has experienced the loss of the primary breadwinner of their household
  11. someone who has fostered or adopted kids or pets
  12. someone or knows someone who has run out of diapers or formula
  13. someone who has spoken/presented for a local non profit
  14. someone who has or knows someone who has lost access to their vehicle for daily transportation
  15. someone who has donated to a local non profit
  16. someone who has volunteered for a local non profit
  17. someone who is or knows someone who is seeking a sober community
  18. someone who was first woman in family to attend college
  19. someone who works/has worked in a male dominated industry
  20. someone who was raised by a grandparent or family member not mom and dad
  21. someone who has mothered someone
  22. someone who is interested in getting more involved with local non profits
  23. someone who has experienced or know someone who has had displacement/disruption of abode
  24. someone who has or knows someone who has a chronic condition that requires daily care