I haveencounteredpatients withexcessivedemandsand unrealisticexpectationsI have beenshouted atandbehavedaggressively.I haveexperiencedpatients whopersistentlyresist any formof change.I haveencounteredpatients whoengagein constantcomplaining.I haveexperiencedpatients whorefuse tocooperate orfollow instructions.I have dealt withpatients who find itchallenging toaccept feedbackabout theirconditionor treatment.I have dealt with apatient or their familymember who wasfrustrated due to theprocess that they hadto go through beforethey reached me.I haveexperiencedpatients whointerrupt and talkover me or others.I haveencounteredpatients withexcessivedemandsand unrealisticexpectationsI have beenshouted atandbehavedaggressively.I haveexperiencedpatients whopersistentlyresist any formof change.I haveencounteredpatients whoengagein constantcomplaining.I haveexperiencedpatients whorefuse tocooperate orfollow instructions.I have dealt withpatients who find itchallenging toaccept feedbackabout theirconditionor treatment.I have dealt with apatient or their familymember who wasfrustrated due to theprocess that they hadto go through beforethey reached me.I haveexperiencedpatients whointerrupt and talkover me or others.

Dealing with Difficult People Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have encountered patients with excessive demands and unrealistic expectations
  2. I have been shouted at and behaved aggressively.
  3. I have experienced patients who persistently resist any form of change.
  4. I have encountered patients who engage in constant complaining.
  5. I have experienced patients who refuse to cooperate or follow instructions.
  6. I have dealt with patients who find it challenging to accept feedback about their condition or treatment.
  7. I have dealt with a patient or their family member who was frustrated due to the process that they had to go through before they reached me.
  8. I have experienced patients who interrupt and talk over me or others.