In what yeardid theMuppets firstepisode air?What is thename of thesummer fruitthat comesfrom a cactus?What is the nameof the summerresidence of thePresident of theUnited States?What is thename of thefamous cyclerace held inFrance everysummer?Whatdoes SPFstand for?Where inMaryland wasthe "StarSpangledBanner"Written?Which U.S. landmarkis associated with aceremony in Paris onJuly 4, 1884 honoringthe commemorationof the friendshipbetween France andthe United States.?In what yearwasDisneylandinaugurated?What month isNational IceCream Monthin the UnitedStates?What is theofficial statebird ofMaryland?This delicioussummertime fruitis calledrockmelons inAustralia. Whatare they known asin the U.S.?The famousWashington D.C.cherry blossom treeswere a 1912 gift fromthe mayor of whatinternational capital?What is thename of WillSmith and DJJazzy Jeff’ssummer songfrom 1991?The White Houseis blown up byaliens on theFourth of Julyholiday weekendin what 1996 film?Which children’stoy, invented in1943, is a popularsummer outdoorgame?In whatcountry didfireworksoriginate?What classicrock groupchecked into“HotelCalifornia”?What sport isplayed in theMidsummerClassic?Which U.S.state is knownas “TheSunshineState”In the song“Summer Nights”,what does Dannyclaim to havesaved Sandyfrom?WhichShakespeareplay is namedafter a summernight?What isthebirthstonefor July?Which infamoussummer festivaltook place inWhite Lake, NewYork in 1969?What is thehottestplanet in thesolarsystem?Which citywill host thenext SummerOlympics(2024)?In what yeardid theMuppets firstepisode air?What is thename of thesummer fruitthat comesfrom a cactus?What is the nameof the summerresidence of thePresident of theUnited States?What is thename of thefamous cyclerace held inFrance everysummer?Whatdoes SPFstand for?Where inMaryland wasthe "StarSpangledBanner"Written?Which U.S. landmarkis associated with aceremony in Paris onJuly 4, 1884 honoringthe commemorationof the friendshipbetween France andthe United States.?In what yearwasDisneylandinaugurated?What month isNational IceCream Monthin the UnitedStates?What is theofficial statebird ofMaryland?This delicioussummertime fruitis calledrockmelons inAustralia. Whatare they known asin the U.S.?The famousWashington D.C.cherry blossom treeswere a 1912 gift fromthe mayor of whatinternational capital?What is thename of WillSmith and DJJazzy Jeff’ssummer songfrom 1991?The White Houseis blown up byaliens on theFourth of Julyholiday weekendin what 1996 film?Which children’stoy, invented in1943, is a popularsummer outdoorgame?In whatcountry didfireworksoriginate?What classicrock groupchecked into“HotelCalifornia”?What sport isplayed in theMidsummerClassic?Which U.S.state is knownas “TheSunshineState”In the song“Summer Nights”,what does Dannyclaim to havesaved Sandyfrom?WhichShakespeareplay is namedafter a summernight?What isthebirthstonefor July?Which infamoussummer festivaltook place inWhite Lake, NewYork in 1969?What is thehottestplanet in thesolarsystem?Which citywill host thenext SummerOlympics(2024)?

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In what year did the Muppets first episode air?
  2. What is the name of the summer fruit that comes from a cactus?
  3. What is the name of the summer residence of the President of the United States?
  4. What is the name of the famous cycle race held in France every summer?
  5. What does SPF stand for?
  6. Where in Maryland was the "Star Spangled Banner" Written?
  7. Which U.S. landmark is associated with a ceremony in Paris on July 4, 1884 honoring the commemoration of the friendship between France and the United States.?
  8. In what year was Disneyland inaugurated?
  9. What month is National Ice Cream Month in the United States?
  10. What is the official state bird of Maryland?
  11. This delicious summertime fruit is called rockmelons in Australia. What are they known as in the U.S.?
  12. The famous Washington D.C. cherry blossom trees were a 1912 gift from the mayor of what international capital?
  13. What is the name of Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff’s summer song from 1991?
  14. The White House is blown up by aliens on the Fourth of July holiday weekend in what 1996 film?
  15. Which children’s toy, invented in 1943, is a popular summer outdoor game?
  16. In what country did fireworks originate?
  17. What classic rock group checked into “Hotel California”?
  18. What sport is played in the Midsummer Classic?
  19. Which U.S. state is known as “The Sunshine State”
  20. In the song “Summer Nights”, what does Danny claim to have saved Sandy from?
  21. Which Shakespeare play is named after a summer night?
  22. What is the birthstone for July?
  23. Which infamous summer festival took place in White Lake, New York in 1969?
  24. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  25. Which city will host the next Summer Olympics (2024)?