Fission TrackDating is amethod basedon the decay ofradioactiveuranium.Elements arematerials that cannotbe broken down intomore simplematerials withoutlosing their chemicalidentity.Transforming theatom byspontaneouslyreleasing energy iscalled radioactivedecay.AAR is a datingmethod is used fororganic materialssuch as bones,teeth, and shells.The leadingchronometricmethod ofarchaeology isradio carbondating.Charles Lylecreated the theoryofUniformitarienism.Most isotopes innature areconsidered stableisotopes and willremain in theirnormal structureindefinitely.The earthis 4.543billionyears old.The Law ofSuperpositionwas firstexplored byNicholas Stenoin 1669.Cultural Dating is atechnique used toidentify thechronologicalrelationshipsbetween human-made artifacts.Unifromitariensimsis a theory that theearth geologicformations are thework of slowgeologic forces.Hutton's theoryof deep timewas crucial tounderstandingof Fossils.LuminesenceDating is based onnaturally occuringbackgroundradiation in soils.Flourine Dating iscommonly used tocompare the ageof soil aroundartifacts located inclose proximity.An eon isfurtherdividedinto Eras.Chronometricdating methodsprovide specificdates and timeranges.The Law ofSuperpostion tellsus that things onthe bottom areolder than thingson the top.Relative Datingwas first usedbecause the relyon simpleobservationalskills.Biostratigraphy isdating technique thatlooks at a fossil orartifact, & comparesit to fossils orremains found in thesame stratigraphiclayers.Each elementconsists of aspecific numberof protons &electrons.Electron SpinResonance Datingis the measurementof backgroundradiation from aburial enviroment.The Law ofSuperposition wasfurther explored byJames Hutton thefather of "DeepTime."Our currentEpoch isknown asHalocene.FlourineDating is aspecial kindof chemicaldating.Eras aredividedintoperiods.Dendrochronlogyuses thevariations of treerings to createtimelines.Radiocarbondating is amethod basedon the decayof Carbon 14Thelargestsubunit isthe Eon.Periodsare dividedintoEpochs.Fission TrackDating is amethod basedon the decay ofradioactiveuranium.Elements arematerials that cannotbe broken down intomore simplematerials withoutlosing their chemicalidentity.Transforming theatom byspontaneouslyreleasing energy iscalled radioactivedecay.AAR is a datingmethod is used fororganic materialssuch as bones,teeth, and shells.The leadingchronometricmethod ofarchaeology isradio carbondating.Charles Lylecreated the theoryofUniformitarienism.Most isotopes innature areconsidered stableisotopes and willremain in theirnormal structureindefinitely.The earthis 4.543billionyears old.The Law ofSuperpositionwas firstexplored byNicholas Stenoin 1669.Cultural Dating is atechnique used toidentify thechronologicalrelationshipsbetween human-made artifacts.Unifromitariensimsis a theory that theearth geologicformations are thework of slowgeologic forces.Hutton's theoryof deep timewas crucial tounderstandingof Fossils.LuminesenceDating is based onnaturally occuringbackgroundradiation in soils.Flourine Dating iscommonly used tocompare the ageof soil aroundartifacts located inclose proximity.An eon isfurtherdividedinto Eras.Chronometricdating methodsprovide specificdates and timeranges.The Law ofSuperpostion tellsus that things onthe bottom areolder than thingson the top.Relative Datingwas first usedbecause the relyon simpleobservationalskills.Biostratigraphy isdating technique thatlooks at a fossil orartifact, & comparesit to fossils orremains found in thesame stratigraphiclayers.Each elementconsists of aspecific numberof protons &electrons.Electron SpinResonance Datingis the measurementof backgroundradiation from aburial enviroment.The Law ofSuperposition wasfurther explored byJames Hutton thefather of "DeepTime."Our currentEpoch isknown asHalocene.FlourineDating is aspecial kindof chemicaldating.Eras aredividedintoperiods.Dendrochronlogyuses thevariations of treerings to createtimelines.Radiocarbondating is amethod basedon the decayof Carbon 14Thelargestsubunit isthe Eon.Periodsare dividedintoEpochs.

Dating Methods - Anthro 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Fission Track Dating is a method based on the decay of radioactive uranium.
  2. Elements are materials that cannot be broken down into more simple materials without losing their chemical identity.
  3. Transforming the atom by spontaneously releasing energy is called radioactive decay.
  4. AAR is a dating method is used for organic materials such as bones, teeth, and shells.
  5. The leading chronometric method of archaeology is radio carbon dating.
  6. Charles Lyle created the theory of Uniformitarienism.
  7. Most isotopes in nature are considered stable isotopes and will remain in their normal structure indefinitely.
  8. The earth is 4.543 billion years old.
  9. The Law of Superposition was first explored by Nicholas Steno in 1669.
  10. Cultural Dating is a technique used to identify the chronological relationships between human-made artifacts.
  11. Unifromitariensims is a theory that the earth geologic formations are the work of slow geologic forces.
  12. Hutton's theory of deep time was crucial to understanding of Fossils.
  13. Luminesence Dating is based on naturally occuring background radiation in soils.
  14. Flourine Dating is commonly used to compare the age of soil around artifacts located in close proximity.
  15. An eon is further divided into Eras.
  16. Chronometric dating methods provide specific dates and time ranges.
  17. The Law of Superpostion tells us that things on the bottom are older than things on the top.
  18. Relative Dating was first used because the rely on simple observational skills.
  19. Biostratigraphy is dating technique that looks at a fossil or artifact, & compares it to fossils or remains found in the same stratigraphic layers.
  20. Each element consists of a specific number of protons & electrons.
  21. Electron Spin Resonance Dating is the measurement of background radiation from a burial enviroment.
  22. The Law of Superposition was further explored by James Hutton the father of "Deep Time."
  23. Our current Epoch is known as Halocene.
  24. Flourine Dating is a special kind of chemical dating.
  25. Eras are divided into periods.
  26. Dendrochronlogy uses the variations of tree rings to create timelines.
  27. Radiocarbon dating is a method based on the decay of Carbon 14
  28. The largest subunit is the Eon.
  29. Periods are divided into Epochs.