Give theperson toyour right acomplimentWho is yourbiggestsupportperson?What copingskills haveyou used sofar?What was yourhigh today andwhat was yourlow today (orweek)?During thisstage, apattern ofuse happensShare anexample ofhow youcoped with atrigger.What is thebest momentthat you'vehad in life sofar?Namethreestrengthsyou have.What dolike/dislikeaboutADEPT?What isthecurriculumfor AA?Giveyourself 3affirmationsName a healtheffect notalreadymentioned fromsubstance use.They mayneglect basichygiene, skipmeals or losesleep duringthis stageWhen you werea child, whatdid you want tobe when yougrew up?This stage iscontrolled by theuser and theycan stopusing/drinkingwhen they wantWhat is yourfavoritehobby?why?What areyour lifegoals?What doessobrietylook like toyou?Whatmakes youa uniqueperson?How would youassess youruse ofsubstances?Why are you intreatment?What isarelapse?What is onething you areproud ofyourself for?By thistime nextyear Iwill...What short-term goal areyou workingtoward rightnow?What is themost helpfulthing you dowhen youhave an urge?How candenial playa part inrecovery?Give anexampleof riskybehaviorIs nutritionimportant torecovery?Why or whynot?What is onething you wouldlike to change tomake your lifemore satisfying?How do youdeal withstress? Whatworks? Whatdoesn't?What advicewould yougive yourchildhoodself?Whatword bestdescribesyou?What mistakehave you madein the last weekand how canyou do it betterin the future?I feelcalmwhen...Risk takingis apart ofwhich stageof addiction?What doyou do forself-care?What arethree signsof resilienceyou see inyourself?Who isyour rolemodel?Why?Share yourfavoritechildhoodmemoryGive theperson toyour right acomplimentWho is yourbiggestsupportperson?What copingskills haveyou used sofar?What was yourhigh today andwhat was yourlow today (orweek)?During thisstage, apattern ofuse happensShare anexample ofhow youcoped with atrigger.What is thebest momentthat you'vehad in life sofar?Namethreestrengthsyou have.What dolike/dislikeaboutADEPT?What isthecurriculumfor AA?Giveyourself 3affirmationsName a healtheffect notalreadymentioned fromsubstance use.They mayneglect basichygiene, skipmeals or losesleep duringthis stageWhen you werea child, whatdid you want tobe when yougrew up?This stage iscontrolled by theuser and theycan stopusing/drinkingwhen they wantWhat is yourfavoritehobby?why?What areyour lifegoals?What doessobrietylook like toyou?Whatmakes youa uniqueperson?How would youassess youruse ofsubstances?Why are you intreatment?What isarelapse?What is onething you areproud ofyourself for?By thistime nextyear Iwill...What short-term goal areyou workingtoward rightnow?What is themost helpfulthing you dowhen youhave an urge?How candenial playa part inrecovery?Give anexampleof riskybehaviorIs nutritionimportant torecovery?Why or whynot?What is onething you wouldlike to change tomake your lifemore satisfying?How do youdeal withstress? Whatworks? Whatdoesn't?What advicewould yougive yourchildhoodself?Whatword bestdescribesyou?What mistakehave you madein the last weekand how canyou do it betterin the future?I feelcalmwhen...Risk takingis apart ofwhich stageof addiction?What doyou do forself-care?What arethree signsof resilienceyou see inyourself?Who isyour rolemodel?Why?Share yourfavoritechildhoodmemory

Recovery Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give the person to your right a compliment
  2. Who is your biggest support person?
  3. What coping skills have you used so far?
  4. What was your high today and what was your low today (or week)?
  5. During this stage, a pattern of use happens
  6. Share an example of how you coped with a trigger.
  7. What is the best moment that you've had in life so far?
  8. Name three strengths you have.
  9. What do like/dislike about ADEPT?
  10. What is the curriculum for AA?
  11. Give yourself 3 affirmations
  12. Name a health effect not already mentioned from substance use.
  13. They may neglect basic hygiene, skip meals or lose sleep during this stage
  14. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  15. This stage is controlled by the user and they can stop using/drinking when they want
  16. What is your favorite hobby? why?
  17. What are your life goals?
  18. What does sobriety look like to you?
  19. What makes you a unique person?
  20. How would you assess your use of substances? Why are you in treatment?
  21. What is a relapse?
  22. What is one thing you are proud of yourself for?
  23. By this time next year I will...
  24. What short-term goal are you working toward right now?
  25. What is the most helpful thing you do when you have an urge?
  26. How can denial play a part in recovery?
  27. Give an example of risky behavior
  28. Is nutrition important to recovery? Why or why not?
  29. What is one thing you would like to change to make your life more satisfying?
  30. How do you deal with stress? What works? What doesn't?
  31. What advice would you give your childhood self?
  32. What word best describes you?
  33. What mistake have you made in the last week and how can you do it better in the future?
  34. I feel calm when...
  35. Risk taking is apart of which stage of addiction?
  36. What do you do for self-care?
  37. What are three signs of resilience you see in yourself?
  38. Who is your role model? Why?
  39. Share your favorite childhood memory