Each camper inyour group pulls outtwo pieces ofmugwort(Don’tknow what mugwortis? Ask JordanTeva!)Take one minuteof silence withyour group tolisten to the naturearound youAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s pet frog!(Poolo G)No foodwaste atlunch!Each camper inyour groupbrushes their teethwith the waterturned off when it’snot in useCompostleftover foodduring lunchEach camperin your grouphugs threedifferent treestodayEachcamper inyour groupeats 2berriesWatch UncleTony andJordan Tevashow offReptilesGiveWhammy aheart shapedrockAsk ChannaJewish aquestionsaboutNoah’s ArkTell JordanTeva a randomanimal fact atsome pointtodayAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s leopardgecko! (Rogue)Each camper inyour group putson sunscreenbefore the firstactivityCall out yourcounselor whenthey dosomething notenvironmentallyfriendly!At least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s goats!(Kendrick &Lamar)Your bunksuccessfullyrecycleseverythingbetween clean-upand shabbat prepYour group comesup with a list of atleast 10 wayscamp can be moreenvironmentallyfriendlyAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of one ofthe camp’s petsnakes! (Reggie orMonty)Pick up 5pieces oftrashFind fivedifferenttypes offlowersFind atleast onefrog.Answer a 500point questioncorrectlyduring AnimalJeopardyHelp an insectstuck inside abuilding safelyleave thebuildingMake signs foryour bunk (orother parts ofcamp) to remindcampers to turn offthe lights whenexitingAnswer aquestioncorrectlyduring AnimalJeopardyAt least onecamper in yourgroup makes artout of recycledmaterials/old artTell one specialisthow they canmake theirspecialty moreenvironmentallyfriendlyMake signs foryour bunk (orother parts ofcamp) to remindcampers to recycleFind fivedifferenttypes ofbirdsAt least 3 campers inyour bunk write anappreciation letter forthe land caretakers atcamp (the people atcamp who make surecamp looks pretty24/7!)Compostleftover foodduringbreakfastFind fivedifferenttypes oftreesSomeone inyour cabinproperlyrecycles deadbatteriesHelp FarmerCelia plantsomething atcamp today!Each camper inyour group pulls outtwo pieces ofmugwort(Don’tknow what mugwortis? Ask JordanTeva!)Take one minuteof silence withyour group tolisten to the naturearound youAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s pet frog!(Poolo G)No foodwaste atlunch!Each camper inyour groupbrushes their teethwith the waterturned off when it’snot in useCompostleftover foodduring lunchEach camperin your grouphugs threedifferent treestodayEachcamper inyour groupeats 2berriesWatch UncleTony andJordan Tevashow offReptilesGiveWhammy aheart shapedrockAsk ChannaJewish aquestionsaboutNoah’s ArkTell JordanTeva a randomanimal fact atsome pointtodayAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s leopardgecko! (Rogue)Each camper inyour group putson sunscreenbefore the firstactivityCall out yourcounselor whenthey dosomething notenvironmentallyfriendly!At least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of thecamp’s goats!(Kendrick &Lamar)Your bunksuccessfullyrecycleseverythingbetween clean-upand shabbat prepYour group comesup with a list of atleast 10 wayscamp can be moreenvironmentallyfriendlyAt least onecamper in yourgroup draws apicture of one ofthe camp’s petsnakes! (Reggie orMonty)Pick up 5pieces oftrashFind fivedifferenttypes offlowersFind atleast onefrog.Answer a 500point questioncorrectlyduring AnimalJeopardyHelp an insectstuck inside abuilding safelyleave thebuildingMake signs foryour bunk (orother parts ofcamp) to remindcampers to turn offthe lights whenexitingAnswer aquestioncorrectlyduring AnimalJeopardyAt least onecamper in yourgroup makes artout of recycledmaterials/old artTell one specialisthow they canmake theirspecialty moreenvironmentallyfriendlyMake signs foryour bunk (orother parts ofcamp) to remindcampers to recycleFind fivedifferenttypes ofbirdsAt least 3 campers inyour bunk write anappreciation letter forthe land caretakers atcamp (the people atcamp who make surecamp looks pretty24/7!)Compostleftover foodduringbreakfastFind fivedifferenttypes oftreesSomeone inyour cabinproperlyrecycles deadbatteriesHelp FarmerCelia plantsomething atcamp today!

Shomrei Adamah Day - SLC 2023 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Each camper in your group pulls out two pieces of mugwort(Don’t know what mugwort is? Ask Jordan Teva!)
  2. Take one minute of silence with your group to listen to the nature around you
  3. At least one camper in your group draws a picture of the camp’s pet frog! (Poolo G)
  4. No food waste at lunch!
  5. Each camper in your group brushes their teeth with the water turned off when it’s not in use
  6. Compost leftover food during lunch
  7. Each camper in your group hugs three different trees today
  8. Each camper in your group eats 2 berries
  9. Watch Uncle Tony and Jordan Teva show off Reptiles
  10. Give Whammy a heart shaped rock
  11. Ask Channa Jewish a questions about Noah’s Ark
  12. Tell Jordan Teva a random animal fact at some point today
  13. At least one camper in your group draws a picture of the camp’s leopard gecko! (Rogue)
  14. Each camper in your group puts on sunscreen before the first activity
  15. Call out your counselor when they do something not environmentally friendly!
  16. At least one camper in your group draws a picture of the camp’s goats! (Kendrick & Lamar)
  17. Your bunk successfully recycles everything between clean-up and shabbat prep
  18. Your group comes up with a list of at least 10 ways camp can be more environmentally friendly
  19. At least one camper in your group draws a picture of one of the camp’s pet snakes! (Reggie or Monty)
  20. Pick up 5 pieces of trash
  21. Find five different types of flowers
  22. Find at least one frog.
  23. Answer a 500 point question correctly during Animal Jeopardy
  24. Help an insect stuck inside a building safely leave the building
  25. Make signs for your bunk (or other parts of camp) to remind campers to turn off the lights when exiting
  26. Answer a question correctly during Animal Jeopardy
  27. At least one camper in your group makes art out of recycled materials/old art
  28. Tell one specialist how they can make their specialty more environmentally friendly
  29. Make signs for your bunk (or other parts of camp) to remind campers to recycle
  30. Find five different types of birds
  31. At least 3 campers in your bunk write an appreciation letter for the land caretakers at camp (the people at camp who make sure camp looks pretty 24/7!)
  32. Compost leftover food during breakfast
  33. Find five different types of trees
  34. Someone in your cabin properly recycles dead batteries
  35. Help Farmer Celia plant something at camp today!