AmericanRedCrossCultural property,medical units andtransports, thenatural environment,works andinstallationscontaining deadlyforces.The principle of distinctionis a fundamental principleof internationalhumanitarian law whichprovides that parties to anarmed conflict must at alltimes distinguish betweenthe civilian population andcombatants and betweencivilian objects aInternationalHumanitarianLawYes, cyberwarefare issubject to IHL. Theemployment of cybertools that spread andcause damageindiscriminately isprohibited.People who arenot or no longerparticipating inarmed conflict.A set of ruleswhich seek, forhumanitarianreasons, to limitthe effects ofarmed conflict.Humanity,Impartiality,Neutrality,Independence,Voluntary Service,Unity, UniversalityPrisoners of Warmust be treatedhumanelythroughout theentire duration oftheir internment.IHL is universal: all partiesfighting in a conflict areobliged to respect IHL, bethey governmental forcesor non-State armed groups.The Geneva Conventions,which are central to IHL,have been ratified by all196 States, making IHL auniversalPrisoners of warare combatantswho have falleninto enemy handsin an internationalarmed conflict.IHL prohibits theemployment of means ofwarfare that result insuperfluous injury orunnecessary suffering. Thisrule reflects an attempt tostrike a balance betweenthe competing ends ofhumanity and militarynecessity, and theprotection resuCivil war,riots,protests,domesticsituationsNational Red Cross orRed CrescentSocieties, InternationalFederation of the RedCross, andInternationalCommittee of the RedCrossThe rule of proportionalityrequires that theanticipated incidental lossof human life and damageto civilian objects shouldnot be excessive in relationto the concrete and directmilitary advantageexpected from thedestruction of a militaryThe States thatare involved inarmed conflict,InternationalCriminal Court,and the UnitedNations.Contact yourregionalInternationalServices team!SoCalRegionINTL@redcross.orgThe principle of militarynecessity permits only thatdegree and kind of forcerequired to achieve thelegitimate purpose of aconflict, i.e. the complete orpartial submission of theenemy at the earliestpossible moment with theminimum expendiThe International Courtof Justice (ICJ or WorldCourt) is a civil tribunalthat hears disputesbetween countries. TheICC is a criminaltribunal that willprosecute individuals.Everyone!Military necessity,Distinction,Proportionality,and LimitingunnecessarysufferingCombatantsNo, everyone isprotected againsttorture under IHLand theInternationalHuman RightsLaw.A State (note thecapital "S") is a self-governing politicalentity. The term Statecan be usedinterchangeably withcountry.AmericanRedCrossCultural property,medical units andtransports, thenatural environment,works andinstallationscontaining deadlyforces.The principle of distinctionis a fundamental principleof internationalhumanitarian law whichprovides that parties to anarmed conflict must at alltimes distinguish betweenthe civilian population andcombatants and betweencivilian objects aInternationalHumanitarianLawYes, cyberwarefare issubject to IHL. Theemployment of cybertools that spread andcause damageindiscriminately isprohibited.People who arenot or no longerparticipating inarmed conflict.A set of ruleswhich seek, forhumanitarianreasons, to limitthe effects ofarmed conflict.Humanity,Impartiality,Neutrality,Independence,Voluntary Service,Unity, UniversalityPrisoners of Warmust be treatedhumanelythroughout theentire duration oftheir internment.IHL is universal: all partiesfighting in a conflict areobliged to respect IHL, bethey governmental forcesor non-State armed groups.The Geneva Conventions,which are central to IHL,have been ratified by all196 States, making IHL auniversalPrisoners of warare combatantswho have falleninto enemy handsin an internationalarmed conflict.IHL prohibits theemployment of means ofwarfare that result insuperfluous injury orunnecessary suffering. Thisrule reflects an attempt tostrike a balance betweenthe competing ends ofhumanity and militarynecessity, and theprotection resuCivil war,riots,protests,domesticsituationsNational Red Cross orRed CrescentSocieties, InternationalFederation of the RedCross, andInternationalCommittee of the RedCrossThe rule of proportionalityrequires that theanticipated incidental lossof human life and damageto civilian objects shouldnot be excessive in relationto the concrete and directmilitary advantageexpected from thedestruction of a militaryThe States thatare involved inarmed conflict,InternationalCriminal Court,and the UnitedNations.Contact yourregionalInternationalServices team!SoCalRegionINTL@redcross.orgThe principle of militarynecessity permits only thatdegree and kind of forcerequired to achieve thelegitimate purpose of aconflict, i.e. the complete orpartial submission of theenemy at the earliestpossible moment with theminimum expendiThe International Courtof Justice (ICJ or WorldCourt) is a civil tribunalthat hears disputesbetween countries. TheICC is a criminaltribunal that willprosecute individuals.Everyone!Military necessity,Distinction,Proportionality,and LimitingunnecessarysufferingCombatantsNo, everyone isprotected againsttorture under IHLand theInternationalHuman RightsLaw.A State (note thecapital "S") is a self-governing politicalentity. The term Statecan be usedinterchangeably withcountry.

IHL Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. American Red Cross
  2. Cultural property, medical units and transports, the natural environment, works and installations containing deadly forces.
  3. The principle of distinction is a fundamental principle of international humanitarian law which provides that parties to an armed conflict must at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects a
  4. International Humanitarian Law
  5. Yes, cyberwarefare is subject to IHL. The employment of cyber tools that spread and cause damage indiscriminately is prohibited.
  6. People who are not or no longer participating in armed conflict.
  7. A set of rules which seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict.
  8. Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, Universality
  9. Prisoners of War must be treated humanely throughout the entire duration of their internment.
  10. IHL is universal: all parties fighting in a conflict are obliged to respect IHL, be they governmental forces or non-State armed groups. The Geneva Conventions, which are central to IHL, have been ratified by all 196 States, making IHL a universal
  11. Prisoners of war are combatants who have fallen into enemy hands in an international armed conflict.
  12. IHL prohibits the employment of means of warfare that result in superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering. This rule reflects an attempt to strike a balance between the competing ends of humanity and military necessity, and the protection resu
  13. Civil war, riots, protests, domestic situations
  14. National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies, International Federation of the Red Cross, and International Committee of the Red Cross
  15. The rule of proportionality requires that the anticipated incidental loss of human life and damage to civilian objects should not be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage expected from the destruction of a military
  16. The States that are involved in armed conflict, International Criminal Court, and the United Nations.
  17. Contact your regional International Services team! SoCalRegionINTL
  18. The principle of military necessity permits only that degree and kind of force required to achieve the legitimate purpose of a conflict, i.e. the complete or partial submission of the enemy at the earliest possible moment with the minimum expendi
  19. The International Court of Justice (ICJ or World Court) is a civil tribunal that hears disputes between countries. The ICC is a criminal tribunal that will prosecute individuals.
  20. Everyone!
  21. Military necessity, Distinction, Proportionality, and Limiting unnecessary suffering
  22. Combatants
  23. No, everyone is protected against torture under IHL and the International Human Rights Law.
  24. A State (note the capital "S") is a self-governing political entity. The term State can be used interchangeably with country.