Star moves Golden Pipe 4 player minigame 10 is rolled Your Star stolen Cursed dice Chance time Item space VS Hidden block Pushed back 2x Same # on double or triple dice Tie Bank space 1 is rolled 100 coins collected Triple dice Bowser Revolution Red space Event space Coins stolen Double dice Blue space chomp call Warp block Michael's star stolen 1 v. 3 Lucky space Mushroom 50 coins collected 2 v. 2 Star passed Skeleton Key Custom dice Bowser minigame Star collected Star moves Golden Pipe 4 player minigame 10 is rolled Your Star stolen Cursed dice Chance time Item space VS Hidden block Pushed back 2x Same # on double or triple dice Tie Bank space 1 is rolled 100 coins collected Triple dice Bowser Revolution Red space Event space Coins stolen Double dice Blue space chomp call Warp block Michael's star stolen 1 v. 3 Lucky space Mushroom 50 coins collected 2 v. 2 Star passed Skeleton Key Custom dice Bowser minigame Star collected
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
R-Star moves
B-Golden Pipe
G-4 player minigame
B-10 is rolled
I-Your Star stolen
I-Cursed dice
O-Chance time
N-Item space
I-Hidden block
B-Pushed back 2x
G-Same # on double or triple dice
O-Bank space
N-1 is rolled
O-100 coins collected
G-Triple dice
R-Bowser Revolution
R-Red space
G-Event space
O-Coins stolen
I-Double dice
R-Blue space
O-chomp call
G-Warp block
R-Michael's star stolen
N-1 v. 3
B-Lucky space
I-50 coins collected
G-2 v. 2
B-Star passed
N-Skeleton Key
R-Custom dice
I-Bowser minigame
N-Star collected