MC has asupport role ina party beforebeingabandoned in adungeonBetrayed/Ostracizedfor being weakThe reason forthe MC beingsostrong/unique isquickly glossedoverThe people ofthis world areidiots who donot understandthe true value ofthe MC's skillMC joins anotherguild/country/partyfull of hot girls whowelcome him withopen armsFemalechildhood friendwho is secretlyin love with theMCMC has a fightwith a veteranadventurer overa girl, winseasilyMC's rival is arelative who gota rare skill andtook the MC'splace as theheirMC buys a hotfemale slave,but he is a pure10/10 nice guyso it's okayMC joinsadventurer'sguild, isostracized forhaving a trashskillFemale childhoodfriend has a specialskill, becomes toptier adventurer thatthe MC wants tocatch up toMC reincarnatedinto a videogame and hasOP video gameknowledgeMC embarks on arape/torture/murderspree but its okaybecause theybetrayed the MCfirstEveryone in thisworld believes thathealers/tanks areuseless and thatparties should beabout full DPSMC is disownedby his noblefamily forgetting a trashskillMC quicklygets a waifuthat expandsinto a haremMC saves anadventurer partyor town from arare monster orraid, they can'tbelieve his trashskill is so strongVideo gamemechanicsand [ skillnames ]Betrayers did itbecause theyarecartoonishinglyevilMC awakensto his truepower afterbeingbetrayedGenericmedievalfantasysettingAuthorconstantlyshows scenes ofthe betrayersfailing withoutthe MC's helpPretty mucheveryone exceptthe MC and hisharem areportrayed asuseless and relianton the MCMC's family tries toget revenge on theMC after findingout he'ssuccessful, failsrepeatedlyFemale childhoodfriend eventuallyjoins the MC'sparty, but MCkeeps building aharem anywayMC has asupport role ina party beforebeingabandoned in adungeonBetrayed/Ostracizedfor being weakThe reason forthe MC beingsostrong/unique isquickly glossedoverThe people ofthis world areidiots who donot understandthe true value ofthe MC's skillMC joins anotherguild/country/partyfull of hot girls whowelcome him withopen armsFemalechildhood friendwho is secretlyin love with theMCMC has a fightwith a veteranadventurer overa girl, winseasilyMC's rival is arelative who gota rare skill andtook the MC'splace as theheirMC buys a hotfemale slave,but he is a pure10/10 nice guyso it's okayMC joinsadventurer'sguild, isostracized forhaving a trashskillFemale childhoodfriend has a specialskill, becomes toptier adventurer thatthe MC wants tocatch up toMC reincarnatedinto a videogame and hasOP video gameknowledgeMC embarks on arape/torture/murderspree but its okaybecause theybetrayed the MCfirstEveryone in thisworld believes thathealers/tanks areuseless and thatparties should beabout full DPSMC is disownedby his noblefamily forgetting a trashskillMC quicklygets a waifuthat expandsinto a haremMC saves anadventurer partyor town from arare monster orraid, they can'tbelieve his trashskill is so strongVideo gamemechanicsand [ skillnames ]Betrayers did itbecause theyarecartoonishinglyevilMC awakensto his truepower afterbeingbetrayedGenericmedievalfantasysettingAuthorconstantlyshows scenes ofthe betrayersfailing withoutthe MC's helpPretty mucheveryone exceptthe MC and hisharem areportrayed asuseless and relianton the MCMC's family tries toget revenge on theMC after findingout he'ssuccessful, failsrepeatedlyFemale childhoodfriend eventuallyjoins the MC'sparty, but MCkeeps building aharem anyway

Betrayal Manga Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. MC has a support role in a party before being abandoned in a dungeon
  2. Betrayed/Ostracized for being weak
  3. The reason for the MC being so strong/unique is quickly glossed over
  4. The people of this world are idiots who do not understand the true value of the MC's skill
  5. MC joins another guild/country/party full of hot girls who welcome him with open arms
  6. Female childhood friend who is secretly in love with the MC
  7. MC has a fight with a veteran adventurer over a girl, wins easily
  8. MC's rival is a relative who got a rare skill and took the MC's place as the heir
  9. MC buys a hot female slave, but he is a pure 10/10 nice guy so it's okay
  10. MC joins adventurer's guild, is ostracized for having a trash skill
  11. Female childhood friend has a special skill, becomes top tier adventurer that the MC wants to catch up to
  12. MC reincarnated into a video game and has OP video game knowledge
  13. MC embarks on a rape/torture/murder spree but its okay because they betrayed the MC first
  14. Everyone in this world believes that healers/tanks are useless and that parties should be about full DPS
  15. MC is disowned by his noble family for getting a trash skill
  16. MC quickly gets a waifu that expands into a harem
  17. MC saves an adventurer party or town from a rare monster or raid, they can't believe his trash skill is so strong
  18. Video game mechanics and [ skill names ]
  19. Betrayers did it because they are cartoonishingly evil
  20. MC awakens to his true power after being betrayed
  21. Generic medieval fantasy setting
  22. Author constantly shows scenes of the betrayers failing without the MC's help
  23. Pretty much everyone except the MC and his harem are portrayed as useless and reliant on the MC
  24. MC's family tries to get revenge on the MC after finding out he's successful, fails repeatedly
  25. Female childhood friend eventually joins the MC's party, but MC keeps building a harem anyway