2. has worked inan operational roleon the FastStream e.g. jobcentre, borderforce 1. haspreviouslyworked in theprivate sector(where?)16. hasworked onthe COVID19response orBrexit 15. is interestedin working incorporateoperations e.g.finance, PD, HR 7. is interestedin a career inclimate changeor environment 10. hasrelocatedduring theirtime on thefast stream18. playsa teamsport 24. has amasters(in what?)6. hasworked in aPrivateOffice (if so,for whom?) 12. has apostingbasedoutside ofLondon 23. isinterested inworking ontrade issues8. has neverbeen to anin-personFast Streamevent before11.speaksanotherlanguage 17. was aCivil Servantbefore theFast Stream 3. hasworked orlived abroad(where?) 21. is amember of aFast Streamnetwork 4. is non-centrallymanaged 22. has donea secondmenton the faststream (if so,where?) 19. hasexperiencein crisismanagement5. isinterested inworking ondiplomaticissues 13. hashelped theirteam innovateduring theirposting14. hasworked in apolicy roleon the FastStream20. isinterestedin a careerin security 9. has worked inparliament /worked onlegislation/attendedparliament as acivil servant? 2. has worked inan operational roleon the FastStream e.g. jobcentre, borderforce 1. haspreviouslyworked in theprivate sector(where?)16. hasworked onthe COVID19response orBrexit 15. is interestedin working incorporateoperations e.g.finance, PD, HR 7. is interestedin a career inclimate changeor environment 10. hasrelocatedduring theirtime on thefast stream18. playsa teamsport 24. has amasters(in what?)6. hasworked in aPrivateOffice (if so,for whom?) 12. has apostingbasedoutside ofLondon 23. isinterested inworking ontrade issues8. has neverbeen to anin-personFast Streamevent before11.speaksanotherlanguage 17. was aCivil Servantbefore theFast Stream 3. hasworked orlived abroad(where?) 21. is amember of aFast Streamnetwork 4. is non-centrallymanaged 22. has donea secondmenton the faststream (if so,where?) 19. hasexperiencein crisismanagement5. isinterested inworking ondiplomaticissues 13. hashelped theirteam innovateduring theirposting14. hasworked in apolicy roleon the FastStream20. isinterestedin a careerin security 9. has worked inparliament /worked onlegislation/attendedparliament as acivil servant? 

Fast Stream Forum Networking Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 2. has worked in an operational role on the Fast Stream e.g. job centre, border force
  2. 1. has previously worked in the private sector (where?)
  3. 16. has worked on the COVID19 response or Brexit
  4. 15. is interested in working in corporate operations e.g. finance, PD, HR
  5. 7. is interested in a career in climate change or environment
  6. 10. has relocated during their time on the fast stream
  7. 18. plays a team sport
  8. 24. has a masters (in what?)
  9. 6. has worked in a Private Office (if so, for whom?)
  10. 12. has a posting based outside of London
  11. 23. is interested in working on trade issues
  12. 8. has never been to an in-person Fast Stream event before
  13. 11. speaks another language
  14. 17. was a Civil Servant before the Fast Stream
  15. 3. has worked or lived abroad (where?)
  16. 21. is a member of a Fast Stream network
  17. 4. is non-centrally managed
  18. 22. has done a secondment on the fast stream (if so, where?)
  19. 19. has experience in crisis management
  20. 5. is interested in working on diplomatic issues
  21. 13. has helped their team innovate during their posting
  22. 14. has worked in a policy role on the Fast Stream
  23. 20. is interested in a career in security
  24. 9. has worked in parliament / worked on legislation/ attended parliament as a civil servant?