Häufig sind esdabei nurNuancen, die denAusschlag fürunsereEntscheidunggeben.If you like, you canalso stayconnected with usvia our careerspage, blog andLinkedIn.We wereunfortunatelyunable to includeyou on the shortlistfor our interviewroundWe appreciate theeffort you put intopreparing for theinterview and sharingyour qualificationsand experiences withusBitte verstehe unsereEntscheidung jedochnicht als einWerturteil über DeineQualifikationen,Kenntnisse undFähigkeiten.Thank youvery muchfor yourapplicationWhy don’t youfollow us thereand check ouropen positionsagain sometimein the future?Please feelfree to checkour websiteagain fromtime to timeWe would like to informyou that our team iscurrently processing alarge number ofapplications, whichmay result in a longerresponse time thaninitially anticipatedUnfortunately wehave to inform youthat we havealreadysuccessfully filledthe positionIt is often thesmallestdifferences thattip the scales infavor of adecision.Among themwerecandidateswho were aneven better fitEven if it didn'twork out for us fornow, we wish youall the best andmuch success foryour future.Häufig sind esdabei nurNuancen, die denAusschlag fürunsereEntscheidunggebenThank you foryourunderstandingin advanceWereceivednumerousapplicationsHäufig sind esdabei nurNuancen, die denAusschlag fürunsereEntscheidunggeben.If you like, you canalso stayconnected with usvia our careerspage, blog andLinkedIn.We wereunfortunatelyunable to includeyou on the shortlistfor our interviewroundWe appreciate theeffort you put intopreparing for theinterview and sharingyour qualificationsand experiences withusBitte verstehe unsereEntscheidung jedochnicht als einWerturteil über DeineQualifikationen,Kenntnisse undFähigkeiten.Thank youvery muchfor yourapplicationWhy don’t youfollow us thereand check ouropen positionsagain sometimein the future?Please feelfree to checkour websiteagain fromtime to timeWe would like to informyou that our team iscurrently processing alarge number ofapplications, whichmay result in a longerresponse time thaninitially anticipatedUnfortunately wehave to inform youthat we havealreadysuccessfully filledthe positionIt is often thesmallestdifferences thattip the scales infavor of adecision.Among themwerecandidateswho were aneven better fitEven if it didn'twork out for us fornow, we wish youall the best andmuch success foryour future.Häufig sind esdabei nurNuancen, die denAusschlag fürunsereEntscheidunggebenThank you foryourunderstandingin advanceWereceivednumerousapplications

German HRs Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Häufig sind es dabei nur Nuancen, die den Ausschlag für unsere Entscheidung geben.
  2. If you like, you can also stay connected with us via our careers page, blog and LinkedIn.
  3. We were unfortunately unable to include you on the shortlist for our interview round
  4. We appreciate the effort you put into preparing for the interview and sharing your qualifications and experiences with us
  5. Bitte verstehe unsere Entscheidung jedoch nicht als ein Werturteil über Deine Qualifikationen, Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten.
  6. Thank you very much for your application
  7. Why don’t you follow us there and check our open positions again sometime in the future?
  8. Please feel free to check our website again from time to time
  9. We would like to inform you that our team is currently processing a large number of applications, which may result in a longer response time than initially anticipated
  10. Unfortunately we have to inform you that we have already successfully filled the position
  11. It is often the smallest differences that tip the scales in favor of a decision.
  12. Among them were candidates who were an even better fit
  13. Even if it didn't work out for us for now, we wish you all the best and much success for your future.
  14. Häufig sind es dabei nur Nuancen, die den Ausschlag für unsere Entscheidung geben
  15. Thank you for your understanding in advance
  16. We received numerous applications