Where is anotherplace with degradedland on the swiyathat could be turnedinto healthy soil?_____________Name two plantsthat had to beremoved to buildthe farm?_________________________When do youknow potatoesare ready toharvest?___________Name twovegetablesbeing grown atSalish Seas_______________________Free!Identify 1indigenousplant atSalish Seas___________ What is thename of thefarmer?_________What does"degraded"mean?__________________How muchwater storageis available atthe farm?____________Name twopollinators thatcome to thegarden__________________What is onecharacteristic of"regenerative"farming?____________________What doescompostprovide tothe plants?_________Where do thevegetablesfrom SalishSeas go?______________________How muchwater doesthe farm useevery day?___________Where doesthe farmcompostcome from?__________What are 3 plantsthat help attractpollinators?__________________________________Where is anotherplace with degradedland on the swiyathat could be turnedinto healthy soil?_____________Name two plantsthat had to beremoved to buildthe farm?_________________________When do youknow potatoesare ready toharvest?___________Name twovegetablesbeing grown atSalish Seas_______________________Free!Identify 1indigenousplant atSalish Seas___________ What is thename of thefarmer?_________What does"degraded"mean?__________________How muchwater storageis available atthe farm?____________Name twopollinators thatcome to thegarden__________________What is onecharacteristic of"regenerative"farming?____________________What doescompostprovide tothe plants?_________Where do thevegetablesfrom SalishSeas go?______________________How muchwater doesthe farm useevery day?___________Where doesthe farmcompostcome from?__________What are 3 plantsthat help attractpollinators?__________________________________

Salish Seas - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where is another place with degraded land on the swiya that could be turned into healthy soil? _____________
  2. Name two plants that had to be removed to build the farm? ____________ _____________
  3. When do you know potatoes are ready to harvest? ___________
  4. Name two vegetables being grown at Salish Seas ___________ ____________
  5. Free!
  6. Identify 1 indigenous plant at Salish Seas ___________
  7. What is the name of the farmer? _________
  8. What does "degraded" mean? _________ _________
  9. How much water storage is available at the farm? ____________
  10. Name two pollinators that come to the garden _________ _________
  11. What is one characteristic of "regenerative" farming? __________ __________
  12. What does compost provide to the plants? _________
  13. Where do the vegetables from Salish Seas go? ___________ ___________
  14. How much water does the farm use every day? ___________
  15. Where does the farm compost come from? __________
  16. What are 3 plants that help attract pollinators? ___________ ___________ ____________