UmbilicalRegion-Aroundthe navelNuclear Medicine(NM) - imaginginternal structuresby using a GammacameraFowler - semisitting positionwith slightelevation ofthe knee.Left lateralrecumbentposition - lying onthe patient's leftside; with kneedrawn upward.Prone - ls lyingface down. And itcan be referred toas ventralrecumbentposition.Supineposition-lslying onback; facingupwards.Mediolateral-Pertaining tothe middleand to thesideRadiography-Process ofrecording x-raysComputedTomography-technique fordetailed cross-sectional imagesof the bodySonogram-Record ofSoundVentral-Describes thebody trunk, it islocated towardsthe belly.Axial plane-horizontal planedividing bodyinto superior andinferior portionPosterior-Pertainingto thebackRecumbentposition -indicating apatient lyingdown in anypositionProximal-Pertaining tonear (to thepoint ofattachment of abody part)Midsagittalplane-verticalplane dividingthe body intoequally right andleft halvesMagnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) -technique used todetect abnormalitiessuch as swelling andinfectionsDorsal-Describesthe back ofthe head andthe trunk.Radiology-Study of xraysMidline-imaginaryline separatethe body, orbody partsTomography-Process ofrecordingslicesCoronal plane-vertical planedividing bodyinto anterior andposterior portionDistal-pertaining toaway (from thepoint ofattachment of abody partSonography-Process ofrecordingsoundFluoroscopy -technique usedfor imagingmoving bodystructuresUmbilicalRegion-Aroundthe navelNuclear Medicine(NM) - imaginginternal structuresby using a GammacameraFowler - semisitting positionwith slightelevation ofthe knee.Left lateralrecumbentposition - lying onthe patient's leftside; with kneedrawn upward.Prone - ls lyingface down. And itcan be referred toas ventralrecumbentposition.Supineposition-lslying onback; facingupwards.Mediolateral-Pertaining tothe middleand to thesideRadiography-Process ofrecording x-raysComputedTomography-technique fordetailed cross-sectional imagesof the bodySonogram-Record ofSoundVentral-Describes thebody trunk, it islocated towardsthe belly.Axial plane-horizontal planedividing bodyinto superior andinferior portionPosterior-Pertainingto thebackRecumbentposition -indicating apatient lyingdown in anypositionProximal-Pertaining tonear (to thepoint ofattachment of abody part)Midsagittalplane-verticalplane dividingthe body intoequally right andleft halvesMagnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) -technique used todetect abnormalitiessuch as swelling andinfectionsDorsal-Describesthe back ofthe head andthe trunk.Radiology-Study of xraysMidline-imaginaryline separatethe body, orbody partsTomography-Process ofrecordingslicesCoronal plane-vertical planedividing bodyinto anterior andposterior portionDistal-pertaining toaway (from thepoint ofattachment of abody partSonography-Process ofrecordingsoundFluoroscopy -technique usedfor imagingmoving bodystructures

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Umbilical Region- Around the navel
  2. Nuclear Medicine (NM) - imaging internal structures by using a Gamma camera
  3. Fowler - semi sitting position with slight elevation of the knee.
  4. Left lateral recumbent position - lying on the patient's left side; with knee drawn upward.
  5. Prone - ls lying face down. And it can be referred to as ventral recumbent position.
  6. Supine position-ls lying on back; facing upwards.
  7. Mediolateral- Pertaining to the middle and to the side
  8. Radiography- Process of recording x-rays
  9. Computed Tomography-technique for detailed cross-sectional images of the body
  10. Sonogram- Record of Sound
  11. Ventral- Describes the body trunk, it is located towards the belly.
  12. Axial plane- horizontal plane dividing body into superior and inferior portion
  13. Posterior- Pertaining to the back
  14. Recumbent position - indicating a patient lying down in any position
  15. Proximal- Pertaining to near (to the point of attachment of a body part)
  16. Midsagittal plane-vertical plane dividing the body into equally right and left halves
  17. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - technique used to detect abnormalities such as swelling and infections
  18. Dorsal- Describes the back of the head and the trunk.
  19. Radiology- Study of x rays
  20. Midline- imaginary line separate the body, or body parts
  21. Tomography- Process of recording slices
  22. Coronal plane- vertical plane dividing body into anterior and posterior portion
  23. Distal- pertaining to away (from the point of attachment of a body part
  24. Sonography-Process of recording sound
  25. Fluoroscopy - technique used for imaging moving body structures