Invent a newkind ofsandwich.Describe!Describe yourfavorite season (fall,spring, summer, orwinter). Tell whatkinds of things youlike to do during thatseason. Why is ityour favorite?Make up a creativestory about a girl orboy who goes fishingand catchessomething veryunusual. Explain anddescribe!Write a storytitled, "TheBat WhoCouldn't Fly."Describeone timewhen youwere brave.Write aboutwhat, in youropinion, is abig waste ofmoney. Why?What do youlike bestabout yourhome?Describe!If you could spendan afternoon withone member of yourfamily, who would itbe? What wouldyou do?If you were adoctor, whatkind of doctorwould yoube? Why?Which superpowerwould you like tohave and why?What would youdo with yourpower?Imagine you wokeup and saw adinosaur in yourbackyard. Write astory telling whatyou see and do.Imagine youwere on a tripto the moon.Describe thetrip.If you could spendtomorrow doinganything you want,what would you doand why?Would yourather live in acastle, on ahouseboat, oron a farm?Why?If you could travelanywhere in theworld, where wouldyou go, with who andwhat would you reallywant to do there?Describe severalways a personyour age can earnmoney. What jobwould you want todo to earn money?Write a storytitled, "TheBaby DragonWent on anAdventure."Invent a newkind ofsandwich.Describe!Describe yourfavorite season (fall,spring, summer, orwinter). Tell whatkinds of things youlike to do during thatseason. Why is ityour favorite?Make up a creativestory about a girl orboy who goes fishingand catchessomething veryunusual. Explain anddescribe!Write a storytitled, "TheBat WhoCouldn't Fly."Describeone timewhen youwere brave.Write aboutwhat, in youropinion, is abig waste ofmoney. Why?What do youlike bestabout yourhome?Describe!If you could spendan afternoon withone member of yourfamily, who would itbe? What wouldyou do?If you were adoctor, whatkind of doctorwould yoube? Why?Which superpowerwould you like tohave and why?What would youdo with yourpower?Imagine you wokeup and saw adinosaur in yourbackyard. Write astory telling whatyou see and do.Imagine youwere on a tripto the moon.Describe thetrip.If you could spendtomorrow doinganything you want,what would you doand why?Would yourather live in acastle, on ahouseboat, oron a farm?Why?If you could travelanywhere in theworld, where wouldyou go, with who andwhat would you reallywant to do there?Describe severalways a personyour age can earnmoney. What jobwould you want todo to earn money?Write a storytitled, "TheBaby DragonWent on anAdventure."

Writing Prompts (Pick one and write away!) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Invent a new kind of sandwich. Describe!
  2. Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season. Why is it your favorite?
  3. Make up a creative story about a girl or boy who goes fishing and catches something very unusual. Explain and describe!
  4. Write a story titled, "The Bat Who Couldn't Fly."
  5. Describe one time when you were brave.
  6. Write about what, in your opinion, is a big waste of money. Why?
  7. What do you like best about your home? Describe!
  8. If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your family, who would it be? What would you do?
  9. If you were a doctor, what kind of doctor would you be? Why?
  10. Which superpower would you like to have and why? What would you do with your power?
  11. Imagine you woke up and saw a dinosaur in your backyard. Write a story telling what you see and do.
  12. Imagine you were on a trip to the moon. Describe the trip.
  13. If you could spend tomorrow doing anything you want, what would you do and why?
  14. Would you rather live in a castle, on a houseboat, or on a farm? Why?
  15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, with who and what would you really want to do there?
  16. Describe several ways a person your age can earn money. What job would you want to do to earn money?
  17. Write a story titled, "The Baby Dragon Went on an Adventure."