Find someonewho has Ms.Mayers astheir advisor  Somewho islefthanded andcan prove it  find someonewho'sbirthday is inthe next 3months Someonewith thesamebirthdaymonth as you  Find someonewith the samemajor asyourself  Someonewho can sing   Someonewhowearsglasses   Find A S.E.E.K.scholar who wascleared in themonth of August  Find someonewho will be afirst generationstudent  find someonewho lives faraway from Yorkcollege and canprove it  find someonewho was clearedfor the seekprogram beforethe summerstarted Someonewho likesMarvelmovies  S___E___E___k___find someonewho hasclasseseveryday andcan prove it  Find a S.E.E.K.staff memberand tap themlightly  Find someonewho has a petthat is not adog or a cat  Findsomeonewho has anonline class  Find someonewho isregistered forclasses  Find someonewho was in theG.R.I.T. class   Find someonewho startsclass on the25th  Someonewho has apet athome  Find someonewho has beento DirectorAllen's office Find someonewho knows whotheircounselor/Advisoris Find someonewho was in anattain class  Find someonewho has Ms.Mayers astheir advisor  Somewho islefthanded andcan prove it  find someonewho'sbirthday is inthe next 3months Someonewith thesamebirthdaymonth as you  Find someonewith the samemajor asyourself  Someonewho can sing   Someonewhowearsglasses   Find A S.E.E.K.scholar who wascleared in themonth of August  Find someonewho will be afirst generationstudent  find someonewho lives faraway from Yorkcollege and canprove it  find someonewho was clearedfor the seekprogram beforethe summerstarted Someonewho likesMarvelmovies  S___E___E___k___find someonewho hasclasseseveryday andcan prove it  Find a S.E.E.K.staff memberand tap themlightly  Find someonewho has a petthat is not adog or a cat  Findsomeonewho has anonline class  Find someonewho isregistered forclasses  Find someonewho was in theG.R.I.T. class   Find someonewho startsclass on the25th  Someonewho has apet athome  Find someonewho has beento DirectorAllen's office Find someonewho knows whotheircounselor/Advisoris Find someonewho was in anattain class  

S.E.E.K. York Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who has Ms. Mayers as their advisor
  2. Some who is lefthanded and can prove it
  3. find someone who's birthday is in the next 3 months
  4. Someone with the same birthday month as you
  5. Find someone with the same major as yourself
  6. Someone who can sing
  7. Someone who wears glasses
  8. Find A S.E.E.K. scholar who was cleared in the month of August
  9. Find someone who will be a first generation student
  10. find someone who lives far away from York college and can prove it
  11. find someone who was cleared for the seek program before the summer started
  12. Someone who likes Marvel movies
  13. S___ E___ E___ k___
  14. find someone who has classes everyday and can prove it
  15. Find a S.E.E.K. staff member and tap them lightly
  16. Find someone who has a pet that is not a dog or a cat
  17. Find someone who has an online class
  18. Find someone who is registered for classes
  19. Find someone who was in the G.R.I.T. class
  20. Find someone who starts class on the 25th
  21. Someone who has a pet at home
  22. Find someone who has been to Director Allen's office
  23. Find someone who knows who their counselor/Advisor is
  24. Find someone who was in an attain class