has no children Has a Legacy is on the PanHellenic Committee has a DST License Plate/Plate Cover graduated from an HBCU has a double digit line number has been a Delta for 25+ years was initiated outside of the Southern Region was initiated within 5 years of you is a Legacy is a Delta DEAR is subscribed to the Delta Box Was initiated through HAC is a first- generation Soror is a Charter Member was born in the same month as you is on the Fundraising Committee is on the Arts & Letters Committee has a single digit line number is a Delta DIVA can sing the entire Greek Alphabet is a Delta DOLL was initiated in our Centennial Year, 2013 attended the 2023 National Convention can play an instrument has no children Has a Legacy is on the PanHellenic Committee has a DST License Plate/Plate Cover graduated from an HBCU has a double digit line number has been a Delta for 25+ years was initiated outside of the Southern Region was initiated within 5 years of you is a Legacy is a Delta DEAR is subscribed to the Delta Box Was initiated through HAC is a first- generation Soror is a Charter Member was born in the same month as you is on the Fundraising Committee is on the Arts & Letters Committee has a single digit line number is a Delta DIVA can sing the entire Greek Alphabet is a Delta DOLL was initiated in our Centennial Year, 2013 attended the 2023 National Convention can play an instrument
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has no children
Has a Legacy
is on the PanHellenic Committee
has a DST License Plate/Plate Cover
graduated from an HBCU
has a double digit line number
has been a Delta for 25+ years
was initiated outside of the Southern Region
was initiated within 5 years of you
is a Legacy
is a Delta DEAR
is subscribed to the Delta Box
Was initiated through HAC
is a first-generation Soror
is a Charter Member
was born in the same month as you
is on the Fundraising Committee
is on the Arts & Letters Committee
has a single digit line number
is a Delta DIVA
can sing the entire Greek Alphabet
is a Delta DOLL
was initiated in our Centennial Year, 2013
attended the 2023 National Convention
can play an instrument