In which country isthe autumntradition of grapestomping for winewidespread?In which U.S.state is theworld's largestcorn maze,typically open inthe fall?What popular fallfestival involveswearing costumesand going door todoor to ask fortreats?In whatmonth doesfall begin inthe SouthernHemisphere?What commonfall garden taskis essential forprotecting bulbsduring thewinter?What U.S. stateis known for it'scolorful fallfoliage due to avariety of treespecies?What type ofcreature istypically harvestedin the "AutumnHarvest" in theocean?What famousautumn eventstarted inGermany but isnow celebratedworldwide?Which ancientmonument inEngland isaligned to thesunset of thefall equinox?What commonfall fruit is amember of therose family?What kind oftrees produceleaves that donot changecolor in the fall?What countyholds a national"Maple LeafDay" in the fall?What is thescientificterm forautumnalequinox?What isthe mostplanted fallvegetable?What fallmonth isNationalApple Monthin the U.S.?Whichpopular fallfruit isactually aberry?Which twosports in theUSA typicallystart theirseasons in thefall?Which vitamindoes sunlightprovide lessof during thefall?Which constellation,also known as "TheHunter," becomesmore visible in thenight sky duringfall?What is thename of theautumn festivalcelebrated inIndia with lightsand sweets?What is theprimaryreason leaveschange colorin the fall?What is themost popularspice used infall baking?In many regions ofNorth America,what insect isknown to swarm inthe fall to findwarmth?What is thename of the fullmoon closet tothe autumnalequinox?In which country isthe autumntradition of grapestomping for winewidespread?In which U.S.state is theworld's largestcorn maze,typically open inthe fall?What popular fallfestival involveswearing costumesand going door todoor to ask fortreats?In whatmonth doesfall begin inthe SouthernHemisphere?What commonfall garden taskis essential forprotecting bulbsduring thewinter?What U.S. stateis known for it'scolorful fallfoliage due to avariety of treespecies?What type ofcreature istypically harvestedin the "AutumnHarvest" in theocean?What famousautumn eventstarted inGermany but isnow celebratedworldwide?Which ancientmonument inEngland isaligned to thesunset of thefall equinox?What commonfall fruit is amember of therose family?What kind oftrees produceleaves that donot changecolor in the fall?What countyholds a national"Maple LeafDay" in the fall?What is thescientificterm forautumnalequinox?What isthe mostplanted fallvegetable?What fallmonth isNationalApple Monthin the U.S.?Whichpopular fallfruit isactually aberry?Which twosports in theUSA typicallystart theirseasons in thefall?Which vitamindoes sunlightprovide lessof during thefall?Which constellation,also known as "TheHunter," becomesmore visible in thenight sky duringfall?What is thename of theautumn festivalcelebrated inIndia with lightsand sweets?What is theprimaryreason leaveschange colorin the fall?What is themost popularspice used infall baking?In many regions ofNorth America,what insect isknown to swarm inthe fall to findwarmth?What is thename of the fullmoon closet tothe autumnalequinox?


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In which country is the autumn tradition of grape stomping for wine widespread?
  2. In which U.S. state is the world's largest corn maze, typically open in the fall?
  3. What popular fall festival involves wearing costumes and going door to door to ask for treats?
  4. In what month does fall begin in the Southern Hemisphere?
  5. What common fall garden task is essential for protecting bulbs during the winter?
  6. What U.S. state is known for it's colorful fall foliage due to a variety of tree species?
  7. What type of creature is typically harvested in the "Autumn Harvest" in the ocean?
  8. What famous autumn event started in Germany but is now celebrated worldwide?
  9. Which ancient monument in England is aligned to the sunset of the fall equinox?
  10. What common fall fruit is a member of the rose family?
  11. What kind of trees produce leaves that do not change color in the fall?
  12. What county holds a national "Maple Leaf Day" in the fall?
  13. What is the scientific term for autumnal equinox?
  14. What is the most planted fall vegetable?
  15. What fall month is National Apple Month in the U.S.?
  16. Which popular fall fruit is actually a berry?
  17. Which two sports in the USA typically start their seasons in the fall?
  18. Which vitamin does sunlight provide less of during the fall?
  19. Which constellation, also known as "The Hunter," becomes more visible in the night sky during fall?
  20. What is the name of the autumn festival celebrated in India with lights and sweets?
  21. What is the primary reason leaves change color in the fall?
  22. What is the most popular spice used in fall baking?
  23. In many regions of North America, what insect is known to swarm in the fall to find warmth?
  24. What is the name of the full moon closet to the autumnal equinox?