Recognize theimportance of life-long learning andcommit tomaintainingcompetencethroughout mymedical career.Maintainappropriaterelationships withpatients, teachers,peers, residents,and faculty.Seek and accept feedbackand constructive instructionfrom teachers, peers,residents, and faculty tocontinually improve myeducational experience,knowledge, and clinicalskills.Actively work tocreate anatmosphere inclassrooms, clinicalsettings and inlaboratories that isconducive to optimal,interactive learning.Commit to thehighest standardsof competence bothfor myself and forthose with whom Iwork.Recognize mylimitations and seekhelp when myexpertise, knowledge,or level of experienceis inadequate to handlea situation in theclassroom, hospital, orresearch setting.Communicaterespectfully, verbally,via email, inMSUCOM-orientedgroup chat platforms,and other MSUCOM-oriented platforms.Contribute tomedicalknowledgethrough activescholarship anddiscoveryTake an active role inmy learning and incaring for the diversepatient populationserved by thecommunity hospitalsaround me.Recognize andfunction in amanner consistentwith my role as astudent on a team.Treatcadaveric andother scientificspecimenswith respect.Refrain from using illicitsubstances. Refrain fromusing alcohol, non-prescription or prescriptiondrugs in a manner that maycompromise my judgmentor my ability to contribute tosafe and effective patientcare.Learn aboutand avoidconflicts ofinterest as Icarry out myresponsibilities.Treat those whoparticipate in myeducation (e.g.,standardizedpatients, faculty,curriculum assistants,staff) with dignity andrespect.Help and supportmy peers duringdifficult times intheir academic,professional, andpersonal lives.Be accountable to allmembers of theMSUCOMcommunity, includingstudents, residents,faculty, and supportstaff.Attend to myown physicalandemotionalwell-being.Meet theexpectations forparticipation andtimeliness that arecommunicated to meby those who teachme.Be mindful of mydemeanor, language,and appearance inthe classroom, in thepresence of patients,and in all health caresettings.Treat all members ofthe MSUCOMcommunity, patients,and their families withrespect, compassion,and dignity.Be mindful toavoidintentionallyembarrassingor deridingothers.Provide feedback toothers (bothcolleagues andsuperiors) in aconstructive manner,with the goal ofhelping them toimprove.Admit to and assumeresponsibility formistakes in a matureand honest mannerand developproductive strategiesfor correcting them.Presumegoodwill ofthose withwhom I amlearning andworking.Maintain acommitment topatient confidentiality,recognizing thatpatients will trust mewith sensitiveinformation.Place my patients’interests and well-being at the center ofmy educational andprofessional behaviorand goals.Be considerate andrespectful of others’(teachers, peers, patients,residents, and faculty) time,rights, values, religious,ethnic, and socioeconomicbackgrounds, lifestyles,opinions, and choices,even when they differ frommy own.Maintain the higheststandards ofacademic andscholarly honestythroughout mymedical education,by behaving in atrustworthy manner.Recognize theimportance of life-long learning andcommit tomaintainingcompetencethroughout mymedical career.Maintainappropriaterelationships withpatients, teachers,peers, residents,and faculty.Seek and accept feedbackand constructive instructionfrom teachers, peers,residents, and faculty tocontinually improve myeducational experience,knowledge, and clinicalskills.Actively work tocreate anatmosphere inclassrooms, clinicalsettings and inlaboratories that isconducive to optimal,interactive learning.Commit to thehighest standardsof competence bothfor myself and forthose with whom Iwork.Recognize mylimitations and seekhelp when myexpertise, knowledge,or level of experienceis inadequate to handlea situation in theclassroom, hospital, orresearch setting.Communicaterespectfully, verbally,via email, inMSUCOM-orientedgroup chat platforms,and other MSUCOM-oriented platforms.Contribute tomedicalknowledgethrough activescholarship anddiscoveryTake an active role inmy learning and incaring for the diversepatient populationserved by thecommunity hospitalsaround me.Recognize andfunction in amanner consistentwith my role as astudent on a team.Treatcadaveric andother scientificspecimenswith respect.Refrain from using illicitsubstances. Refrain fromusing alcohol, non-prescription or prescriptiondrugs in a manner that maycompromise my judgmentor my ability to contribute tosafe and effective patientcare.Learn aboutand avoidconflicts ofinterest as Icarry out myresponsibilities.Treat those whoparticipate in myeducation (e.g.,standardizedpatients, faculty,curriculum assistants,staff) with dignity andrespect.Help and supportmy peers duringdifficult times intheir academic,professional, andpersonal lives.Be accountable to allmembers of theMSUCOMcommunity, includingstudents, residents,faculty, and supportstaff.Attend to myown physicalandemotionalwell-being.Meet theexpectations forparticipation andtimeliness that arecommunicated to meby those who teachme.Be mindful of mydemeanor, language,and appearance inthe classroom, in thepresence of patients,and in all health caresettings.Treat all members ofthe MSUCOMcommunity, patients,and their families withrespect, compassion,and dignity.Be mindful toavoidintentionallyembarrassingor deridingothers.Provide feedback toothers (bothcolleagues andsuperiors) in aconstructive manner,with the goal ofhelping them toimprove.Admit to and assumeresponsibility formistakes in a matureand honest mannerand developproductive strategiesfor correcting them.Presumegoodwill ofthose withwhom I amlearning andworking.Maintain acommitment topatient confidentiality,recognizing thatpatients will trust mewith sensitiveinformation.Place my patients’interests and well-being at the center ofmy educational andprofessional behaviorand goals.Be considerate andrespectful of others’(teachers, peers, patients,residents, and faculty) time,rights, values, religious,ethnic, and socioeconomicbackgrounds, lifestyles,opinions, and choices,even when they differ frommy own.Maintain the higheststandards ofacademic andscholarly honestythroughout mymedical education,by behaving in atrustworthy manner.

MSU COM Professionalism BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Recognize the importance of life-long learning and commit to maintaining competence throughout my medical career.
  2. Maintain appropriate relationships with patients, teachers, peers, residents, and faculty.
  3. Seek and accept feedback and constructive instruction from teachers, peers, residents, and faculty to continually improve my educational experience, knowledge, and clinical skills.
  4. Actively work to create an atmosphere in classrooms, clinical settings and in laboratories that is conducive to optimal, interactive learning.
  5. Commit to the highest standards of competence both for myself and for those with whom I work.
  6. Recognize my limitations and seek help when my expertise, knowledge, or level of experience is inadequate to handle a situation in the classroom, hospital, or research setting.
  7. Communicate respectfully, verbally, via email, in MSUCOM-oriented group chat platforms, and other MSUCOM-oriented platforms.
  8. Contribute to medical knowledge through active scholarship and discovery
  9. Take an active role in my learning and in caring for the diverse patient population served by the community hospitals around me.
  10. Recognize and function in a manner consistent with my role as a student on a team.
  11. Treat cadaveric and other scientific specimens with respect.
  12. Refrain from using illicit substances. Refrain from using alcohol, non-prescription or prescription drugs in a manner that may compromise my judgment or my ability to contribute to safe and effective patient care.
  13. Learn about and avoid conflicts of interest as I carry out my responsibilities.
  14. Treat those who participate in my education (e.g., standardized patients, faculty, curriculum assistants, staff) with dignity and respect.
  15. Help and support my peers during difficult times in their academic, professional, and personal lives.
  16. Be accountable to all members of the MSUCOM community, including students, residents, faculty, and support staff.
  17. Attend to my own physical and emotional well-being.
  18. Meet the expectations for participation and timeliness that are communicated to me by those who teach me.
  19. Be mindful of my demeanor, language, and appearance in the classroom, in the presence of patients, and in all health care settings.
  20. Treat all members of the MSUCOM community, patients, and their families with respect, compassion, and dignity.
  21. Be mindful to avoid intentionally embarrassing or deriding others.
  22. Provide feedback to others (both colleagues and superiors) in a constructive manner, with the goal of helping them to improve.
  23. Admit to and assume responsibility for mistakes in a mature and honest manner and develop productive strategies for correcting them.
  24. Presume goodwill of those with whom I am learning and working.
  25. Maintain a commitment to patient confidentiality, recognizing that patients will trust me with sensitive information.
  26. Place my patients’ interests and well-being at the center of my educational and professional behavior and goals.
  27. Be considerate and respectful of others’ (teachers, peers, patients, residents, and faculty) time, rights, values, religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, lifestyles, opinions, and choices, even when they differ from my own.
  28. Maintain the highest standards of academic and scholarly honesty throughout my medical education, by behaving in a trustworthy manner.