"did i reply tothat student ordid i THINK ireplied to thatstudent when iactually didn't"messedup yourtimesheetjuggling thiswork withschool/personallife is SOHARD."i haven't messagedthat student back in 5days b/c of how mywork schedule is laidout. they forgot iexist"no studentsactuallyfollow you oninstadoing yourslides forhub day SOlast minutemisspelledsomething inyour outreachand realizedright after yousent itnobodyansweredyourquestion inslackfrantically googlingfor very specifictraining/internshipopportunities foryour studentsstudentghosted youmid-conversationstudent wants youto help them butrefuses to give anyactual info on theirproblemstudent gotmad at youfor somethingoutside ofyour controlemailissues. lotsof emailissuesreally badphone callexperiencestudentmessaged youat midnight(those are NOTmy office hrsgirl)"i'm not aspam boti swear"student recognizeswho you are irl.EMBARRASSINGspent waytoo longmaking aninsta post(>2hrs)refreshing youremail/enrollevery 5 min tocheck forstudent repliesaccidentallycleared enrolltrackers beforesending alloutreachphonenumber wasa parent's.awkwardstudentwantssomethingyou can'tprovideinternetissuesduringtrainings/hubdayforgot tosendoutreachuntil / after5pm"did i reply tothat student ordid i THINK ireplied to thatstudent when iactually didn't"messedup yourtimesheetjuggling thiswork withschool/personallife is SOHARD."i haven't messagedthat student back in 5days b/c of how mywork schedule is laidout. they forgot iexist"no studentsactuallyfollow you oninstadoing yourslides forhub day SOlast minutemisspelledsomething inyour outreachand realizedright after yousent itnobodyansweredyourquestion inslackfrantically googlingfor very specifictraining/internshipopportunities foryour studentsstudentghosted youmid-conversationstudent wants youto help them butrefuses to give anyactual info on theirproblemstudent gotmad at youfor somethingoutside ofyour controlemailissues. lotsof emailissuesreally badphone callexperiencestudentmessaged youat midnight(those are NOTmy office hrsgirl)"i'm not aspam boti swear"student recognizeswho you are irl.EMBARRASSINGspent waytoo longmaking aninsta post(>2hrs)refreshing youremail/enrollevery 5 min tocheck forstudent repliesaccidentallycleared enrolltrackers beforesending alloutreachphonenumber wasa parent's.awkwardstudentwantssomethingyou can'tprovideinternetissuesduringtrainings/hubdayforgot tosendoutreachuntil / after5pm

bridge coach struggle bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "did i reply to that student or did i THINK i replied to that student when i actually didn't"
  2. messed up your timesheet
  3. juggling this work with school/personal life is SO HARD.
  4. "i haven't messaged that student back in 5 days b/c of how my work schedule is laid out. they forgot i exist"
  5. no students actually follow you on insta
  6. doing your slides for hub day SO last minute
  7. misspelled something in your outreach and realized right after you sent it
  8. nobody answered your question in slack
  9. frantically googling for very specific training/internship opportunities for your students
  10. student ghosted you mid-conversation
  11. student wants you to help them but refuses to give any actual info on their problem
  12. student got mad at you for something outside of your control
  13. email issues. lots of email issues
  14. really bad phone call experience
  15. student messaged you at midnight (those are NOT my office hrs girl)
  16. "i'm not a spam bot i swear"
  17. student recognizes who you are irl. EMBARRASSING
  18. spent way too long making an insta post (>2hrs)
  19. refreshing your email/enroll every 5 min to check for student replies
  20. accidentally cleared enroll trackers before sending all outreach
  21. phone number was a parent's. awkward
  22. student wants something you can't provide
  23. internet issues during trainings/hub day
  24. forgot to send outreach until / after 5pm