• A bigger societalforce that affects theorganization. • It is an uncontrollableenvironment in whichmarketers have little orno influence When backed bybuying power,request for specificproducts that thebuyer is willing topay for.• Short exposure to the services• Emotional buying demand• Importance of proof and reality• Exposure to the image andposture• Variability of marketing channel• Dependent on otherorganization• Easy to imitate service• Promotion more on off-• Known as middleman thathelp company to promote,sell and distribute its goodsto final buyers • Affect marketing’s valuedelivery system sincemarketing is alsoconcerned with the deliveryof products to customers • Products and services• Value, satisfaction andquality• Exchange, transactionsand relationships• Marketing orientation• Needs, wants anddemands  • Marketing helps in thetransfer, exchange, andmovement of goods• Marketing createsemployment• Marketing as a source ofincome and revenue• Marketing acts as a basis formaking decisions• Marketing acts as a sourceof new ideasThe force thataffects the abilityof a marketer toconduct itsmarketingactivities• Holds customers preferexisting products andproducts form, and the job ofmanagement is to developgood versions of theseproducts. • Organization shouldtherefore put more energy onmaking continuous productsimprovements by improvingthe pr• This concept holds that theorganization’s task is todetermine the needs, wants,and interests • Target markets and deliverthe desired satisfactions moreeffectively and efficient • Competitors in a way thatpreserves or enhances theconsumer• Production concept• Product concept• Selling concept• Marketing concept• Societal Marketingconcept The totality offeatures andcharacteristics of aproduct or servicethat bear on its abilityto satisfy customerneeds• Company• Suppliers• MarketingIntermediaries• Customers• Competitors• Publics The organizational goalsdepend on determining theneeds and wants of targetmarkets and delivering thedesired satisfactions moreeffectively and efficientlythan competitors• Distribution channel firmsthat help the company findcustomers or make sales tothem • Include wholesalers andretailers who promote, sell,and distribute products tothe end users “Anything can beoffered to a marketfor attention,acquisition, use orconsumption thatmight satisfy a wantor need” • This is another commonbusiness orientation. • It holds that consumers andbusinesses if left alone, willordinarily not buy enough of theselling company’s products. • The organization mustundertake an aggressive sellingand promotion effo • Marketing Concept• Customer Orientation• Satisfying Customer• Market Segmentation• Value and theexchange process• Product Life Cycle• Marketing Mix A societal andmanagerial process bywhich individuals andgroups obtain whatthey need and wantthrough creating,offering, andexchanging productsand value with othersAny activity or benefitthat one party canoffer to another thatis essentiallyintangible and doesnot result in theownership ofeverything.• This concept is the oldest ofthe concepts in business. • It holds that consumers willprefer products that are widelyavailable and inexpensive.  • Managers focusing on thisconcept concentrate onachieving high productionefficiency, low cThese include basicphysical needs for food,clothing, warmth, andsafety; social needs forbelonging, affection fun,and relaxation; esteemneeds for prestige,recognition, and fame; andindividual needs forknowledge and self-expression.Is the act ofobtaining adesired objectfrom someone byoffering somethingin returnMarketers must respond tothese situations with socialconscience, producingproducts that areenvironment friendly andsave, promote a universalmessage of environmentalpreservation like recyclableproducts, recyclablepackaging and biodegrada“It is one of the setsof controllable,tactical marketingtools that the firmblends to produce theresponse it wants inthe target market”• A bigger societalforce that affects theorganization. • It is an uncontrollableenvironment in whichmarketers have little orno influence When backed bybuying power,request for specificproducts that thebuyer is willing topay for.• Short exposure to the services• Emotional buying demand• Importance of proof and reality• Exposure to the image andposture• Variability of marketing channel• Dependent on otherorganization• Easy to imitate service• Promotion more on off-• Known as middleman thathelp company to promote,sell and distribute its goodsto final buyers • Affect marketing’s valuedelivery system sincemarketing is alsoconcerned with the deliveryof products to customers • Products and services• Value, satisfaction andquality• Exchange, transactionsand relationships• Marketing orientation• Needs, wants anddemands  • Marketing helps in thetransfer, exchange, andmovement of goods• Marketing createsemployment• Marketing as a source ofincome and revenue• Marketing acts as a basis formaking decisions• Marketing acts as a sourceof new ideasThe force thataffects the abilityof a marketer toconduct itsmarketingactivities• Holds customers preferexisting products andproducts form, and the job ofmanagement is to developgood versions of theseproducts. • Organization shouldtherefore put more energy onmaking continuous productsimprovements by improvingthe pr• This concept holds that theorganization’s task is todetermine the needs, wants,and interests • Target markets and deliverthe desired satisfactions moreeffectively and efficient • Competitors in a way thatpreserves or enhances theconsumer• Production concept• Product concept• Selling concept• Marketing concept• Societal Marketingconcept The totality offeatures andcharacteristics of aproduct or servicethat bear on its abilityto satisfy customerneeds• Company• Suppliers• MarketingIntermediaries• Customers• Competitors• Publics The organizational goalsdepend on determining theneeds and wants of targetmarkets and delivering thedesired satisfactions moreeffectively and efficientlythan competitors• Distribution channel firmsthat help the company findcustomers or make sales tothem • Include wholesalers andretailers who promote, sell,and distribute products tothe end users “Anything can beoffered to a marketfor attention,acquisition, use orconsumption thatmight satisfy a wantor need” • This is another commonbusiness orientation. • It holds that consumers andbusinesses if left alone, willordinarily not buy enough of theselling company’s products. • The organization mustundertake an aggressive sellingand promotion effo • Marketing Concept• Customer Orientation• Satisfying Customer• Market Segmentation• Value and theexchange process• Product Life Cycle• Marketing Mix A societal andmanagerial process bywhich individuals andgroups obtain whatthey need and wantthrough creating,offering, andexchanging productsand value with othersAny activity or benefitthat one party canoffer to another thatis essentiallyintangible and doesnot result in theownership ofeverything.• This concept is the oldest ofthe concepts in business. • It holds that consumers willprefer products that are widelyavailable and inexpensive.  • Managers focusing on thisconcept concentrate onachieving high productionefficiency, low cThese include basicphysical needs for food,clothing, warmth, andsafety; social needs forbelonging, affection fun,and relaxation; esteemneeds for prestige,recognition, and fame; andindividual needs forknowledge and self-expression.Is the act ofobtaining adesired objectfrom someone byoffering somethingin returnMarketers must respond tothese situations with socialconscience, producingproducts that areenvironment friendly andsave, promote a universalmessage of environmentalpreservation like recyclableproducts, recyclablepackaging and biodegrada“It is one of the setsof controllable,tactical marketingtools that the firmblends to produce theresponse it wants inthe target market”


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. • A bigger societal force that affects the organization. • It is an uncontrollable environment in which marketers have little or no influence
  2. When backed by buying power, request for specific products that the buyer is willing to pay for.
  3. • Short exposure to the services • Emotional buying demand • Importance of proof and reality • Exposure to the image and posture • Variability of marketing channel • Dependent on other organization • Easy to imitate service • Promotion more on off-
  4. • Known as middleman that help company to promote, sell and distribute its goods to final buyers • Affect marketing’s value delivery system since marketing is also concerned with the delivery of products to customers
  5. • Products and services • Value, satisfaction and quality • Exchange, transactions and relationships • Marketing orientation • Needs, wants and demands
  6. • Marketing helps in the transfer, exchange, and movement of goods • Marketing creates employment • Marketing as a source of income and revenue • Marketing acts as a basis for making decisions • Marketing acts as a source of new ideas
  7. The force that affects the ability of a marketer to conduct its marketing activities
  8. • Holds customers prefer existing products and products form, and the job of management is to develop good versions of these products. • Organization should therefore put more energy on making continuous products improvements by improving the pr
  9. • This concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests • Target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficient • Competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer
  10. • Production concept • Product concept • Selling concept • Marketing concept • Societal Marketing concept
  11. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy customer needs
  12. • Company • Suppliers • Marketing Intermediaries • Customers • Competitors • Publics
  13. The organizational goals depend on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors
  14. • Distribution channel firms that help the company find customers or make sales to them • Include wholesalers and retailers who promote, sell, and distribute products to the end users
  15. “Anything can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need”
  16. • This is another common business orientation. • It holds that consumers and businesses if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the selling company’s products. • The organization must undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effo
  17. • Marketing Concept • Customer Orientation • Satisfying Customer • Market Segmentation • Value and the exchange process • Product Life Cycle • Marketing Mix
  18. A societal and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products and value with others
  19. Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of everything.
  20. • This concept is the oldest of the concepts in business. • It holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. • Managers focusing on this concept concentrate on achieving high production efficiency, low c
  21. These include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging, affection fun, and relaxation; esteem needs for prestige, recognition, and fame; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression.
  22. Is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return
  23. Marketers must respond to these situations with social conscience, producing products that are environment friendly and save, promote a universal message of environmental preservation like recyclable products, recyclable packaging and biodegrada
  24. “It is one of the sets of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”