How manybikes areparked alongthe street?How manydifferentlanguages insigns oradvertisements?Identify abusiness thatoffers a serviceyou've neverheard of before. Locate abusiness thatpromotes aloyalty orrewardsprogram. Identify abusiness with auniquestorefrontdesign orarchitecture. Identify abusiness thathas a "ForSale" or "HelpWanted" sign.Find a localbusinessthat has aunique nameor sign. What colouris thesidesaddlesign?Seek out a placewhere you canborrowsomething otherthan books. how manybubble teaflavours areon themenu?Find the storewhere you cantake a seat on abright bluebench and enjoythe view.Find a businessthat usessustainable oreco-friendlypractices. Mostunusualbubble teaflavour ontheir menu. Find a localbusiness with amural or street arton its exterior.Who is the artist? What productbest representstheneighbourhood'sidentity. How manydifferentpublic artinstalmentsdid you see?Locate a businesswith a welcoming orinspiring message ona chalkboard or sign.What does it say? Find a localbusinessthat has wonan award orrecognition.Investigatewhere aspiringfilmmakersenhance theirskills. Look for a placewhere grains aretransformed intothe heart ofmany recipes. Find a localbusiness with aninteresting orunusual item inits windowdisplay. Find a businesswith a displayof handmade orlocally craftedproducts. Identify abusiness withan outdoorseating areaor patio. Locate a businessthat displayscommunity eventflyers or posters.What’s an upcomingevent or initiative? How manybikes areparked alongthe street?How manydifferentlanguages insigns oradvertisements?Identify abusiness thatoffers a serviceyou've neverheard of before. Locate abusiness thatpromotes aloyalty orrewardsprogram. Identify abusiness with auniquestorefrontdesign orarchitecture. Identify abusiness thathas a "ForSale" or "HelpWanted" sign.Find a localbusinessthat has aunique nameor sign. What colouris thesidesaddlesign?Seek out a placewhere you canborrowsomething otherthan books. how manybubble teaflavours areon themenu?Find the storewhere you cantake a seat on abright bluebench and enjoythe view.Find a businessthat usessustainable oreco-friendlypractices. Mostunusualbubble teaflavour ontheir menu. Find a localbusiness with amural or street arton its exterior.Who is the artist? What productbest representstheneighbourhood'sidentity. How manydifferentpublic artinstalmentsdid you see?Locate a businesswith a welcoming orinspiring message ona chalkboard or sign.What does it say? Find a localbusinessthat has wonan award orrecognition.Investigatewhere aspiringfilmmakersenhance theirskills. Look for a placewhere grains aretransformed intothe heart ofmany recipes. Find a localbusiness with aninteresting orunusual item inits windowdisplay. Find a businesswith a displayof handmade orlocally craftedproducts. Identify abusiness withan outdoorseating areaor patio. Locate a businessthat displayscommunity eventflyers or posters.What’s an upcomingevent or initiative? 

Commercial Corridor Quest - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How many bikes are parked along the street?
  2. How many different languages in signs or advertisements?
  3. Identify a business that offers a service you've never heard of before.
  4. Locate a business that promotes a loyalty or rewards program.
  5. Identify a business with a unique storefront design or architecture.
  6. Identify a business that has a "For Sale" or "Help Wanted" sign.
  7. Find a local business that has a unique name or sign.
  8. What colour is the sidesaddle sign?
  9. Seek out a place where you can borrow something other than books.
  10. how many bubble tea flavours are on the menu?
  11. Find the store where you can take a seat on a bright blue bench and enjoy the view.
  12. Find a business that uses sustainable or eco-friendly practices.
  13. Most unusual bubble tea flavour on their menu.
  14. Find a local business with a mural or street art on its exterior. Who is the artist?
  15. What product best represents the neighbourhood's identity.
  16. How many different public art instalments did you see?
  17. Locate a business with a welcoming or inspiring message on a chalkboard or sign. What does it say?
  18. Find a local business that has won an award or recognition.
  19. Investigate where aspiring filmmakers enhance their skills.
  20. Look for a place where grains are transformed into the heart of many recipes.
  21. Find a local business with an interesting or unusual item in its window display.
  22. Find a business with a display of handmade or locally crafted products.
  23. Identify a business with an outdoor seating area or patio.
  24. Locate a business that displays community event flyers or posters. What’s an upcoming event or initiative?