OriginallyfromOlympia,WashingtonHarry Stylesknows theirname!Has abirthday inMarch and isallergic toshellfish!Has writtenan e-book onInstagramAlgorithmsecrets!Has a sidebusiness asa personaltrainer andfitness guruOne of theirfavoritemovies isLegallyBlondeTheirnickname thattheir parentsstill call themoften is DollyTheir nicknamegrowing up was"Puyok" whichmeans"Naughty" inEnglishHas twobrotherswho are 14and 16!From a smalltown whoscity is knowfor a particularkind of fruitTheir favoriterestaurant is aseafood shackdown at PuertoAngelito beachTheir favoritechildhoodsnack wereHello PandaChocolates!Meiji ApolloStrawberryChocolate isher favorite!Has taughtScottichCountry,ballroom, andEnglish countrydancing!Originallyfrom theisland of St.Maarten!Thie favorite bandwhen they were ateen was S Club 7and the BackstreetBoys!Has posted amirror selfieto Snapchatevery daysince 2016Has lived inEcuador, theUS, Chile,Brazil, andSpain!Their biggestirrational fearis elevatorsHas threecats namedNugget Ron,Eggs, andGracieWho has twocats namedBlue andNutmeg?Likeswakeboardingas a hobby!Their birthday isApril 30th andfavorite candy ischocolate coveredpomegranate!Their go-torecipe tocook isChickenAdobo!OriginallyfromOlympia,WashingtonHarry Stylesknows theirname!Has abirthday inMarch and isallergic toshellfish!Has writtenan e-book onInstagramAlgorithmsecrets!Has a sidebusiness asa personaltrainer andfitness guruOne of theirfavoritemovies isLegallyBlondeTheirnickname thattheir parentsstill call themoften is DollyTheir nicknamegrowing up was"Puyok" whichmeans"Naughty" inEnglishHas twobrotherswho are 14and 16!From a smalltown whoscity is knowfor a particularkind of fruitTheir favoriterestaurant is aseafood shackdown at PuertoAngelito beachTheir favoritechildhoodsnack wereHello PandaChocolates!Meiji ApolloStrawberryChocolate isher favorite!Has taughtScottichCountry,ballroom, andEnglish countrydancing!Originallyfrom theisland of St.Maarten!Thie favorite bandwhen they were ateen was S Club 7and the BackstreetBoys!Has posted amirror selfieto Snapchatevery daysince 2016Has lived inEcuador, theUS, Chile,Brazil, andSpain!Their biggestirrational fearis elevatorsHas threecats namedNugget Ron,Eggs, andGracieWho has twocats namedBlue andNutmeg?Likeswakeboardingas a hobby!Their birthday isApril 30th andfavorite candy ischocolate coveredpomegranate!Their go-torecipe tocook isChickenAdobo!

- Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Originally from Olympia, Washington
  2. Harry Styles knows their name!
  3. Has a birthday in March and is allergic to shellfish!
  4. Has written an e-book on Instagram Algorithm secrets!
  5. Has a side business as a personal trainer and fitness guru
  6. One of their favorite movies is Legally Blonde
  7. Their nickname that their parents still call them often is Dolly
  8. Their nickname growing up was "Puyok" which means "Naughty" in English
  9. Has two brothers who are 14 and 16!
  10. From a small town whos city is know for a particular kind of fruit
  11. Their favorite restaurant is a seafood shack down at Puerto Angelito beach
  12. Their favorite childhood snack were Hello Panda Chocolates!
  13. Meiji Apollo Strawberry Chocolate is her favorite!
  14. Has taught Scottich Country, ballroom, and English country dancing!
  15. Originally from the island of St. Maarten!
  16. Thie favorite band when they were a teen was S Club 7 and the Backstreet Boys!
  17. Has posted a mirror selfie to Snapchat every day since 2016
  18. Has lived in Ecuador, the US, Chile, Brazil, and Spain!
  19. Their biggest irrational fear is elevators
  20. Has three cats named Nugget Ron, Eggs, and Gracie
  21. Who has two cats named Blue and Nutmeg?
  22. Likes wakeboarding as a hobby!
  23. Their birthday is April 30th and favorite candy is chocolate covered pomegranate!
  24. Their go-to recipe to cook is Chicken Adobo!