PurposeandAgendaShared at thebeginning ofeach meeting(p. 36)MeasurableWhat is theM stand forin SMARTgoals (p.43)?60daysAfter consent,Evaluation Reportand Eligibilityshould occur inhow many days?(p. 11)Post-secondarygoals(PSG)focuses on whatstudent will doafter exiting thepublic schoolsystem (p. 40)EvaluationReportAfter theevaluation iscompleted, whatdoes themultidisciplinaryteam publish? (p.22)Free!Present Levelsof AcademicAchievementand FunctionalPerformance(PLAAFP)Contains currentperformance inacademics,behavioral,functional, teacherobservations, studentinsights and parentinput (p. 38)Consentfor initialplacementObtainedafter initialeligibilitymeeting (p.24)Considerationof SpecialFactorsWhere do youinclude ATdeviceconsiderations(p. 39)?Determineswhat settingthe studentwill learn bestin (p. 49)ServiceDeliveryIncludeslocation,duration, andfrequency ofservices (p. 46)ObjectivesGoals shouldhave short termbenchmarkscalled.... (p 44)30daysHow many daysafter eligibilityshould IEP bewritten andservices begin?(p. 26).15yearsoldWhen doyou conducta TransitionIEP (p. 40)PriorWrittenNotice(PWN)is essential forprotecting therights of studentsreceiving SPEDand their parents(p. 18)BeforePWN should be givento parents if the AUproposes/refuses toinitiate or changeidentification,evaluation, orplacement of child (p.20)PurposeandAgendaShared at thebeginning ofeach meeting(p. 36)MeasurableWhat is theM stand forin SMARTgoals (p.43)?60daysAfter consent,Evaluation Reportand Eligibilityshould occur inhow many days?(p. 11)Post-secondarygoals(PSG)focuses on whatstudent will doafter exiting thepublic schoolsystem (p. 40)EvaluationReportAfter theevaluation iscompleted, whatdoes themultidisciplinaryteam publish? (p.22)Free!Present Levelsof AcademicAchievementand FunctionalPerformance(PLAAFP)Contains currentperformance inacademics,behavioral,functional, teacherobservations, studentinsights and parentinput (p. 38)Consentfor initialplacementObtainedafter initialeligibilitymeeting (p.24)Considerationof SpecialFactorsWhere do youinclude ATdeviceconsiderations(p. 39)?Determineswhat settingthe studentwill learn bestin (p. 49)ServiceDeliveryIncludeslocation,duration, andfrequency ofservices (p. 46)ObjectivesGoals shouldhave short termbenchmarkscalled.... (p 44)30daysHow many daysafter eligibilityshould IEP bewritten andservices begin?(p. 26).15yearsoldWhen doyou conducta TransitionIEP (p. 40)PriorWrittenNotice(PWN)is essential forprotecting therights of studentsreceiving SPEDand their parents(p. 18)BeforePWN should be givento parents if the AUproposes/refuses toinitiate or changeidentification,evaluation, orplacement of child (p.20)

IEP Procedural Guidance Scavenger - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Shared at the beginning of each meeting (p. 36)
    Purpose and Agenda
  2. What is the M stand for in SMART goals (p. 43)?
  3. After consent, Evaluation Report and Eligibility should occur in how many days? (p. 11)
    60 days
  4. focuses on what student will do after exiting the public school system (p. 40)
    Post-secondary goals (PSG)
  5. After the evaluation is completed, what does the multidisciplinary team publish? (p. 22)
    Evaluation Report
  6. Free!
  7. Contains current performance in academics, behavioral, functional, teacher observations, student insights and parent input (p. 38)
    Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
  8. Obtained after initial eligibility meeting (p. 24)
    Consent for initial placement
  9. Where do you include AT device considerations (p. 39)?
    Consideration of Special Factors
  10. Determines what setting the student will learn best in (p. 49)
  11. Includes location, duration, and frequency of services (p. 46)
    Service Delivery
  12. Goals should have short term benchmarks called.... (p 44)
  13. How many days after eligibility should IEP be written and services begin? (p. 26).
    30 days
  14. When do you conduct a Transition IEP (p. 40)
    15 years old
  15. is essential for protecting the rights of students receiving SPED and their parents (p. 18)
    Prior Written Notice (PWN)
  16. PWN should be given to parents if the AU proposes/refuses to initiate or change identification, evaluation, or placement of child (p. 20)