The famed chemistJohn Dalton is alsoknown as the “Fatherof Color Blindness”. Tobetter understandcolorblindness, try on apair of colorblindglasses and take aselfie!I lovechemistry!Follow@buchemiaonInstagram!Here you get toapply what youlearn in lectureand gain hands-on experience.Here you get toapply what youlearn in lectureand gain hands-on experience.This is hometo thechemistrydepartment.A former BMBstudent completedthis muralcombiningtechnology andJapanesemythology.Come hereMonday andThursday 6-8pm forchemistry help!This is hometo thechemistrydepartment.Whether it be to talkto your professorsand TAs or as a lastditch effort to saveyour grade, this is atime and placededicated to you.Here you can findand be trained onmany differentinstruments used forchemistry research.Take a selfie at theentrance but do notgo in!Whether tounderstand moleculargeometries ororganic reactions, itis always fun to playwith these models.Take a selfie witha chemistryprofessor!PLEASE ASKFOR CONSENTYou beg your friendsfor conveniencepoints so that youcan sneak out duringchem lecture to get asnack or refreshmentfrom me.While SCI is home tothe ChemistryDepartment, otherfields of science alsoreside here. Take aselfie with a liveaquatic animal!A former BMBstudent completedthis muralcombiningtechnology andJapanesemythology.The famed chemistJohn Dalton is alsoknown as the “Fatherof Color Blindness”. Tobetter understandcolorblindness, try on apair of colorblindglasses and take aselfie!I lovechemistry!Follow@buchemiaonInstagram!Here you get toapply what youlearn in lectureand gain hands-on experience.Here you get toapply what youlearn in lectureand gain hands-on experience.This is hometo thechemistrydepartment.A former BMBstudent completedthis muralcombiningtechnology andJapanesemythology.Come hereMonday andThursday 6-8pm forchemistry help!This is hometo thechemistrydepartment.Whether it be to talkto your professorsand TAs or as a lastditch effort to saveyour grade, this is atime and placededicated to you.Here you can findand be trained onmany differentinstruments used forchemistry research.Take a selfie at theentrance but do notgo in!Whether tounderstand moleculargeometries ororganic reactions, itis always fun to playwith these models.Take a selfie witha chemistryprofessor!PLEASE ASKFOR CONSENTYou beg your friendsfor conveniencepoints so that youcan sneak out duringchem lecture to get asnack or refreshmentfrom me.While SCI is home tothe ChemistryDepartment, otherfields of science alsoreside here. Take aselfie with a liveaquatic animal!A former BMBstudent completedthis muralcombiningtechnology andJapanesemythology.

Chemistry Scavenger Hunt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The famed chemist John Dalton is also known as the “Father of Color Blindness”. To better understand colorblindness, try on a pair of colorblind glasses and take a selfie!
  2. I love chemistry!
  3. Follow @buchemia on Instagram!
  4. Here you get to apply what you learn in lecture and gain hands-on experience.
  5. Here you get to apply what you learn in lecture and gain hands-on experience.
  6. This is home to the chemistry department.
  7. A former BMB student completed this mural combining technology and Japanese mythology.
  8. Come here Monday and Thursday 6-8pm for chemistry help!
  9. This is home to the chemistry department.
  10. Whether it be to talk to your professors and TAs or as a last ditch effort to save your grade, this is a time and place dedicated to you.
  11. Here you can find and be trained on many different instruments used for chemistry research. Take a selfie at the entrance but do not go in!
  12. Whether to understand molecular geometries or organic reactions, it is always fun to play with these models.
  13. Take a selfie with a chemistry professor! PLEASE ASK FOR CONSENT
  14. You beg your friends for convenience points so that you can sneak out during chem lecture to get a snack or refreshment from me.
  15. While SCI is home to the Chemistry Department, other fields of science also reside here. Take a selfie with a live aquatic animal!
  16. A former BMB student completed this mural combining technology and Japanese mythology.