Is theShout OutJar halffull?What wouldyou like to dofor theschool wideevent?Name onepersonpictured onthe PBIS atOSTC BoardWhat is aRespectexpectationfor on thebus?List threestudentsof theweek.What arethe storehours onTuesdays?What doesthe PB inPBISstand for?What is aResponsibilityexpectationfor theclassroom?Find the PBISbanner andwrite down thefirst threewords.What is aResponsibilityexpectation forarrival/dismissaltimeWhat is asafetyexpectationfor largegroup?Name thethree areasofexpectationsHow much isone ShoutOut Ticketworth?What canyou buywith tentickets?What is aSafetyexpectationfor transitiontime?Is theShout OutJar halffull?What wouldyou like to dofor theschool wideevent?Name onepersonpictured onthe PBIS atOSTC BoardWhat is aRespectexpectationfor on thebus?List threestudentsof theweek.What arethe storehours onTuesdays?What doesthe PB inPBISstand for?What is aResponsibilityexpectationfor theclassroom?Find the PBISbanner andwrite down thefirst threewords.What is aResponsibilityexpectation forarrival/dismissaltimeWhat is asafetyexpectationfor largegroup?Name thethree areasofexpectationsHow much isone ShoutOut Ticketworth?What canyou buywith tentickets?What is aSafetyexpectationfor transitiontime?

Scavenger Hunt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Is the Shout Out Jar half full?
  2. What would you like to do for the school wide event?
  3. Name one person pictured on the PBIS at OSTC Board
  4. What is a Respect expectation for on the bus?
  5. List three students of the week.
  6. What are the store hours on Tuesdays?
  7. What does the PB in PBIS stand for?
  8. What is a Responsibility expectation for the classroom?
  9. Find the PBIS banner and write down the first three words.
  10. What is a Responsibility expectation for arrival/dismissal time
  11. What is a safety expectation for large group?
  12. Name the three areas of expectations
  13. How much is one Shout Out Ticket worth?
  14. What can you buy with ten tickets?
  15. What is a Safety expectation for transition time?