“Finish thelyric: goingahead to___________my way…”How manychoirmembers canyou count?______Where is thereceptiongoing to be?__________“Finish thelyric: I will go,Lord, if you___________me…”Who gaveKiersten hercommunionset?__________What color isKiersten’snew stole?________How manypeople aresitting in thechancel?________How manywomenPresbyterianpastors werethere in 1955?__________How manycolors can yousee in theflowers on thechancel?_________Who is Kierstenmaking acommitment totoday?____________Who was Rev.Dr. ClarenceAmmons?___________  How manyteenagersassisted inthe service?_______How do you liketo greet peopleduring ThePassing of thePeace?___________“For thine is thekingdom, andthe____________,and the glory,forever. Amen.”What isKiersten'snew title?_________How many yearshas Kiersten beenworking to be anordained pastor?_____________Who gets themoneycollected duringthe offertory?_________How manynames ofpeople heredo you know?_______“Finish thelyric: goingahead to_________my way…”How manypeople spoke atthe pulpitduring thisservice?____________Benediction:“And now may thegrace of our LordJesus Christ, the loveof God, and the________________of the Holy Spirit bewith you”How manycolors do yousee in thestained glasswindows?__________Who gavethe sermon?__________What part ofthe servicedid you likethe best?_________“Finish thelyric: goingahead to___________my way…”How manychoirmembers canyou count?______Where is thereceptiongoing to be?__________“Finish thelyric: I will go,Lord, if you___________me…”Who gaveKiersten hercommunionset?__________What color isKiersten’snew stole?________How manypeople aresitting in thechancel?________How manywomenPresbyterianpastors werethere in 1955?__________How manycolors can yousee in theflowers on thechancel?_________Who is Kierstenmaking acommitment totoday?____________Who was Rev.Dr. ClarenceAmmons?___________  How manyteenagersassisted inthe service?_______How do you liketo greet peopleduring ThePassing of thePeace?___________“For thine is thekingdom, andthe____________,and the glory,forever. Amen.”What isKiersten'snew title?_________How many yearshas Kiersten beenworking to be anordained pastor?_____________Who gets themoneycollected duringthe offertory?_________How manynames ofpeople heredo you know?_______“Finish thelyric: goingahead to_________my way…”How manypeople spoke atthe pulpitduring thisservice?____________Benediction:“And now may thegrace of our LordJesus Christ, the loveof God, and the________________of the Holy Spirit bewith you”How manycolors do yousee in thestained glasswindows?__________Who gavethe sermon?__________What part ofthe servicedid you likethe best?_________

Kiersten's BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “Finish the lyric: going ahead to ___________ my way…”
  2. How many choir members can you count? ______
  3. Where is the reception going to be? __________
  4. “Finish the lyric: I will go, Lord, if you ___________ me…”
  5. Who gave Kiersten her communion set? __________
  6. What color is Kiersten’s new stole? ________
  7. How many people are sitting in the chancel? ________
  8. How many women Presbyterian pastors were there in 1955? __________
  9. How many colors can you see in the flowers on the chancel? _________
  10. Who is Kiersten making a commitment to today? ____________
  11. Who was Rev. Dr. Clarence Ammons? ___________
  12. How many teenagers assisted in the service? _______
  13. How do you like to greet people during The Passing of the Peace? ___________
  14. “For thine is the kingdom, and the ____________, and the glory, forever. Amen.”
  15. What is Kiersten's new title? _________
  16. How many years has Kiersten been working to be an ordained pastor? _____________
  17. Who gets the money collected during the offertory? _________
  18. How many names of people here do you know? _______
  19. “Finish the lyric: going ahead to _________ my way…”
  20. How many people spoke at the pulpit during this service? ____________
  21. Benediction: “And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the ________________ of the Holy Spirit be with you”
  22. How many colors do you see in the stained glass windows? __________
  23. Who gave the sermon? __________
  24. What part of the service did you like the best? _________