Add a newlocation(within the3 days)Watch aninterestingTED Talk(within the 3days)Go on a walkoutside foryour 15minute breakShow yourPOD/teamyour bestdancemovesHave 18+resolvedcases (on 1out of the 3days)Generate aRenewalproposal or anACR (withinthe 3 days) Twinning! Wearthe same coloras a work friend(1 out of the 3days)Start your PODmeeting with amotivationalquote all 3 daysComplete 10generatingtasks (1 outof the 3days)Fill upsomeoneelse's watercup for themComplete aproject for anMR (withinthe 3 days)Take yourbreak with aNEW ServiceAssistanttraineeSend a face cardof appreciation tosomeone in adifferentdepartment OR toan MRUpdate orcheck in onyourquarterlygoalsAdd a newvehicle(within the3 days)Bring in atreat foryourteam/PODSubmit 2new RightReports(within the 3days)Thanksomeone inTPS for trainingour new SAfriendsHave lunchwith someoneNEW in adifferentdepartmentTeach an SAsomething NEW(Life or disabilityillustrations,BVE's, SubmitNBIS, etc..)Add or deletea piece ofequipment(within the 3days)Run a newprospect driveror add a currentdriver (withinthe 3 days)Offer to takea difficulttask/case fora fellow SACatch upwith a priorPODmate,lead orsupervisorAdd a newlocation(within the3 days)Watch aninterestingTED Talk(within the 3days)Go on a walkoutside foryour 15minute breakShow yourPOD/teamyour bestdancemovesHave 18+resolvedcases (on 1out of the 3days)Generate aRenewalproposal or anACR (withinthe 3 days) Twinning! Wearthe same coloras a work friend(1 out of the 3days)Start your PODmeeting with amotivationalquote all 3 daysComplete 10generatingtasks (1 outof the 3days)Fill upsomeoneelse's watercup for themComplete aproject for anMR (withinthe 3 days)Take yourbreak with aNEW ServiceAssistanttraineeSend a face cardof appreciation tosomeone in adifferentdepartment OR toan MRUpdate orcheck in onyourquarterlygoalsAdd a newvehicle(within the3 days)Bring in atreat foryourteam/PODSubmit 2new RightReports(within the 3days)Thanksomeone inTPS for trainingour new SAfriendsHave lunchwith someoneNEW in adifferentdepartmentTeach an SAsomething NEW(Life or disabilityillustrations,BVE's, SubmitNBIS, etc..)Add or deletea piece ofequipment(within the 3days)Run a newprospect driveror add a currentdriver (withinthe 3 days)Offer to takea difficulttask/case fora fellow SACatch upwith a priorPODmate,lead orsupervisor

Service Assistant Bingo Bananza - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Add a new location (within the 3 days)
  2. Watch an interesting TED Talk (within the 3 days)
  3. Go on a walk outside for your 15 minute break
  4. Show your POD/team your best dance moves
  5. Have 18+ resolved cases (on 1 out of the 3 days)
  6. Generate a Renewal proposal or an ACR (within the 3 days)
  7. Twinning! Wear the same color as a work friend (1 out of the 3 days)
  8. Start your POD meeting with a motivational quote all 3 days
  9. Complete 10 generating tasks (1 out of the 3 days)
  10. Fill up someone else's water cup for them
  11. Complete a project for an MR (within the 3 days)
  12. Take your break with a NEW Service Assistant trainee
  13. Send a face card of appreciation to someone in a different department OR to an MR
  14. Update or check in on your quarterly goals
  15. Add a new vehicle (within the 3 days)
  16. Bring in a treat for your team/POD
  17. Submit 2 new Right Reports (within the 3 days)
  18. Thank someone in TPS for training our new SA friends
  19. Have lunch with someone NEW in a different department
  20. Teach an SA something NEW (Life or disability illustrations, BVE's, Submit NBIS, etc..)
  21. Add or delete a piece of equipment (within the 3 days)
  22. Run a new prospect driver or add a current driver (within the 3 days)
  23. Offer to take a difficult task/case for a fellow SA
  24. Catch up with a prior PODmate, lead or supervisor