14. Soft spotsbetween theunfusedsections of thebaby’s skull19. Whenthe baby isdeliveredthrough thebirth canal15. Processof the fetusbeingexpelled fromthe uterus9. Regularcontractions ofthe uterus thatresult in dilationand effacementof the cervix4. Theuterus whena fetus isgrowinginside of it20. Regularcontractions ofthe uterus thatdilate andefface thecervix16. Medicationinjected in thespinal cord regionto relieve painduring labor anddelivery3. Guards againstjolts and keepsfetus at constanttemperature.Contained by aclear, transparentmembrane sac1. Connectionbetween the fetusand the placentathat passes oxygenand nutrients frommother to child6. Thedeveloping babyin the first twoweeks ofpregnancy.Fertilized Ovum2. Organ attachedto theendometriumlining that filtersand transfersnutrients andoxygen to fetus8. Thedevelopingbaby after the8th week ofpregnancy.17. Birth thattakes placewithout anymedication5. Birth canalduringdelivery ofthe fetus13.Thinningof thecervix7. The stageduring the 3rdweek throughthe 8th week ofprenataldevelopment.18. When the babyis deliveredthrough an incisionin the abdomenand uterus11. The regulartightening of theuterus toprepare thecervix and pushthe baby out12.Openingof thecervix10. Alsoknown as“waterbreaking”14. Soft spotsbetween theunfusedsections of thebaby’s skull19. Whenthe baby isdeliveredthrough thebirth canal15. Processof the fetusbeingexpelled fromthe uterus9. Regularcontractions ofthe uterus thatresult in dilationand effacementof the cervix4. Theuterus whena fetus isgrowinginside of it20. Regularcontractions ofthe uterus thatdilate andefface thecervix16. Medicationinjected in thespinal cord regionto relieve painduring labor anddelivery3. Guards againstjolts and keepsfetus at constanttemperature.Contained by aclear, transparentmembrane sac1. Connectionbetween the fetusand the placentathat passes oxygenand nutrients frommother to child6. Thedeveloping babyin the first twoweeks ofpregnancy.Fertilized Ovum2. Organ attachedto theendometriumlining that filtersand transfersnutrients andoxygen to fetus8. Thedevelopingbaby after the8th week ofpregnancy.17. Birth thattakes placewithout anymedication5. Birth canalduringdelivery ofthe fetus13.Thinningof thecervix7. The stageduring the 3rdweek throughthe 8th week ofprenataldevelopment.18. When the babyis deliveredthrough an incisionin the abdomenand uterus11. The regulartightening of theuterus toprepare thecervix and pushthe baby out12.Openingof thecervix10. Alsoknown as“waterbreaking”

Childbirth Terms BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 14. Soft spots between the unfused sections of the baby’s skull
  2. 19. When the baby is delivered through the birth canal
  3. 15. Process of the fetus being expelled from the uterus
  4. 9. Regular contractions of the uterus that result in dilation and effacement of the cervix
  5. 4. The uterus when a fetus is growing inside of it
  6. 20. Regular contractions of the uterus that dilate and efface the cervix
  7. 16. Medication injected in the spinal cord region to relieve pain during labor and delivery
  8. 3. Guards against jolts and keeps fetus at constant temperature. Contained by a clear, transparent membrane sac
  9. 1. Connection between the fetus and the placenta that passes oxygen and nutrients from mother to child
  10. 6. The developing baby in the first two weeks of pregnancy. Fertilized Ovum
  11. 2. Organ attached to the endometrium lining that filters and transfers nutrients and oxygen to fetus
  12. 8. The developing baby after the 8th week of pregnancy.
  13. 17. Birth that takes place without any medication
  14. 5. Birth canal during delivery of the fetus
  15. 13. Thinning of the cervix
  16. 7. The stage during the 3rd week through the 8th week of prenatal development.
  17. 18. When the baby is delivered through an incision in the abdomen and uterus
  18. 11. The regular tightening of the uterus to prepare the cervix and push the baby out
  19. 12. Opening of the cervix
  20. 10. Also known as “water breaking”